
1380 Words

Sin:      I sat down in the center of the booth with a glass of Russian Vodka in my hand. The hand I can actually grip something with. On my way into the club, I got a few awkward glances. I had torn through a group of soldiers in the south with Sloane. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing here but I had nowhere else to go to cool off. Staying in the house with her wasn't an option. I'd have the urge to fight again.      "What have you done?" I looked up to see my dad standing there with a disapproving look in his eye.      "I need him," I said sitting up. He sat down next to me knowing exactly what I'm talking about.      "What's happened Samsin? Talk to me," he encouraged, taking the empty glass out of my hand and placing it on the table.     "Why did you choose me?" I asked looking

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