3 - Reaching Out to the Grandparents

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Savannah     I couldn’t have been more relieved to hear Jameson admit that he wanted to take our son with us.  It would present a whole new set of obstacles for us, but I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from our little bundle of joy for more than a few minutes.       The entire time Jacob was nursing, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I should do.  When I came to the conclusion, I couldn’t leave my boy behind, I found myself wondering how I should break the news to Jameson, but he saved me the trouble by breaking the news to me first.     After leaving the nursery, Jameson followed me to the living room, carrying our pup in his arms, then we sat down together on the couch.  I reached over and touched little Jacob’s hand, then he wrapped his tiny fingers around my pointer finger, and there was no stopping my smile from widening.     Our little guy had such a strong grip already, giving me more reason to believe he would be able to handle the long trip, besides just going on the Moon Goddess’ word.  I wanted to believe everything she said, but it all just seemed so unbelievable.       In less than a year, I went from being a helpless, abused daughter to a strong, royal werewolf with a mate and a son.  So much had happened in such a short amount of time, I was still trying to wrap my head around it all.     One thing I knew for sure, I loved my new life with Jameson, and I was overjoyed to be the mother of his son.  We created a beautiful, baby boy from the love we share for each other, and I planned to give our son all the things I didn’t have growing up.  A loving mother and father; all the food he could eat; and anything else he could possibly need.     My children wouldn’t grow up in an abusive home like I did.  They would never know that kind of life if I could help it.  No matter what, I would do what needs to be done to ensure a long, healthy and happy life for all of us.        Mira     When I got back to my room in the pack house, I thought about mind linking with my grandfather, but then I decided to wait until the next morning.  It was already late at night, so I didn’t want to risk interrupting his sleep.     I was only close to a few of my extended family, and my grandparents were at the top of that list.  If I was ever sad or excited about something, my grandfather was my go-to person.  He probably knew more about me than anybody else, including my parents.      It took me longer than usual to fall asleep, because my mind was reeling from everything I had just learned, but eventually I couldn’t hold my eyes open for another second and crashed.  When I awakened the next morning, I was more excited than I’d been in a long time, and I couldn’t wait to tell my grandfather.     I didn’t even climb out of bed before I opened our mind link and gushed, ‘Did you know Jameson’s mate is a royal werewolf?  I just found out last night.  Oh, and the Moon Goddess says they need me to go with them to overthrow King… whatever his name is.’      Within seconds, my grandfather responded, “I heard about her being a royal werewolf, but I had no clue they were recruiting you!  If you’re going with them, I’m going to, and I’m willing to bet your other grandparents will also want to know about this.’     ‘Will Grandmum Shelly come with you?’ I asked, hoping to see her too.     ‘Of course!  She wouldn’t miss this for nothing,’ he assured me.     ‘The Moon Goddess says I’ll be one of the keys to Savannah’s success,’ I told my grandfather.     ‘Did she say why or how?’ he asked.     ‘I’m not sure, but Jameson and their newborn pup will also be key to her success,’ I explained.     ‘We were already thinking about joining the fun.  You just made it an easier decision for us.  Let your parents know we will be staying there for a little while.  I need to start preparing for an extended stay there, but we will see you soon,’ Grandfather Ace cheerfully replied before cutting the link.     Instead of getting up then, I did as he suggested and opened my mind link with Grandfather Anton, then I happily informed him, ‘I am going to train with great Aunt Andrea, so I can go with them to help overthrow the king. I was wondering if you and Grandmother Coralanna plan to join us.’     ‘Absolutely!  In fact, we let your mum know yesterday to expect us this weekend,’ he immediately replied, and there was no missing the excitement in his voice.     ‘This is gonna be so awesome!  I hardly ever get to see you two!  I’m even more excited now!’ I gushed with enthusiasm.     I could hear my grandfather chuckle through the link before he admitted, ‘I am very much looking forward to spending some time with all of you while we train with Andrea.  I hate to cut our conversation short, but Jonas needs me to help him with some stuff before we leave.’      ‘No worries!  I’ll see you soon!  Love ya,’ I replied a little awkwardly.     ‘Love u, too,’ he returned before cutting the link. Felicity     “Felicity, if you don’t get over here and let me mark you, I’m gonna tickle you,” Xavier threatened with a toothy grin.     “Don’t even think about it,” I warned as I walked away, swaying my hips from side to side.     “Come on, babe!  It’s already been more than a month since your birthday!  When are you going to let me mark you?” Xavier groaned.     “When the time is right,” I responded with a flip of my long, straight black hair that had neon orange highlights.     The next thing I knew, Xavier was right behind me, grabbing my hips and pulling me back against him.  After bringing one hand up, he trailed his fingers down the side of my neck and huskily mumbled with longing, “Please, baby.  I’m dying to make you mine.”     “I know, but I want to make sure we have no regrets when all is said and done,” I timidly admitted, wishing he was my fated mate and I was his.     Unfortunately, that was not the case for us, and I was having a hard time with it.  I love Xavier with all my heart, but I couldn’t help wondering if we should wait until we find our fated mates.       Xavier turned eighteen almost six months ago, but I had only been eighteen for just over a month.  We had been secretly seeing each other for a year, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell my parents.  They believed in waiting for your fated mate, and I didn’t want to disappoint them.  However, that didn’t stop me from enjoying time with Xavier any chance I got.     “I could never regret taking you as my chosen mate, Felicity.  You are the only she-cat for me,” he assured me before asking again, “Can I mark you now?”     “No, but you can do something else,” I suggested as I moved his hand from my hip to my covered mound.     Knowing what I wanted, Xavier rubbed his palm against me while kissing my sweet spot, making me yearn to feel him inside of me again.  It took less than a minute for Xavier to tuck his fingers into the sides of my red thong, then he pushed them down over my hips, making them drop to the ground at my feet.     After I stepped out of them, Xavier walked me forward to the nearest tree, then he made the dark blue cargo shorts he was wearing drop to the ground.  As I stood with my palms flat against the tree’s bark, he lifted the back of my red tube dress up over my butt, then he smacked my ass using his rock-hard length.     “Stop playing around, Xavier.  I need you now,” I breathed out.     “I need you, too, baby.  But more than this, I want to mark you,” he mumbled against my shoulder before placing a few sporadic kisses on it.     “Shut up about the marking and just f**k me already,” I growled, getting irritated with his insistence.     “Fine,” he growled in return before positioning his tip at my entrance and slamming his length into my core.      Xavier gave it to me good and hard while I dug my nails into the tree’s bark and squealed with delight.  Yep, that’s right!  I liked it hard and rough; and Xavier had no problem giving it to me how I wanted it.     After he brought us both to our climax, Xavier stepped away from me and snarled, “There!  Are you happy now that you got what you wanted?”     “Yeah, actually.  Thanks, babe,” I answered, ignoring the sarcasm in his voice.     “You should commit it to your memory, because it won’t be happening again unless you let me mark you,” he grumbled, trying to sound indifferent, but I could hear the sadness in his voice.     “Oh, don’t be like that, Xavier.  You know you can’t stay away from me,” I teased, trying to cheer him up.     “Don’t test me on this, Felicity.  I can and I will.  You have a choice to make, and you need to make it soon.  I’m not going to wait much longer,” Xavier warned before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving me there, looking completely dumbfounded. 
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