4 - Why am I Here?

1587 Words
Craig     I was walking home after helping a neighbor when I was suddenly attacked from behind.  Instinctively, I tried to fight back, but seconds after feeling a pinch on my neck, black spots blurred my vision, then I fell unconscious.     When I came to, sometime later, I found myself in an unfamiliar room.  I had to wait for the haze to lift from my mind, then I remembered being attacked before I lost consciousness.     As soon as that memory hit me, I stumbled off the small bed and across the room to the door.  When I reached it, I realized really quick, there was no doorknob, or any other way to open the door from the inside.     I slowly did a spin around, taking in my surroundings, but that only made me feel even more confused.  I appeared to be in a room made of stone with a tiny sphere of a window that had unnecessary steel bars over them.       Seriously, the window was so small, I wouldn’t have been able to stick my head out of it, much less the rest of my body.  The bars were a waste of time and metal.     Perplexed by the untimely turn of events, I gazed out the window, looking for anything familiar that might let me know where in the hell I was.  That’s when it dawned on me.  I was looking down at the royal courtyard of the Werewolf Kingdom.  Which meant, I was being held captive in the dungeon of the castle, but I had no clue why.     I spent the next several hours, sitting on the foot of the bed and gazing out the window.  There was no logical reason for King Derek to imprison me.  I had not gotten into any trouble.  Nor did I know of anybody else doing anything against the king.       Finally, I heard the clanking sound of a lock, then the door opened, revealing none other than the king himself.  Right away, I jumped to my feet and bowed my head in respect, then I met his dark, black eyes and warily asked, “Why did you lock me in here?”     “It’s Craig, correct?” he responded with a question.     “Yes.  Why am I here?” I demanded to know.     “You are here, because I need your help,” King Derek informed me.     “Why should I help you, after you locked me up like I’m some damn criminal?” I growled in anger.     “Settle down, pup!  You don’t have a choice in the matter!  You will help me, or I will have you executed in front of your family and peers,” he roared, making me take a step back.     “Help you with what?” I nervously asked.     “You will use your magic to make me and my son stronger,” he boldly stated.     “I can’t do that.  I don’t know how,” I responded in total honesty.     “I have everything you need.  You just have to do as instructed,” King Derek replied.     “If I do this for you, can I go home?” I questioned.     “Sure.  If that’s what you want to do,” he answered.     “I’ll do it, but you better not be lying to me.  If you don’t let me, go home, I won’t help you again,” I threatened, wanting the king to know I meant business.     “Very well.  I’ll have everything brought here.  Once we're done, you will be free to leave,” the King mumbled before leaving the room and locking me in there once again.  Nathan     “King Derek is up to something, and I’m gonna find out what it is,” I whispered to my sister, as we crouched behind the bushes, listening to King Derek and Prince Jeffrey’s hushed conversation.     “Did he just say they got a warlock?” she whispered a minute or so later.     ‘I think so, but why?  For what reason, would they need a warlock? I asked through our mind link to avoid getting caught eavesdropping.     ‘I don’t know, but it can’t be good for the rest of us,’ Grace responded through the link, then she put her attention back on the duo in front of us.     We only heard a few bits and pieces of their conversation, but it was enough to make us wonder what was coming in the future for all of us.  When they returned to the castle, we followed at a safe distance, in hopes of learning more, but we were forced to stop when other werewolves got in the way.     At that point, we snuck out of the castle before anybody could give us more work to do.  We had already put in our time for the day, and I wasn’t about to do anything extra for those assholes.     To put it simply, I was sick of their bullshit and waiting for my chance to strike.  Those worthless mother fuckers killed my father and forced my mother to leave us.       We’d been stuck under their grasp for way too long, and I couldn’t wait to end their miserable existence.  Especially Prince Jeffrey, since he thought it was okay to manhandle any she-wolf he wanted.  Grace and I were both sick of seeing Winona in pain, because of his worthless ass.     I thought we had it bad, being servants at the castle, but Winona and her parents had it so much worse.  We begged Winona to run away, but she refused to, because she worried about what might happen to her parents in retaliation.  I couldn’t blame her for being concerned, but she would have been so much better off, if she would have just fled from this wretched kingdom.     If I could have stayed with Winona at all times, I would have just to protect her from Prince Jeffrey, but that wasn’t an option.  Most of the time, those assholes kept me so busy, I could barely keep track of Grace’s whereabouts, much less, keep track of Winona, too.      It was extremely frustrating, and I often found myself plotting different ways to get them alone.  That’s all I needed.  Two short minutes alone with the two of them, and I would end their lives with no regrets.  Xavier     I was getting increasingly irritated with Felicity’s lack of commitment.  She promised I would be able to mark her after she turned eighteen, but she wasn’t keeping that promise.     I was madly in love with the beautiful she-cat, but I was starting to think, she didn’t feel the same way about me.  All I wanted was to put my mark on her neck, claiming the love of my life as my chosen mate for life, but she kept stalling, and it was about to drive me absolutely mad.     After walking away from her in the forest, I sprinted at my full human speed all the way to my cabin in the forest.  I could have stayed with my parents in the castle, but I was ready for my own space and happy with my decision.      As soon as I walked through the door, I headed straight to the shower, hoping it would help clear my mind.  I didn’t expect Felicity to follow me, nor did I want her to, so I was happy when I left the bathroom to find my cabin was still empty.     Instead of getting dressed and leaving again, I climbed onto my bed and laid there, staring at the ceiling, wearing nothing but my birthday suit.  Nobody else lived with me, and I preferred to let it all hang out when possible, so that’s exactly what I did.     Hours passed with me lost in my thoughts, and before I knew it the sun was setting.  I had yet to eat any dinner, but to be honest, I had no appetite at the moment.     I was still laying on the same spot, staring at the ceiling when I heard the squeaking of my front door opening.  There was only one member in this pack who would walk into my cabin without knocking first, and that was Felicity.     Making no attempt to move, I laid in complete silence and waited for my lover to make her way to me.  As soon as she reached the bedroom doorway, Felicity leaned against the doorframe and apologetically mumbled, “I’m sorry, Xavier.  I really do love you, and I want to accept you as my mate, but my cat keeps insisting we should wait.”     “So does mine, but that’s not stopping me,” I grumbled with a lone tear slipping from the corner of my eye.     “Please, just give me a little more time, Xavier.  I don’t want to lose you,” Felicity pleaded with tears glistening in her neon orange eyes.     “I don’t want to lose you, either,” I admitted before holding my arms out, wanting her to come to me.     Slowly, Felicity walked to the bed with a hint of uncertainty flashing in her eyes.  The second she was within my reach, I grabbed her wrists and pulled Felicity on top of me, then I wrapped my arms around Felicity before informing her, “I’ll give you a little more time.  That’s how much I love you and want to be with you.”     Felicity affectionately snuggled her face against my neck and mumbled, “I love you, Xavier.  I promise, I won’t make you wait too much longer.”
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