Small update!!

217 Words
I am so sorry for not posting anything in a while, I had a death in the family and I ended up having to go up to Virginia for a couple of days for the funeral and the service. Upon returning home I got sick and have been on bed rest for a week and when I got up this morning to pick up my daughter from her dads we were in a car accident. I will be writing and posting the next chapter soon!! I have not forgotten! I am actually making all of this story up as I go so as I lay in bed I think of new plots and ways the story can go!! There is way more to come! Hopefully I will have the next chapter to post by the end of the week if not sooner. We are working on one computer between my daughters school and my work so it’s hard to write full time. I do however have a friend working on fixing another computer of mine up so that my daughter will have one for school. Please keep me and my daughter in your thoughts as we recover from the accident today and like I said I should have the next chapter posted real soon!! Thank you guys!!
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