Chapter 2

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Niklaus "I bore of these nights sat at my desk, Marshall." I tell my brother as I throw a letter I've just read onto my desk. "Why don't we go out then?" He asks me, cleaning up my desk a bit. "But where would we go?" I ask him intrigued. "How about a club, there's one not far from here." He tells me checking his phone. "And it's open." He says with a grin. "Fine but you are paying for my drinks." I tell him as I rise from my chair and put on my leather coat. "Yes brother." He grins even wider than before. I roll my eyes at him and pick up my carkey's. We leave my office then head to the mansions garage. We get into my new Continental Bentley, and I fire the engine up before I ask my brother to put the address into the Sat-Nav. Once he has entered the address we head off down the private road and then onto the main road outside of the estate I own.  "This better be a decent club brother." I warn him as I shift gears. "Oh your gonna love it bro." He chuckles as we continue down the road. We come into a familiar area to me and when we pass the alley from last night it click in my mind. "Why are we here Marshall?" I ask my grip tightening on the steering wheel. "For the club, there's a carpark there, pull in." He tell me oblivious to my anger. I breath out through my nose and loosen my grip on the steering wheel as I turn into the carpark. I find a parking space and pull into it before putting the hand brake on. I look at him and he is smiling eager to get out the car. I get out and wait for him at the back on the car. He gets out and shuts the door before coming over to meet me. "Why are you so excited for a club?" I ask him. "Because I haven't been out in a while. And you know why I haven't." He tells me and his face becomes serious at the end of the sentence. I nod in understanding, it is my fault he hasn't been out in a while but it is also his fault for his behaviour. "I hope you keep yourself in control tonight Marshall, we can't have a repeat of last time." I warn him as I start to walk along the car park to the exit. "Do not worry brother, I will behave as long as they do." He winks at me as he plays with his phone by my side. "Brother I don't know where we are going so stop playing with that phone and guide me." I tell him putting my hands behind my back. "Very well brother." He replies as he locks his phone and places it in his inner pocket of his coat. I shake my head and give a half smile as we walk out of the car park and onto the main street. "This way brother." Marshall points down the street to a small line outside a building. I roll my eyes. "I'm not waiting in that." I tell him. "Don't worry, we won't have to." He explains as he walks towards the line. I follow him and watch him walk straight to the bouncer. He speaks with him for a short while and it looks like they are both laughing, Marshall shakes the bouncers hand then looks at me, and tilts his head to tell me to follow him. I do and we head into the club. "Brother." I say as Marshall survays the area infront of us. "He's an old friend Nik, don't worry, I didn't do anything to him." He explains as he looks around then at me. I notice a stage with a pole in the middle of it right at the front then two smaller stages coming off with poles as well. I roll my eyes as I realize where we are. "A strip club Marshall, really?" I ask Marshall as we walk to the bar. "Really brother, let loose a little, it's good to be bad once in a while." Marshall smirks as he takes a seat on a bar stool and puts his hand up signalling the bartender. "I'll have two shots of Tequila please my good man." Marshall continues not paying any further attention to me. I roll my eyes. "I'll have a whiskey please." I tell the bartender he nods and goes about pouring our drinks. Placing the shots infront of Marshall then my whiskey infront of me I smile a thank you then turn around on the barstool and look at the scene unfolding on me, there where three chairs places around the main stage with a table on the right side of either of them, one of the chairs was ocuppied while the other's where empty. I heard the bartender shout for a female, she was wearing nothing more than a lacey bra and knickers to match with knee high leather heeled boots. She had long black hair and when she smiled I noticed a diamond on one of her canine teeth.  "Enjoy yourself brother." I heard Marshall say before he took the second shot and tapped the bar as he swallowed. "I'd rather not endulge in such things." I replied as I pointed at the stage.  Marshall smiled and shook his head before raising his hand to grab the attention of the bartender once again. "What's your name good fellow?" Marshall asked the bartender. "Jack." He replied. "Well Jack, if you keep the shots coming you'll get a large tip from me and my brother." Marshall teased. "Very well." Jack replied before shooting off to tend to another customer at the other end of the bar. I smiled at my brother's words then carried on looking. I wondered when the poles would be occupied with women. As if on cue a female eerged from the red curtains at the very back of the stage. I almost choked on my drink when I noticed whom it was. 'It's her.' I thought to myself as I watched the female with Ginger hair seductively walk down towards the pole from last night. The music started to play and she dance around the pole while keeping her eyes on the full lengthed mirrors behind the bar. I placed my drink onto the bar and clenched my hands causing my knuckles to crack one my one. Marshall was in a world of his own chatting up the waitress, so he didn't notice that I was slightly uncomfortable. I watched the ginger haired women closely as she danced for the men gathered around the stage. They were whooping and throwing money at her. She smiled then started to climb the pole. She was almost touching the ceiling when she started to drop down the pole. She had her legs wrapped around the pole and she was hanging upside down, smiling. She looked as if she was in her element, enjoying the music and not even noticing the hungry lustful men. When she got to the floor of the stage once more she looked over to the bar then directly into my eyes, she gave me a small wink before she carried on dancing. I was confused at first. 'Does she remember me from last night? She couldn't, I made her forget. Maybe it was just a way to try and draw me in to her dance.' A tactic probably used by many poledancers to earn more money while on stage. I turned back to the bar and held my hand out for the bartender Jack, I pushed my glass to him and he smiled knowing I wanted more whiskey. He quickly poured my drink then placed it infront of me, I could see the ginger haired women through the mirrors which wasn't helping. She was a beauty as I said last night, but looking at her now properly she was more that beautiful see was exquisite, I didn't notice she way practically naked, until I started watching her through the mirror. I looked along the bar and Jack was stood proud drying a glass as he watched her. This made me a little uneasy, why was Jack looking at her like that. They must be together. Natasha I loved dancing but not infront of these men, so I pretended they weren't there. I focused on myself in the mirror most of the time unless Jack was watching me, then I made little faces tht only he would see as if to mock him from up here. He was better off down there as he didn't have lustfull men watching his every move. I spotted a man watching me from the bar, he wasn't watching like the other men, it was as if he was curious to see what I was doing. I gave him a smile which shocked him. I laughed quietly to myself then continued dancing, getting lost in the music. ***  Three hours later and it was time for my break. I turned around and walked to the back of the stage and met one of the other dancer, she winked at me as she passed me and headed down to the pole. I was glad I could torture myself with Tequilla once again. I headed behind the red curtains then down the steps. I went to the locker rooms and put on a short silk dressing gown. I looked at myself quickly in the mirror, sweat had gathered around my forehead so I washed my face in the sink and dried it with my towel from my locker before going to the bar. I sat at the bar and Jack placed 3 shot of Tequilla infront of me. "No more or you won't be able to dance the rest of the night." He reminded me with a smile. I nodded before taking one of the shots. I was oblivious to the two men watching me from the other end of the bar. Until one came and sat next to me. He had black hair and brown eyes. He looked to be mid-twenties, I looked at him and gave him a small smile before taking another shot. "That was lovely dancing back there." He started, I looked at him with a c****d eyebrow. He laughed at me then smiled widely. "Forgive me, my name is Marshall." He held out his hand, I gave him a handshake before retracting quickly. "Well Marshall I am on my much earned break so could you please." I told him, his smile faded and he nodded. Just as he finished nodding the other man placed his hand on Marshall's shoulder. "Brother, leave the lady alone." The other man said. I looked at him and my jaw almost dropped, he was handsome as ever and I couldn't help but notice his muscles bulging his shirt out. Blue eyes that almost matched mine and sandy blonde hair. He looked rather scary but still handsome. I smiled at him. "I don't mind but I have just told your brother I am on my break and would like to be left alone." I told him with a smile. He smiled back and took his hand from his brother's shoulder and placed it behind his back. Marshall now looked pissed off and I looked at him confused. "Brother." The other man said again. Marshall looked at him then back at me with a small smile. "I'll leave you be." He said before getting up and looking at his brother. They walked away and I shook my head in confusion. The other man looked familiar, I couldn't understand it, I'd never seen him before but my mind felt like it had, I shook the feeling away and took my last and final shot before taking a cigarette from behind the bar and when out into the alley way to smoke it. Winter was starting to set in so it was rather cold. Frost was starting to coat the concrete slightly, but not enough to make it slippery. I lit my cigarette and took a few drags before flicking the ash from the end. I thought of the two men and smiled at their behaviour, they both came to a strip club and one of them seemed as if he didn't want to be here, even though he couldn't take his eyes off me while I was working the pole. I chuckled slightly then took another drag from my cigarette. "Smoking harms the lungs." I heard, I looked up a little startled and couldn't see anyone. "Who's there?" I asked trying to look into the shadows. The man who was with Marshall walks out from the shadows with his hands behind his back and a half smile on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and his smile became full. "It's my only way to relax." I tell him. "And the shots." He concluded. I nodded and took another drag. He came and stood beside me. He was so close I could smell his cologne. A small shiver went up my spine because of his close proximity. "I hope my brother didn't cause you much trouble." He said while looking ahead. I thought about it then shook my head at him, before throwing my cigarette into a near by puddle. "Good." Is all he replied with. I gave him a small smile before turning around ready to head back inside. I still couldn't shake the feeling of how I knew him but I didn't want to say anything for it could make me look like a raving lunatic. "My break is ending, I need to go back inside." I told him and he smiled understanding. I smiled back and went back inside.
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