1227 Words

Bella’s POV If Laura knew I was a wreck, why would she send the maiden to me? She knew something and she was hiding something from me. I had to make sure that woman knew her place. But I was helpless in this place. If I accused her of anything I could be punished for it. I had to be smart about it before doing anything. I looked at the maid with a smile. “Hey, so I was thinking if you would like to…” “I’m not telling on the woman who gave me a job and a roof over my head if that’s what you want to ask me to do. I would rather suggest you forget about it and move on. What’s happened has happened. Besides, this is one fight you can’t win so I’ll suggest you drop it.” That was the harshest truth I had ever heard in my life and she was right. It would be crazy of me to do anything here.

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