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BELLA It was a hard hit. As if that wasn't enough, he gave me another slap and kept hitting me till my cheeks turn red. “Aaargh!” I grumbled. This dude is somewhat lucky I have no control over my wolf. I don't even care if I die here today but at least I know I fought back. But no, my crazy wolf does as she wish. I am literally suffering and she doesn't even seem to be there. Silent and acting dead. “How dare you?” Alpha Christian shouted. “Now, you crawl ahead and apologize to my Luna. “I'm not going,” my wolf whispered. “Oh please, not now.” I replied. They say, the words of an Alpha are a strong one. It is rebel to disobey the words of the Alpha, so I had been taught. I wasn't going to let go of that teaching. But for some reason, my wolf decided to bring up it's naughty

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