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I woke up to the sound of a beeping machine, bright lights in the room nearly blinding me as I tried to make sense of where I was. “Where am I?” I wondered. “Did they take me back to Mother and Father? Am I back at Crystal Moon pack house? It can't be. I shouldn't be alive if that was the case. I took a good look around and it happened that I was in some sort of clinic. I could see sickbeds all around the room and tools that resembled first aid kits and medical equipment. “You are awake,” a voice came long from beside me. I look over to see two women standing at my bedside. One is the woman who now appeared to be the young lad I saw earlier, who had saved me. The voice that asked the question belonged to the other woman. “I am Sasha. I have been watching over your health,” she introduces herself. “What happened…. Ho… How long have…I……” I break off to clear my throat. My voice is feint and it happened that I can't speak well. “Don't strain yourself; your vocal cords are bruised,” Sasha says. “Your whole body is still in its recovery phase. You still need rest. I am amazed you managed to hold on that long,” she commented. “This is Laura,” she gestures to the other woman. “She is the one who saved you and brought you here.” “Thank you,” I voiced out. “Now tell us what your name is and where you are from,” Laura asked. “Bella. My name is Bella. I am from the Crystal Moon pack. I was…..” I spoke weakly. “I knew it. What are you doing here? Who did this to you?” she interrupted. I paused. I have to rethink this. Whatever I say next might determine what these strange people will do to me. I can't tell them I was sent away. I can’t tell them about my shift. I can’t tell them I killed someone! “How do I tell them I have no control over my werewolf?” “If I tell them I was sent out by my parents and rejected by the pack that would only make me look like a rebel?” I could remember the word of my father then. “No pack looks upon a rebel werewolf with mercy!” he reiterated. That night was when I first raised my voice at him. He sat me down and taught me a few things about the werewolf community. From Laura's reply, she already knew I was from the Crystal Moon pack so she must have some notion in her head but I can't say what it is. I thought for a minute what I could say but there was no idea after all. “Bella. You are not responding. Who did this to you and why?” Catherine asked again, her gaze focused on me. I became scared. “Is your pack responsible for this?” she asked. “Are you a cast out? She asked further but I looked away. “Please where am I?” I asked, my face turned away from her. “Bella. You are in the Celeste pack territory,” Sasha the healer muttered. “Celeste?” “No! It can’t be.” I am forbidden to be here. That is the rival pack of the Crystal Moon. Those two hated themselves even the legends have it that they have been enemies from long ago. “How am I supposed to tell them what happened? That would only stir up something I can't control. They might even kill me. “The Alpha has already been informed of your presence.” “We just need to know who did this to you and why. Your stay would be questioned so……” Sasha the healer explained. Oh my God. Their Alpha already knows I am here. What would I say? My mind raced. My heartbeat increased and I began to breathe heavily. “I think she is going into shock!” Sasha said. “Anna!” A strange scent rented the air. And suddenly I heard a thick voice. “Is that her?” It's Alpha Christian in the room. Laura whispered. My heart skipped a beat. “Talk,” he shouted! What do I say? His voice scares me. “I was told you were found in the woods, half-dead. How did that happen?” he shouted. His loud voice and tall height only scared me the more and my hands were shaking. “I….I was sent out of my pack….. I was accused… sorry… I…” I stammered. “Quiet! What pack do you hail from, young woman?” he asked with a frown. I paused for a moment. This is the time I would need my wolf to help me out. I need to run out of here fast!” I had no way of communicating. We didn’t work like that. It showed up only when it feels like. “Please help me escape,” I muttered. “Young lady, I asked you a question!” “Do you know who I am? Who sent you? What pack are you from? My hands won’t stop shaking now my legs have joined the party. I was sitting already, still on the bed. My back was aching but I dare not lay back on the bed with the Almighty man standing in front of me. “Cry….Crys….. I’m from the Crystal Moon pack,” I stammered. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a big wolf and snarled at me. My heart skipped a beat and a heavy silence eroded the room afterwards. They all fell to their feet and I just sat there still. It was though my spirit had left my body and I was just an ordinary mortal being with no heart. No one made a single sound and at first I thought he would bite my head off in anger. “What was I expecting? He hated our pack! He hates me then. He growled at Laura whose head was bowed all the time and he shifted back to his human self. “How dare you bring her to my territory?” “A Crystal moon werewolf? Those foolish earthlings!” he shouted at Laura. I became scared. He looked at me and frowned. His brown eyes came at me in an unpleasing manner and I just knew I was done for. He turned to leave and just as he got to the doorpost, he turned his head back slowly at me. “Cast her into the dungeon!”
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