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If days had gone bad, it became much worst for the Belize station. It did not take for a week, before a new murder were reported. A man were find hanging on the cathedral, bareness in display, yet visage imposed how it was perfectly cut of as if somebody who are on the field of medicine is the main culprit. It was horrid. Both terrified priest and nun is in denial to how come that nobody noticed. Yet the autopsy says the male has been dead for over an hour. It’s stage, but no leads. All fingerprints that could have laid out some clue is absent. “This is driving me nuts.” Groans left Ruscov frustrated as he’s been over the information since the assignment has been given. The spouse and everybody related to the victims were interrogated, but their alibis probe that they weren’t the person that the law are soughing after. “Giving up already?” Senior Detective Charlie Conrad Reed grins. Ruscov grimaced. “Get the hell out of my face, Reed.” Aggravated, he turned his back. To worked with Charlie Conrad Reed as his Senior Detective is more crazy as the familiar buoyance to how much he had hated the guts of the man himself. Those scornful days of training outgrown their rival, least to say that it includes Germa. “I won’t back down on you, Reed!” Panting wildly, and breathless. Beaten by how the training consumed his stamina had not put out what fueled Ruscov. To face Reed as an opponent, a rival, yet an ally. “Bring it on, Alekseev!” The latter on the other hand is on the same pace. Scraps, and rugged fabric clad his physique. It was a rigorous training they’d been put through. To run for miles non-stop, laid out strategies to backed up allies who may have been trapped or imprisoned on enemy’s base. It is a nemesis to go against victorious as it will leave enemy outsmarted. “I am going to bite your a*s off—!” “My a*s is always ready –!” In spite of, before anybody could rushed and bite whoever a*s it would be, a woman interfere between two raging male. “Stop picking a fight between each other, you fools.” Stern, and intruding at what outcome it may have been if she had not reappeared to appease the rivalry in midst of the brewing storm. “Ruscov, started it!” Charlie began pointing his finger. “What—?” With gnaw teeth gritting to show his exasperation, Ruscov faced the direction where Charlie Reed was. “—stop putting the blame on me!” “Enough!” Germa’s patience is running short. “If you won’t stop, I’ll tell the seniors what you’ve doing, you fools!” To be threatened involving the senior of their batch had deems to imposed an agreement between Ruscov, and Reed. Enshrouded troubles it carry, they visibly pale. To think how much everybody hated his guts for being an asshole, but to say that his authority is incomparable with them. His ranks means a higher position. In dispose if somebody horse around acquit troubles and ruckus is an exploitation – the chances of getting expelled would mean the dreams to imposed law would never happen again. “W-we are actually good!” Ruscov forced a laugh. “Right, Reed?” “Y-Yeah.” Heedless thoughts tell otherwise to continue the rivalry between. “You’re quite stressing me.” Germa crossed her arms above her chest. “If only I am not used to at how much you hated each other.” She added, and rolled her eyes. Ruscov and Reed laughs. The distant memory had he been reluctantly reminded of the past. Good old days on the training camp, and unfortunate events, which occurred and forced Germa not to sough after the trails they left –him and Reed. The friendship prolongs since the beginning of highschool. To dream of the same thing, yet the rivalry to thrive for the passion withhold the only woman on their life – Germa. If only things has been different, Ruscov ponders route that perhaps Germa would be able to become a policewoman. “What do you wanted to pursue in college?” Ruscov wonder. It is 12 in the afternoon. Lunch break that calls had him accompany Germa to buy her lunch on the canteen. The clouds hovered, the heat is much hotter as the increasing reports about the global warming and the GHG, which is making it worst. Ruscov could feel the sweat pondering on each corner of his body. The beads on his forehead, likewise to Germa’s nape, who the latter tied her hair on a high pony tail just so she could find comfort. “Like –“ Germa placed her spoon down. “—what course would I want to take?” “Yes.” Ruscov take a bite from his own lunch. “I think –“ Germa, when she turned her head to look up at him she smiled. “I wanted to be a policewoman.” “Isn’t it dangerous?” Intrigued, Ruscov continue. “It is.” She agreed. “But to say the least that I can give justice to those who’s been treated unjustly by the law, that makes the risk involve much worthy.” Germa had this spark on her eyes that Ruscov noticed. “Besides – I wanted the law to apologize for not being fair.” ‘To have the law apologize for the damage it cause.’ Ruscov rubs his temples. He gathered the files to reread them over again, and soon filled his days with reports. “Detective!” One of the younger officer, who had been appointed early in the morning came barge in. It is a male, clad on his uniform. He is 6ft tall, yet his height is no match with Ruscov and Reed. “What’s the matter?” It was Reed who noticed his sudden appearance. “There’s a woman looking for you!” In haste between gasp, he said. “She said to be related with Indigo.” “Indigo?” Reed ponder. But that was enough for Ruscov to whipped his head and turned his focus outwardly. “The body who had been found on the cathedral –“ He stops mid-way. “—Indigo Velasquez.” There is a sudden shift on the air. “Bring her in.” Detective Charlie Reed order with authority. A cartoon cup filled with coffee remain untouched. The smoke coming indicate how it has been freshly-brewed that time. The lights flickered. To think how casual the room appeared deems the unlikely confrontation of the death found earlier this morning. Refuge scavenge to know the truth underlies the key that Ella could give towards how Indigo peril. Ella were guided on a room. Black bags lies underneath her eyes. Sleepless nights probe nightmares of the male seeking for aid that she failed to offer. Tangled locks on a shade of blonde lay in a mess sprouting atop her head. Disheveled, but careless, Ella decided to muster her courage. “So, Ms. Rodriguez –“ She cuts Reed off. “Ella will do.” Her voice sounded weak, and frail. “Ella.” Ruscov occupied the vacant seat on the opposite side. “What do you know about Indigo’s death?” The photographs scattered earned heap of sobs. It looks horrible. Ella’s orbs water. The ache she felt on her chest is way more terrible, but what Indigo suffered is ghastly frightening. “T-that night we were together –“ In between sobs, her voice trembles. “I-I know it’s wrong, but we are actually planning to rob a house –“ The tremors uprooted her anguish. “—B-but we failed, one of our friends were knocked unconscious.” The two detectives are both surprised. To least expected Ella’s confession they hadn’t foresaw. It was Reed who put his query to ask Ella. “You said friends, how many are you that night?” “T—there’s four of us.” She bit her lips. “—and you mentioned one is knocked unconscious, yes?” Ella nodded her head. “T—that woman is scary, she had a g*n, and Roberto has been taken down instantly.” Ella hangs her head low. “W—we have no choice, but to run, y—yet Indigo decided to go back, and I haven’t heard anything from him, then the news –“ “A woman with a g*n?” Ruscov inquired. “Y—yes, she offered us shelter and food at first, but she said, if we came to cause some troubles or harm, we should leave…” “Can you tell us the address, Ella?” Reed continue. “I—it’s somewhere in Belize –“ Ella raked her head to remember the place. “—Belize Puerte.” “Thank you.”
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