Sore. She felt like her entire body was in so much pain she couldn’t describe it through words, and her head was killing her. It is one of the worst headaches she had ever had. It was pounding, what was worse was that Italia had no idea where she was.
She tried to shift her position, but she couldn’t. Both of her arms and legs are both tied onto something. It feels cold, more like something that is metal.
“And now the princess is awake.” A mocking voice snorted.
It was the same man who had abducted her! For what reason? She has no f*****g idea.
“W—what do you want from me?” Usually, she’s tough. However, fear controlled her. It left Italia quiet, and hopeless, especially as she knew that nobody was coming for her rescue.
“It’s not you who I want.” The man spat. “But that f*****g bastard, who makes my sister cry.” He said with an evil gleam in his eyes.
Italia trembled. The bed creaked as she tried to get away from the man.
“G—get away from me!” She let out a loud shriek.
“Scream all you want; nobody would hear you. I could even kill you here, but not yet. I still needed you alive…” He was taunting.
A cold shiver run down to her spine. Italia shudders.
“B-but I have no idea what you are talking about, p—please, let me go…” She pleaded. “I promise, I’m not a tattletale, I wouldn’t rat you out, if you l—let me go now….”
“Shut up!” The man growled.
When he had gotten closer to her, her eyes widened at how familiar her abductor was.
Her lips parted, “M—Michael?”
How could she not know the man?
Michael Andres, brother to the woman, who was desperately begging for Gustav’s hand in marriage. Rosenda, that international model whose career has been ruined. She’s one of the girls who dated her husband. The tabloids are all crazily looking forward to their marriage. Only then that she was not the bride, but Gustav chose Italia over Rosenda.
She lost her face. Everybody laughed at her. Ashamed, Rosenda was forced to leave the spotlight, and then nothing. They’ve never heard nothing from her.
She’s no different to Samantha.
“I’m glad that you know my name, Mrs. Salvador.” Michael showed her a smile. His crooked teeth doubled her anxiety.
Her breathing became heavier; her thoughts were clouded with what end was waiting for her with this psycho.
“I know you miss your damn husband. No worries, the two of you will be together soon…”
He called Gustav?
“N—no, you have gotten it all wrong.” Italia tried to clear her name.
If he’s thinking like she wanted this marriage, then he was wrong. A part of her is still in denial, but another part of her is hopeful for Gustav to come.
“I’m sure I do.” Suddenly, his phone vibrated, but ‘stead of answering it, he gave her a sly smile. “I told you, didn’t I?”
Italia have a bad feeling about it.
“Ugh! Let me go!” Her struggles are futile.
Michael carried her to somewhere she didn’t know of with ease. A sack was placed over her head, but Italia could tell that they are somewhere close to a river. She could hear waves, and boats rattling against each other, and feel the strong cold wind that makes her shudder.
That’s when she felt him laid her on a cold, solid ground, the bag is still tied around her head.
“What are you doing?” Fear laced her voice, she was shaking from the unknown.
“You’ll see.”
Then there’s silence. Afterwards, Italia heard a motor, and then to where she was lying – it soon starts moving.
Oh my god! She’s on a boat, and they are leaving the docks!
“W—where are we going—“
“Enough with your f*****g questions!” Michael let out a thunderous growl.
That shut her up quickly.
It didn’t take long. She felt the boat stops.
She first heard his footsteps, and then suddenly, the sack was pulled harshly off of her head. Italia let out a low wince.
“Now, get off.” Michael barked.
Italia squinted her eyes. Momentarily, she was blinded by the light. When she opened them again, she was greeted by a cabin.
“Move it!” Michael was impatient.
Without much choice, Italia dragged herself up. Although her ankles still hurt from how tight he had tied her earlier.
When they arrived at the porch, the wind had gained strength. It became chillier, and she couldn’t help, but shudder. As if there was an incoming storm.
Michael was the first one who entered the cabin. He might have been thinking that Italia wouldn’t dare to run.
“Rose?” He calls.
“Who’s Rose?” He pays no attention to her.
Italia began to wonder. Her eyes roamed inside. It was old, and everything was in a mess, as if somebody had trashed the place. A broken piece of glass lay on the floor. The sofa was upturned, even the mirror had a large c***k in the center.
She heard Michael’s voice fading. Full of curiosity, Italia began stalking where he was heading until it led her to a room.
The door was left unhinged, and so she entered.
But she was met with a horrified sight.
“O—oh my god!”
A woman was lying on the floor. She has long hair that covers her face, and in her hand, she was holding a b****y shard. It was large, and there were droplets of blood on the floor. Beside her was Michael.
“Rose, what have you done— “
“Who is she?” Rose sounded mad. Her teeth gnawed as she spoke.
“Didn’t I promise you that I would get back on the bastard who have done this to you?” He whispered.
Italia was clearly disturbed at them. She wanted to move, but she was paralyzed by fear.
Rose giggles, “Gustav? And what had it gotta do with this woman? Is she Anna? Tch. Anna…Anna is dead, Mike…”
How did she know Anna?
“Unless…unless he chose that little b***h over me…” Her voice grew quieter. “Over…replacing me with that piece of s**t…?”
Italia stepped back.
She gulps.
That’s when Rosenda glanced at her.
It wasn’t the large scar on her face that frightened Italia, but it is her eyes, her fiery blue orbs filled with a deep seething hate…directed solely to her.
And her threats are promising.
“O—oh god!”