
1376 Words
Damien POV Her skin was like silk, its touch sending addictive. I had to resist the temptation, for she was both a vampire and a hybrid. In our realm, mixed-species relationships were strictly forbidden. The consequences were dire, with death being the punishment for hybrids like her. Yet, there she sat in my room, defying the rules. It was absurd. I was already betrothed, destined to marry Silver for the sake of the palace. But despite the rationality of the decision, my instincts rebelled against it. There was a connection between us, something deeper than mere attraction. We were soul bound. When our hands touched, I felt the electric current of our souls intertwining. I couldn't deny it. I had to protect her, no matter the cost. A sudden, loud knock on the door startled Luna, making her jump. "It's okay. I'll send whoever it is away," I reassured her, trying to calm her nerves. Unlocking the door, I found Anthony standing in the hallway. "You're in a safe place for the night, despite the chaos in the palace. There was a strange surge of power detected at the pond, and the elders suspect it to be from a vampire. I hope it's not related to the sleeping girl, Damien," Anthony informed me, concern evident in his voice. Damn, they were already onto her. I needed to find a secure place to hide her. "Anthony, it's necessary for you to come in," I sighed, knowing I would require his assistance. Anthony entered the room, his eyes widening as he noticed Luna awake. "Anthony, Luna. Luna, Anthony. Pleasantries aside," I said with a smile, attempting to ease the tension. "She's awake," Anthony stated slowly, his gaze never leaving Luna. "Yes, Luna is awake," I confirmed, grabbing a pair of boxers from under my towel to put on. Anthony's voice rose in frustration, demanding an explanation for my state of undress. "I took a shower," I replied nonchalantly, avoiding the true implication behind his question. "Now, let me explain what's going on," I said, my tone becoming serious. "Luna is a vampire, but not just that. She's a hybrid, part werewolf as well." "Why the hell are you hiding her?" Anthony snapped, his voice laced with anger. I could see the fury in his eyes. "She's soul bound to me," I responded, my voice steady but filled with the weight of the situation. Anthony's face went pale, his mouth hanging open in shock. "This is bad, this is real bad," he concluded, his voice trembling. "Damien, you are betrothed to Silver, not to mention she is a Hybrid. Any relationship between the both of you is forbidden," Anthony stated firmly, his voice laced with concern. "Betrothed," Luna whispered, her voice filled with hurt. I hurried to her side, feeling Anthony's glare burning into my back. I kissed her forehead gently, trying to comfort her. "I'm going to break it off, I promise," I said softly, my words filled with determination. "Although you may not agree with my decision, Anthony, I won't go against fate. Can you help me in searching for a safe place for Luna? I am going to have a conversation with my parents," I asked, hoping he would understand. "I'll help you, Damien," Anthony said, his voice filled with loyalty. I felt Luna calm beside me, reassured by his words. Anthony confirmed that he would have a place ready for her by morning, but he emphasized that this would not be a simple matter. "Thanks," I said gratefully as he left. I sat down next to Luna, the silence heavy between us. "Betrothed," she said again, her voice filled with sadness. "It's political," I explained with a bitter laugh. "They arranged the marriage when we were children, but I can opt-out." Her eyes searched mine, filled with curiosity. "Can I ask why you were out in the pond in the first place?" I asked, wanting to understand her better. "I was going for a swim at home. It's sometimes the only thing to calm my anxiety. I saw a light, so I swam towards it, and the next thing I knew, I was here," she explained, her voice tinged with confusion. "I thought you would drown when I saw you go under. Your absence lasted for several minutes," I told her, my voice filled with concern. "I can hold my breath a lot longer than the normal being," she admitted, a small smile playing on her lips. The sight of her smile warmed my heart. "What do you think about trying this bond thing? I don't want to force you, Luna," I asked, my voice filled with nervousness. "Yes, I'm pretty sure I feel the same way you do," she admitted. "You have never kissed another," she asked, her eyes searching mine. "No, I have not. My life has been about my duty as a prince to the kingdom and my people," I responded. "My lack of interest in others was because of my busy lifestyle. Until today, I never felt attracted to anyone, but that changed when I met you," I explained, the truth pouring out. "Have you ever kissed another?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity, wanting to know if I was her first as well. "No, I've always waited for my mate, for you," she admitted. I moved a little closer to her, my heart pounding, wanting, needing to feel her again. The sound of our breaths mingled in the air, creating a symphony of anticipation. "Is a mate bond this strong?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. Luna giggled, her laughter like a sweet melody, a sign of her growing comfort around me. "Being near you and touching you constantly is something I feel I need," I confessed. "It's different for everyone," Luna responded. "It may be because we differ from each other." I brushed my hand against hers, feeling the electric sparks ignite once more. Uncertainty clouded my thoughts as I grappled with how to act around her. She was the first woman alone in my room, and I had already overstepped. The image of her perfect, wet body from when I first placed her in my bed flashed into my mind as we sat together. I yearned to feel her lips against mine once again, to taste her essence. It was as if a magnetic force was pulling us together, an undeniable connection that defied all rules. I could see the same desire mirrored in her eyes as her body subtly shifted, betraying her attempts to remain still and reserved. "Do you have wings?" Luna suddenly asked, breaking the silence. "I do, but I keep them hidden," I responded, my voice tinged with mystery. "Why?" she asked, her genuine interest palpable. "Not all fae possess wings, but those who do only allow them to appear when needed," I explained. "Can I see them?" Luna inquired, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. I nodded, standing up to allow my wings to materialize. The room seemed to shimmer as the delicate, iridescent wings unfurled, casting a mesmerizing glow. Luna approached me, her hand outstretched. "Can I touch them?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder. "Yes," I replied, my heart fluttering as her fingers brushed against the soft feathers. "They are beautiful," she whispered, her breath warm against my skin, as she drifted her hand from my wings to rest it on my chest. A soft chuckle escaped my lips. "I've never been told that before. They are not what I expected. You're like an angel, unlike the fairy tales I read," Luna admitted, her voice filled with awe. "You are the first to call me such a thing. Most fear my dark wings. My birth granted me feathers, a rare occurrence. They represent my strength and power," I revealed. Luna moved her hand from my chest, preparing to sit again, but I couldn't bear to let her go. "Don't," I muttered, my voice filled with longing, as I pulled her back against me. I held her tight, not wanting to let go, and she surrendered to my embrace. "I'll find a way for us to be together, my forbidden mate," I whispered against her, the words filled with determination.
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