
1577 Words
Damien POV As I held the peacefully sleeping girl in my arms, an indescribable connection surged through me, filling me with an overwhelming desire to protect her. It was out of character for me to show concern for someone I didn't know, particularly a girl. I simply did not have time. The girl's unique qualities, particularly her ignorance, captivated my interest, as I had never met someone like her before. The moment my hand made contact with her soft cheek, a surge of warmth and joy instantly coursed through me. Who was she? What was the reason for my powerful pull towards her? Despite her desire to depart, I found it unbearable to imagine losing her. My primary objective was to delve into this unfamiliar sensation and confirm her safety. Using my abilities, I put her in a temporary slumber while lifting her off the ground. “Damien, where were you” my advisor and friend Anthony yelled as he approached me. He stopped the instant he saw the girl in my arms. “What’s going on? Why do you have a half-naked girl in your arms?” He asked, stunned. “She was swimming in the pond when I found her. She almost drowned. I’m taking her back to my quarters for the time being,” I responded. “You’re doing what?” Anthony snapped. “I’m taking her back to my quarters,” I responded again. “Is that a wise decision? Silver, your betrothed will be over later today. If she gets word, you have a girl in your room. She will lose it.” Anthony blurted out. “I couldn’t care less,” I muttered while walking with her in my arms. “What has gotten into you, Damien? The King and queen will not allow this,” Anthony yelled. “Who says they have to know? I’m bringing her back until she wakes up and regains a little energy,” I responded. I was conscious of how silly I sounded. One of the aspects of being a Prince was the requirement to be responsible. My actions were inappropriate, but I took a stranger to my room to know her identity. “She stays only until she is better,” Anthony demanded. I nodded my head in agreement. “I’ll keep Silver away from you for a few days, Damien, but you must be careful. The girl’s identity and arrival are a mystery to you. I can already tell she is not Fae.” Anthony sighed as he gave in. He had a point. I could not feel any Fae power within her, but she was not our enemy, either. The girl was a mystery and one I was going to solve. I made it into my quarters undetected, luckily, and locked the door. Anthony would make sure to inform my guard that I will be occupied for the next few days. To prevent the girl from escaping, I hid my room key. Although my intention was not to trap her, it was necessary for her own safety to avoid being seen. While she was still asleep, I placed her on my bed and searched through my drawers for dry clothes. I pulled out one of my basic T-shirts and a pair of sweats. They would be large on her, but at least she would be warm. With a gentle motion, I carefully pulled the shirt over her head and proceeded to dress her. Using my hands, I carefully pushed up the shirt and unfastened her bra, making sure that the shirt completely concealed her as I removed it. While taking my hand away, it brushed against her breast, igniting a tingling sensation that spread through my body in an unfamiliar way. Touching her like that was not my intention. At first, my sole objective was to rid her of her wet clothing, but as our skin connected, an irresistible urge to explore every inch of her body emerged within me. This is the first time I’ve felt such a powerful urge to be with a woman. My life has always been about duty. They arranged my betrothal as a child; It was political and for the best of our kingdom. Despite my disinterest in Silver, I took responsibility. But now that this strange girl was on my bed, a fire lit within me. My longing was to taste the sweetness of her lips melding with mine, to be completely embraced by the warmth of her body, and to delve into the intense sensations that arise from the intimate act of being inside her. I shook my head. I needed to stop filling my head with this nonsense. No matter how much I wanted it. They would never allow it. I pulled the pants up her legs and left her to sleep on my bed while I showered. The longer I stayed by her side, the harder it would be for me to walk away. The hot water flowed over me as I tried to snap myself out of whatever daze this was. Did she cast some sort of spell on me? God, she felt so good. I only wonder how she looked under the shirt. Her breast was so soft. I filled my mind with thoughts I shouldn’t be having, causing my erection to throb. I switched the water over to cold. I needed to get a handle on myself. After turning off the water, I dried my body. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back into my room. The girl still lay on my bed, but she was shifting around. Advancing towards the bed, I put my hand on her head. Her body temperature was slightly raised. As I shifted my gaze away from the bed, my intention was to retrieve a fresh set of clothes for myself and a cold towel for her head. However, just as I was about to take a step forward, her delicate hand intertwined with mine. “Mate,” she whispered as I looked at her. Unlike anything I had ever seen, her eyes held a unique glimmer of Amber that was absolutely mesmerizing. She did not seem fully awake. The fever was most likely making her delirious. “What do you mean by mate?” I asked. “You’re my mate, right?” Her soft voice responded. “You have a fever and may have hit your head. I will get you some medicine.” I said, as I tried to pull away. I was taken aback by the girl's immense strength as she yanked on my arm, resulting in me losing my balance and falling on top of her. Her hands brushed my face, igniting the sparks once again. I was going to lose control. I climbed next to her and bent my body so our faces were close. With a gentle yet firm grip, she enveloped her hands around my neck, drawing us closer until her soft lips met mine. As soon as our lips touched, an overwhelming surge of desire consumed me, and I found myself kissing her with an intensity that surprised even myself. Everything about her felt so right. With a curious touch, the girl's hands delicately explored the contours of my chest, eventually coming into contact with the loose towel that was draped around my waist. Despite it being forbidden, I couldn’t resist because it felt so right. Pushing my hands under her shirt, I felt foreign sparks flowing through me. With tenderness, my hand made contact with her breast, and then I proceeded to remove her shirt, followed by taking her erect n****e into my mouth. What the hell was I doing? She placed her hands on me, pushing me off and against the bed as she climbed over me. Her eyes were now bright amber as she looked deep into mine. She opened her mouth, and I swore her canines grew as she continued to look me over. The desire to feel her intensified within me as my body yearned for more of her. She was lifted out of a daze, jumping back with a squeak as her amber eyes vanished. “OH, no, oh my God. I’m so sorry.” She muttered, her face a bright shade of red from embarrassment. Despite my amusement, it left me with a strong sense of curiosity. “Where are you about to bite me?” I asked. “I, I’m sorry.” She stuttered as she pushed off the bed and ran for my door. She made it only a few steps before his legs gave out, causing her to fall. A new sense of worry filled me as I jumped into action and picked her up. Something was wrong with her, and I strongly needed to help her. Her face was pale upon closer inspection. She must be sick. “I have to get back home.” She whimpered. “You are too weak, get some rest, and I’ll help you find your home,” I responded, now a little worried. “Fine,” she muttered, finally accepting she was too weak. “I’m still waiting for an answer. Did you try to bite me.?” I asked, wanting to know the truth. She turned her head from me. “Sorry, I did not mean to. I was a little out of it.” She responded. “So that’s a yes,” I concluded
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