Chapter Three

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Zara had just finished making breakfast for herself and the alpha, her father, when her stepmom, Stephania, her dad's second chance mate, walked into the kitchen. Stephania was five months pregnant, so her hormones were all over the place. She hated Zara more than ever, but Zara was used to it. She'd been disliked all her life, and now, her own father didn't believe her and thought she was giving people a reason to hate her. "Yeah. My very existence that is," She had blurted out in anger to him. Her father, Greg, walked out on her that day, commanding her in his alpha tone to never speak of being bullied again. She remembered that day being the last day she cried about her life. Zara served two plates. She never cooked for Stephania because Stephania never ate it. "I knew there was a reason why you keep getting fatter by the day despite your alpha blood," Stephania said as she walked to the fridge and began looking through its contents. "It's for the alpha and me," Zara said as she took an empty plate to cover her dad's food. Stephania laughed at her. "You don't expect my husband to eat that poison you cooked, claiming it as a meal, do you?" "I make breakfast for him on occasions, and he eats it," "Darling, your father doesn't eat them, the trash does because I get to the kitchen before him. Now, stop joking around and get your two plates of food and go enjoy them in your room like the glutton you are and let me make a real dish for my husband." Stephania says as she pushes Zara out of her way. One of the plates nearly falls off the counter, but Zara holds on to it tightly. "And I'm the fat one? If I was, then you shouldn't have been able to push me out of the way. So go sit your fat, ugly and pregnant ass down and call some pack maids to help you make breakfast while I make breakfast for my father and myself," Zara taunts, knowing Stephania's hormones will do the rest of the work. Stephania screams at the top of her lungs, crying out for Greg, who comes running into the kitchen at breakneck speed. He rushes towards Stephania who's crying by the stove, and checks her to see if she's alright. "What's wrong baby? Are you hurt? Did something happen?" He rushes out, and when she doesn't say anything, he turns to Zara "What happened Zara?" Greg asks, and Zara shrugs her shoulders. "Zara said some hurtful things to me," Stephania whimpered, making Greg glare daggers at his daughter. "I was just looking out for your mate. I told her to go rest and that someone else would make breakfast. She shouldn't be stressing herself out as she's pregnant. It's bad for her health and for the baby. I'm a pack doctor, remember,.`` Zara lies through her teeth. Greg's expression changes, and he turns to his mate "But she's right, you should be resting," Greg says to her. Stephania grumbles, stomping her foot like a child because Greg wasn't on her side. "But I wanted to-" Stephania starts but is interrupted by Greg, "It's okay baby. I know you love cooking but relax, please. For you and our baby's sake. I'll get someone to make you breakfast." Greg coaxes her, rubbing her stomach. As he leads her out of her kitchen, Stephania and Zara lock eyes, and Zara smirks at her. "I made breakfast for you dad. I’ll call one of the pack nurses to come to make something special for Stephania," "Thank you," her father says as he and Stephania leave the kitchen. Zara smiled to herself. It was one of those rare days when she won. Zara had spent the day delivering babies and helping nursing mothers. The only people who could stand her were the pack head doctor, Sebastian, who she was his second in command, and Jamie, the pack head warrior. Jamie taught her how to fight and defend herself. His teaching came in handy on different occasions when other pack members tried attacking her when she was out on a run. Given her alpha blood and Jamie's training, she could hold her own in a fight. Albeit she got out with some scratches and injuries, she made sure to leave a serious mark, injury or scar on her opponent or opponents. On her way back home from work, Zara decides to walk through the forest for a moment's peace and quiet. She was going to be forced to sit through dinner with her family, and she knew something crazy would happen because Greg had told her they needed to talk. The last time he said that, and they talked, he nearly disowned her, but it was pointless. Descendants of alphas are the only ones who could disown their parents, not the other way around. Greg and Zara didn't speak to each other for a week, which made Stephania very happy. Zara walked through the woods, taking her time and enjoying the view. The fall leaves make a crunching sound under her back suede boots. Her washed blue skinny jeans, and baggy burgundy ripped sweater looked like the perfect outfit for fall, her black hair styled in a quick messy bun. "Something doesn't feel right," Athena says. As Athena came to the forefront of Zara's mind, she showed herself through the color change in Zara's eyes. Athena had clear eyes, a very scary sight, but it was a great sign of power. "What's wrong Thena?" Zara asked her "I can smell a f-," Athena is cut off when a wolf tackles Zara to the ground. The strength and speed should have broken a few of Zara's bones since she wasn't in her wolf form, but for the natural strength and power she possessed as an alpha's heir. Zara gets up from the ground swiftly, crouching in place but still in her human form. She sees three huge wolves, most like pack warriors, barring their canines at her. That meant they wanted to fight her to the death if possible. *Give me control," Athena suggests "Are you sure? I remember you saying we had to stay secret for a while," "I'm not fully taking over, I just need to share some of my speed and strength with you so you'll be even stronger in your human form," Athena explains "That works," Zara says, and Athena takes over. Athena's clear eyes glisten under the moon, and a new flow of strength and power runs through Zara's body. In place of Zara's fingernails are claws. "Come have a taste, motherfuckers," Zara smirks before lunging at her first target.
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