Chapter 7

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Xander "She is...perfect." I said quietly as Levi and I drove back to my palace. "I...I knew the bond was powerful...but I had no idea how..." Levi stuttered, clearing his throat. "...And we are both her mates... Xander I...I'm sorry for almost throwing that away." I had no words to say about that. "She said she knows some about dragons, I got her to agree to see us tomorrow at lunchtime to discuss it. And we can hopefully get to know her better too." "She has the most beautiful green eyes," Levi said, seeming to be in a daze over our mate. That she did. She had stunning emerald green eyes, fiery red hair, and a few freckles across her nose. Her skin was milky white and she had a soft, feminine look to her. Even in scrubs, she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Her voice was soft, smooth even, like a balm to my ears. She was perfect. "She is amazing." I sighed contently. Everything in me wanted to park outside her house and wait for her to emerge in the morning. To take her to work and back again and, after that, back to her home where I would spend the night worshiping her body and mark her as mine. I wanted to spend every minute of every day with her, however Harmony would let me. But Levi and I both took notice right away how squirmish she was. She admitted to being a virgin, which we were fine with. Even if she hadn't been, we would have been fine with that too. We were no saints. Though her lack of experience and nervousness associated might prove to be problematic later on. So, we agreed within the first few minutes of meeting her that we would give her the space she needed to I think it would be good for Levi and I as well, considering we have to learn how to share now. I think it would take Levi more time to adjust than me for two reasons. One, he only had a handful of lovers in his lifetime, and two, he had been convinced that we would each have our own mate. Me, on the other hand, well, I was far from pure. I went through lovers like I did socks, every night and sometimes two. I have even been to a few orgies and brothels over the years. But I still had to absorb the idea that it would be Levi who I would be sharing my mate with. Our mate. Our. Mate. That was going to take some time to get used to, even though I had always imagined it that way. Thoughts and reality were two very different things. "We should bring her breakfast in the morning. She hardly touched her food tonight." Levi noted. "That's not a bad idea, actually." I mused, my more feral, possessive side already jumping on the idea of seeing her sooner than planned. "Even if we just drop something off for her," Levi continued, as if having the same possessive thoughts as me. "I think that is a great idea. We are her mates, it's our job to take care of her and protect her." I began to justify myself. "She never mentioned rejecting us, I think she just needs time to process having two mates who are also kings." I snorted. "How are we going to manage this relationship?" Levi carefully asked. "I personally would like some one-on-one time with her." "Agreed." I nodded. "I think Harmony would find that appealing as well." "Should we set up some ground rules...?" He continued. "Like what?" "Like...not interrupting each other's time with her, not speaking ill of each other to her, perhaps some rules for getting physical..." "I will agree with the first two, but the third is dependent on Harmony. I will not go out of my way to have her first, or compete for her touch, but should the moment arise, I am not going to ruin it by checking with you first." "Fair." Levi nodded, silence filling the car. "What if she wants both of us at the same time?" I asked. "I am fine with whatever my-our mate wants, so long as she is happy. No matter how awkward it might be at first." "Agreed." - - - - - - - - Harmony I couldn't sleep. Not a wink. My eyes hardly even shut. Even after I knew they were gone, I still couldn't relax enough to get any sleep. Halfway through the night, I found myself cleaning my house, as if that would make my anxiety go away. I had two mates. Two! Goddess help me! How would any of this work? Especially once they found out Nope. I am not going to even go there. My mates seem very fond of me. Hopefully, they will feel that way after they find out...everything. There. The floors were clean, dishes done, laundry in the dryer, just as the sun was rising. I took a quick cold shower to try to quench the heat that sprung between my legs at the thought of Levi and Xander. I had to get myself together, they were meeting me for lunch. I brushed through my fiery red hair, blow-dried it too. I applied some light makeup, mostly to hide the bags underneath my eyes. And when that persistent urge between my legs wouldn't let up, I grabbed my little pink dildo off my nightstand-again-laid down in bed, and let it take care of the rest. When my urges were at bay, I picked out my cutest set of scrubs, a light pink set that Erica said made my butt look cute. I looked in the mirror and when I was pleased enough, I grabbed my things and headed out to work. I could still faintly smell Xander in my car, could still feel his hand in mine. I did not need to get all worked up again. So, I drove with the windows cracked, just enough to give me some fresh air but not enough to mess up my hair. "Good morning Erica." I said as I whirled in through the front doors, my head ducked down, trying to put my keys away. "Good morning." She said stiffly, clearing her throat. "You have some guests." I looked up, and my jaw nearly fell on the ground. "Hey...I thought you guys were coming at noon?" I said, looking at Levi and Xander, who had slight smirks on their faces. Did they know what I did this morning? And last night? We haven't marked each other yet, but they were alphas, gifted alphas. Could they sense me more than I could them? I licked my lips at the thought, but quickly shook it off and shifted on my feet, closing my legs, not wanting them to smell my arousal. "We thought we would bring you breakfast," Levi said, looking over to the large trays in Xander's hands. "It's from the diner." Xander added. Erica had an amused look on her face, looking at me to explain. "Oh...that is so sweet." I said, my stomach growling in agreement. "You really didn't have to..." "You are our mate, we wanted to," Xander said, making Erica gasp in excitement. I shot her a look and she quickly bit her tongue, though there was still a big smile creeping up on her. "I feel bad that you came all this morning is packed-" "We just came to drop it off, we know you are busy." Levi said with a wink while Xander set the food trays down on the reception counter. "What are you going to do until lunch?" I asked, wondering what might be out here that they could kill over five hours worth of time with. It seemed a bit silly for them to have come all this way just to deliver food, considering Xander's palace, which was the closer of the two, was a three-hour drive. "We will be at my palace." Xander spoke up, I was about to protest when he continued. "We will see you at noon." He said with a devilish smirk, before he flicked his wrist and an oval-shaped shimmering hole opened up next to them and he and Levi stepped through it, the oval opening closing behind them. My mouth hung open at the sight. I knew they were gifted, but I didn't know with what abilities. Apparently, transporting was one of them. "Okay, I need all the dirty details!!" Erica exclaimed, running around the counter and grabbing the food from me. "You first patient canceled, so we have some time!" She said, practically yanking me to the back. Cody was there, though he didn't say anything to me. He didn't seem upset...just...professional? I'm sure he thought of me as a cactus or an atomic bomb now and just didn't want to get too close and get in trouble with my two devilishly handsome, muscular, very powerful, mates. "How?! When?! Details!!" Erica exclaimed, unpacking my food and helping herself. There was plenty to go around. Enough for the whole office, in fact. How very thoughtful of them. One container had french toast, another with scrambled eggs, the third bacon, sausage, and ham, and the last one hash browns. There were ten sets of silverware at the bottom of the bag, confirming my suspicions that this was meant for a group. "They came in last night," I said, taking a bite of bacon. So good, so crispy. "They had some questions, but they seemed to be insignificant once we saw each other. They took me to dinner after and then drove me home." I said, a smile creeping up on me. "Awe Harm! This is such great news!" "It is, it's just a lot to take in." I laughed nervously. "I'm sure you'll figure it out. The moon goddess made you mates for a reason." She said before stuffing more food in her face and then running back to the front where the bells had just chimed, signaling an arrival. She was right though, the moon goddess didn't make mistakes, at least I didn't think she did. Whatever the reason, I would stick around and find out. No matter how complicated things get. - - - - - It took forever for lunchtime to finally come rolling around. I saw ten patients, all routine care, nothing wild. I was grateful for that because I felt like I could hardly focus, my mind letting Levi and Xander occupy too much space in my head this morning. It was exactly noon when both men stepped through their portal in the parking lot, according to Erica, and walked inside, a lunch bag in hand. They were both wearing dark jeans, Levi in a grey shirt and Xander in a black one. Both strikingly handsome, their carved torsos fighting against the fabric of their shirts. I'm sure if they flexed just right they would probably tear through the cotton. "Hey Harmony." "Are you ready for lunch?" They looked so excited to see me. It warmed my heart. I nodded and led them to the back break room where they started unpacking our lunch, chicken and beef tacos. They smelled so good, and were still hot, I had to fight not to drool. Levi and Xander took a seat across from each other, leaving my options to the seat smushed in the corner, or between the twins. The choice was easy. "Thank you guys, you didn't have to." I said, taking a seat between the two. Levis' right leg brushed up against my left, and Xanders' left against my right. I felt like I might as well have been splayed out naked on the table, my face flushing from the small contact. The two began serving me first, then themselves, before they began diving into their questions. "This place is bigger than it looks from the outside," Levi said. "I had it built that way, with the help of a really good architect who thought I was completely nuts." I snorted. "He was a human. I have two separate entrances, the front for non-mythical, the back for 'mythical'." I said with airquotes. "The rooms in the back are bigger, soundproof, and are made of steel in case anything gets out of hand. It doesn't happen often." I shrugged. "I also hired a witch to enchant the place so humans won't see the obnoxious back entrance." "You really put a lot of thought into this place." Xander said, an adoring look on his face. "I couldn't afford not to." I half laughed. "If anyone found out, well, I would be at your mercy." I said to Xander with a small smile. He was my king after all. His eyes lit up wickedly, and I instinctively crossed my legs, trying my hardest not to go down that road with him. Not here, at lunch, at work. "How often do you see...exotic animals?" Levi carefully asked. "Often enough, though most call at midnight asking for me to come to the house, not wanting to risk being seen, even with the thick woods in the back, they still get nervous about showing up." "Huh." Xander mulled over. "So back to my question from last night, what do you know about dragons?" "What do you want to know?" I said, trying not to shake. "Why is there one terrorizing our lands?" Levi said with a heavy sigh. "I thought they were extinct." "Are you sure it is a dragon? They are quite rare, if not impossible to find. Not native to our area either. If one is invading your lands, I find it quite odd." I frowned. "This is what we found at one of the sites." Xander said, digging through the cooler bag and pulling out a large scale. "Oh, that is definitely a dragon," I sighed, running my hands over it. "Only a dragon would have this big of a size. It looks like an old one too, given the wear and tear." "It burned our lands to nothing more than ash." "A fire dragon then." I said, looking over the scale a minute longer. "You are looking to kill or capture?" Levi and Xander exchanged a long look, their eyes slightly glazing over. "No more secret conversations in front of me." I frowned. "Whatever you have to say you can say it, I am your mate." My mate's eyes went back to normal, and if I'm not mistaken, it was pride that shone in their eyes. "We will probably want to end its existence," Xander said softly. "If someone tries to tame it, or if it finds another to breed with....things could get very bad very quickly," Levi added. "Probably not what you want to hear, seeing as how you care for all creatures, huh?" "If it is dangerous, I can understand. But if it's not, I would let it live." I shrugged. "A dragon not being dangerous?" Levis' eyes shot up. "Aren't they all?" "In story books, perhaps, and generally speaking, yes. But I like to think that good can be found in anything." "Have you ever cared for a dragon?" Xander asked. "No." I lied. I couldn't tell them, not yet. If I did, then I would have to tell them everything, and I wasn't ready for that. "Coward." Hadley spat. "And you were doing so good." "Shut it. You know what will happen once I tell them." "Well, if we have any more questions on the matter, we know who to speak to." Levi smiled. "In the meantime, I would like to invite you to dinner. Just you and I, tonight if you are free." "Oh!" I blushed, nervously looking between the two brothers. " that okay? If I go out with one of you and not the other?" "Absolutely." Xander nodded. "We want to get to know you one on one, but we also understand your heart will be split between the two of us because of the bond, so we are perfectly okay with a group date also." "Well, in that case, Levi, I would love to go to dinner tonight, as long as Xander agrees to go on a date with me tomorrow night." Their faces lit up excitedly. "Deal." "Deal."
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