10. Thoughts of a wolf

2147 Words
He knows she is his mate. Why is she so stubborn and closed off? Has something happened in her past? Why is she fighting the attraction with everything she has? He just can’t figure her out. He is happy, close to delirious, because he found his mate. And her? She acts like nothing happened, like they didn’t feel the connection. She shut him out the moment her hand left his. She is actively avoiding him. Mattias can stop by Rialto every day, who’s to say she will come out of the kitchen? There are no guarantees. She said it herself: she’s not one for public places. Even Devana confirmed it. If Kara decides to avoid him for the rest of her life, he can just crawl back home to die a slow death. Not even the goddess of the hunt can do anything about that. Mate bonds are sacred; he has no chance of getting a second mate for as long as she is alive. Didn’t her wolf feel it? What if the wolf is the one that doesn’t like him? Is that even possible? He needs to ask Devana what she knows. He hates to put her in this position, but he is desperate. He wants his mate. How is she able to resist him? He has trouble sleeping at night, because she’s not close to him. If only he could tell her who he really is? Father will never allow him to. He knows it, so he doesn’t even need to ask his permission. Just being here is a dangerous enterprise, he could expose the whole pack.  Where is Devana anyway? She has no one here, just like him. Her own daughter is currently too busy for her. He didn’t get any confirmation that Ilona will make it to the opening of the exhibition. It will be a hard blow for Devana, she doesn’t get to see her daughter much, and now this. He better call Ilona again and beg for her to make time. Maybe he should mention Kara? Would that get her to come? He can try. Maybe Devana will be inclined to help him, if he gets Ilona to show up? “Who is this?” Ilona asks. Well, she picked up, that’s a start.  “Mattias Zimmer. I’m the curator for your mother’s exhibition.” He tells her. “I sent you an invitation for the opening night. I’m just following up on it. Will you, please, come?” “When is that? I’m swarmed at work.” Ilona inquires. “On Thursday, eight pm. At the Galleria d’Arte Moderna.” Mattias says. He hopes she can make it. She would make Devana so happy. “I just might have some time.” She drawls.  “Wonderful!” He exclaims. “We got one of Milano’s most desired artists to share her paintings with the world. I think you know her? Kara Tottzi.” “What?!” Ilona shouts into the phone and he cringes away from it. “How did you manage that? Kara is the most private person I know.” “Your mother asked and Kara said yes. As simple as that, but I know it will have a huge impact.” Mattias responds. “I’ll be there! If I have to do it for work, I’ll be there.” Ilona responds to that. “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll make the arrangements at work. Looking forward to meeting you.” One thing accomplished, on to the next one. Hopefully the mother will be as helpful as the daughter was. He needs fresh ideas for his pursuit of Kara. Asking her out was a flop. Stalking her outright, even a bigger one. He has to admit that she is a worthy opponent. It will be a pleasure to conquer her. She is a formidable woman. A Luna in the making. A fiery and fierce she wolf. Even his father would have to approve of her. But he needs to get her first. He needs to make her see what they are. He refuses to think this is all one sided. He never heard of something like that. She must have felt it, too. “Zsuzsanna. Talk.” The goddess answers on the first ring. She must be out and about to be so clipped and short. “I guess you're in public? I just wanted to ask you for some advice.” Mattias says. “I’m out with Kara. She introduced me to the best pizza in town.” Devana laughs. “Oh, rub it in, why don’t you?” He sighs. “Of course she will go out with you and not me.” “Sorry dear. It’s ladies evening.” She even hangs up on him. He is doomed! Completely and thoroughly, doomed. As if the bad news can multiply on their own, his phone rings right away and he cringes at the display. Half thinking of not answering, he shudders and glares at the screen. No use of avoiding the call. His father hates to be kept waiting. He will just ring him again and again. No excuse is valid for the great Alpha Max. You have to answer even if you step out of the shower, dripping wet or still covered in suds. “Hello father! So nice of you to call.” Mattias answers. Luckily, his father can’t see his face and the grimace he made. “Not plausible. You have to try harder.” His father laughs. The sound is like an embrace, which means his father is in a good mood. A rare occasion. “I tried.” Mattias responds. “How is mother?” “Worried. What are you still doing in Milano? You said you’re going to set up the exhibition and come right back. You know it’s not a safe place?” “I know.” He sighs. “We had a cancellation. Devana found a replacement and I had to change everything. On the bright side, this new artist comes with a huge fan base and free publicity. She is a local celebrity, just not in the art world.” “I see. I still want you home by the end of this week.” His father’s voice changes and the hard Alpha command is right there on the brink of the next sentence. “Father please? Let me see this through.” Mattias begs. He needs more time to convince Kara that she’s his mate. “What if you get spotted? What if Vito finds out you’re there? He could take you hostage or worse.” His father asks him. All valid questions, he knows that. But he knows how to stay under the radar, too. “I can be careful. I’m here for five days already. I’m not doing anything to garner his attention.” He claims. So good that his father can’t see him right now. The small white lie could even pass this time. “Keep it that way.” The answer is final and Mattias sighs in relief when his father ends the call.  Did he just buy himself some time? Maybe. He needs to up his game, if he wants to stand a chance with Kara. If father calls him back home, he is screwed. He will either have to break his promise to the pack and his parents, or ask his father for help. Neither option sits well with him at the time. His father takes the promises seriously, he might even exile him, if he so chooses. The heir to the throne title doesn’t give Mattias any leeway at breaking the rules. Asking his father for help in winning over his mate, is like admitting defeat. Hell will freeze over before he does that. She might be stubborn, but so is he. Tenaciousness runs in his blood.  A knock sounds on his hotel room door some time later. He is startled by it, he’s not expecting anyone at this late hour. he gets up from the small sofa and walks over to the door. He is careful and only peeks out while blocking the door at the same time. A smile spreads out over his face. Did his father mean to instill this into him? The instant mistrust of everyone? He lets Devana in, once he realizes she is the one to come seeking him out. “What happened, dear? You seem lost in thoughts.” She asks him. “My father called.” Mattias smirks. She will know what followed without explanations. “I see.” Devana smiles softly. She hugs him close and sits by his side. “How much time do you have left?” “Not sure how to answer that. First he said to come home till the weekend, but then he left it open. I’m confused.” He answers her. “I don’t understand your father most of the time. We will see how it goes, maybe he did let you out in the world for more than a week?” She chuckles. “I can make an inquiry with your mother tomorrow.” “Thank you.” Mattias nods. Devana is his only friend out here. And she knows how life is inside of the bubble his father created. “What did you want to talk to me about? When you called?” She inquires. “About Kara. She is my mate. I know she felt it, too. Why can she resist the pull? What makes her different?” Mattias asks. “Oh, dear. I hate to be the go between. Why don’t you two just talk to each other? She asked me about you, you know?” Devana shakes her head. “You are just perfect for each other. Both stubborn as mules.” “But she’s fighting the attraction. She’s fighting the bond. How does she do it?” He tells her. He is desperate. Now even more than before. “She’s a special one. You will see it one day.” Devana smiles at him. “I can’t tell you her secrets, just as I can’t tell her yours.” “I’m sorry. I know it’s not fair, but I need the help. You know father can change his mind and call me home any moment? I would hate to lose the chance, if that happens.” Mattias tells her.  “Oh, you are desperate!” Devana laughs. “She really is your mate? You’re sure of that?” “Yes. I’m sure.” He nods. “I’ll talk to her, but I can’t make any promises. Even if she says yes to you, there are no guarantees that she will go with you. And you can’t stay.” Devana tells him. “It will be hard to get her. You can’t kidnap her. And you can’t go behind Vito’s back. He’s got plans for her. She told me that much, but her mother is working to get her out.” “Arranged marriage? To whom? I thought those were abolished?” He jumps. He can’t sit still after a news like that. “They were, but Vito changed everything back to the middle ages. He’s gone mad.” Devana shakes her head. “Nobody likes it, but they can’t fight it as long as he has the elders in his pocket.” “What? An Alpha challenge would solve all that.” He looks at her in wonder. “That is a problem. No one wants to fight, Vito cheats.” She tells him. “Damn! I can’t fight that fight. They would all know who I am. Besides…” Mattias scoffs. “I can’t lead two packs. Father expects me to take over. He’ll never leave the pack to Lisette.” “I know. I said it will be hard.” Devana winks. “I didn’t say it was impossible.” “You thought of something?” He wonders out loud. “Yes. I will talk with Vesna, we can make a plan to help you.” She says and walks over to the door. There is a whole new world on the other side. Devana must have used a portal key. He heard of the thing, but he never got to see one. He watches in wonder as she disappears into a room that looks like a fairytale castle of some sorts. Is it too much to hope? Can she come up with a plan that gets him the girl and he keeps his identity a secret? That would be just perfect. Too perfect, he smiles. Hope is good, but a strong fist is better. He slings his gym bag over his shoulder and walks down to the fitness center. That is the best part of this hotel and he intends to use it. 
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