9. Stalker, stalker 2

2113 Words
Two days to the opening at the Gallery and she is nervous as hell. Even her final exam didn’t cause so much tension in her. She has troubles concentrating on her tasks and melted chocolate is not the right thing to work with when you’re distracted. She would hate to cause an accident. She better take a break and get some air. She takes the trash out to breathe and be alone a bit.  No such luck. Her stalker is standing there. On the corner of the building, watching over the back door and smoking. He is easy to spot. At least for her. She can tell the wolves apart from normal humans with one glance. She scoffs and throws the trash in the can. Swinging around as fast as she can, she marches back inside and goes to the bar. She can get some breathing room there. It’s just after the lunch crowd, so the restaurant should be fairly empty.  A few tables are full and there is a lonely figure at the bar. She knows that guy.. Unfortunately. Was he serious when he said he will come by every day? What did he order today? Why does she care? She already decided she can’t have anything with him. She should avoid him, not walk towards him. Who is this guy and why is she drawn to him? More questions than answers. Something tells her that she won’t get answers even if she asks. He is a mystery. “Here again? You must really like our bar.” Kara chuckles. “Nothing wrong with it. The selection is great.” Mattias answers. He mocks her! The audacity of this guy. Who is he? “Who are you? Really?” She asks. She knows the answer will be vague, but she can hear the truth or lie, no matter what he says. “Mattias Zimmer.” He smiles at her. “Art dealer, art appraiser.” “Tells me nothing about you.” She scoffs. “I know what you are. I wonder who you are?” “A lone wolf. That might be the best description to give you.” He whispers. “I don’t believe you. You sound convincing, but I know you’re hiding something.” Kara smirks. He has to try harder to deceive her. “I’m sorry. That is all I can say.” Mattias shakes his head. “Be that way.” Kara smiles sweetly. “I can’t go out with a lone wolf. That would bring more trouble than you’re worth.” “I know there is something weird going on in your pack, but I really can’t tell you much about me. I’m not even supposed to be here. Your Uncle has a thing for strays and trespassers.” Mattias whispers. He glances around them, but he can’t see any other wolf. She knows what he’s doing. She even likes the careful attitude.  If this was later in the day, there would be more servers and that would mean more wolves from her pack. They employ quite a few. She asked and got no real answer. He is determined to evade the truth, but she meant what she said. She can’t go out with him, if he’s a lone wolf. How can he be sane? Lone wolves go crazy over time. Is this a recent thing? Did he lose his pack? Was he thrown out? In that case, he could ask for acceptance in their pack. It's not the greatest place to be, but wolves need packs to function.  “And still, you decided to stalk me?” Kara wonders. “What’s one more? You are already being followed. I just told you up front that I will be here every day. It doesn’t count as stalking.” Mattias answers. “Hm? You did do that. Aren’t you afraid of getting caught?” She inquires. “No. I never come close enough to your stalker for him to figure out I’m a wolf.” He winks at her. The man has guts, she has to admit that. With this attitude, he will grow on her fast. “I like solving mysteries. I will get to the bottom of your soul. I wonder what I’ll find there.” Kara smiles. He is intriguing. “Good luck.” Mattias smirks. “See you on Thursday.” He has the audacity to walk away from their conversation without even saying goodbye. The man has guts! She must admire that in him. Is he only teasing her? or is this the real him? He has the make-up of an Alpha. He certainly acts as one. The questions in her head just multiplied. Maybe she could ask Devana about him? Would the goddess answer her? Is she in on the secret and firmly in his corner? She must know something, but will she tell? Only one way to find out: call her. “Hey, Zsuzsanna. Can you talk?” Kara greets with a smile. “Sure. I’m just wallowing in self pity in my hotel room.” She answers. “What’s wrong?” Kara wonders. She feels bad for the goddess. Being alone is not fun for anyone. “Oh, don’t mind me. Veles and Ilona are busy, I’m not even staying with them. Vesna has other things to do and she’s not in Milano right now. My family has no time for me.” Devana laughs. “It’s all my fault for not telling them in advance.” “You can come hang out with me. I get to go from work early today. Mom is back.” Kara tells the goddess. “That would be wonderful. I don’t know many people here.” Devana says. “I don’t like to be at the Gallery all the time.” “Come to the restaurant, I get off in an hour.” Kara instructs. “I’ll be there. Thank you.” Devana answers. The goddess sounds cheerful now and Kara is happy about that. She might get answers to her questions, if Devana is in a good mood. A good hour later, Kara collects Devan from the bar area and leaves the restaurant by the front door. Maybe she can give her stalker a slip this way? She hates it, so she will cause as many problems for the enforcers as she can. She smiles brightly and drags Devana away fast. They can lose anyone in the park. The dense number of people there can mask any scent, so tracking her there is close to impossible, if the guy can’t see her. “What’s the rush?” Devana asks. “I have a stalker. My crazy Uncle set some of his enforcers to follow all the unmarried pack members. He officially lost it.” Kara explains. “Oh, dear. That man is trouble.” The goddess scoffs. “Can’t you get one of your cousins to take him out?” “Nobody wants to be Alpha. The curse of modern living, I guess.” Kara shrugs. “We were raised with humans and all of us have human jobs. We integrated into society. We blended in and suddenly he doesn’t like it.” “I’m sorry. I feel like I’m letting you down somehow, but I don’t see a way to help without breaking the rules.” Devana sighs. “I know. He has to attack one of you directly. Even kidnapping Vesna’s friend was not reason enough for her to interfere.” Kara nods. “If she’s not harmed, Vesna’s hands are tied.” Devan tells her. “I hate the rules, but there is a reason for them. The Greeks meddled too much and we all have to pay the price.” “I get it.” Kara comments. She does see the reasons behind the rules. She doesn’t have to like it, but she knows why it has to be this way. “I don’t understand why she doesn’t let Ty help us. Why hinder him?” Devana is silent for a while and Kara wonders if the goddess is searching for an answer, or if she knows why and she’s looking for an excuse? It’s not fair to ask her about her cousin's mate, but Vesna is not giving them much. They walk across the park at a brisk pace, but she doesn’t have to worry about Devana keeping up. The disguise of an artist lets the goddess do pretty much everything she wants. “I think we lost your stalker.” Devana smiles and winks. “Vesna doesn’t want Ty to have blood on his hands. Killing is a last resort for dragons. He would have a tough time controlling his dragon after a kill. He might like it and go on a killing spree. You have no idea how hard it is to stop a dragon once the blood lust takes over.” “Oh. Why didn’t she say so?” Kara wonders out loud. “Probably to keep him safe.” Devan shrugs. “Someone might use that information against him and trick him into killing.” “I never thought about it that way, but I see why she would.” Kara responds. There is so much the gods need to think about and foresee. Every action has a reaction and the consequences can be dire. There is a small pizza place close to her home and that is where she is taking Devana. Sometimes pizza is the answer to everything. It’s comfort food. And this tiny restaurant is so well hidden, only the locals know about it. She can hide here from her stalker as well. She bets he won’t even consider it, since she works at one of the best restaurants in the city. They walk to the back side and Kara opens the door to the small inner courtyard. The few tables there are empty, since it’s winter, but she doesn’t mind the cold. It’s also very private. “Oh, my! I love it!” Devana exclaims as she looks around the small garden-like terrace.  “I thought you might. I love it here.” Kara smiles. “Hey, Kara! The usual?” A guy asks from the door. “Si, Giovanni. Twice.” Kara smiles back at him. “I love surprises.” Devana winks. “Is that morsel free?” “No.” Kara laughs. “Giovanni is happily married, his wife works in the kitchen.” “A tiny family business?” Devana wants to know. “Yes. With tradition. They took over from his father two years ago.” She explains. “I appreciate this, but why did you really call me?” Devana asks her suddenly. “I have a stalker.” Kara tells her. “What can you tell me about Mattias? I have a hard time believing he’s a lone wolf.” “Not much. I have known him since he was two. I know his parents.” Devan says quietly. “It’s not my secret to tell. But I can say, he’s a good one.” “So? He’s not a lone wolf?” Kara inquires. “No.” Devana shakes her head. “But I would advise you to be careful. With all the trouble Vito brings, you have no future with Mattias.” “Maybe you should tell him that? He is at Rialto every day, asking me to go out with him. If he's trouble, I better avoid him.” Kara scoffs. She knows she chose to be alone for a reason, getting involved now is more trouble than she needs. “Damn! I don’t want to be in the middle of this. He means it, then?” Devana mutters more to herself than to Kara. “What? What did you realize just now?” Kara inquires. Whatever it is, it’s not good. “He said something in passing. I wasn’t even listening to him at the time.” Devana shakes her head in disbelief. “He likes you.” “He likes me? Like for real?” She gapes. “I can’t do it. I’m in a mess, he’s got no idea about. Vito has some stranger lined up for an arranged marriage. Mom is trying to get me out of it. I hope she can. I don’t want to be married off for some ulterior plan of an alliance with a pack nobody needs.”  “Shit.” Devana scoffs. “Exactly.” Kara nods to her. That one word summed up perfectly what she thinks of her predicament. At least she’s not alone in that thinking.
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