7.Stalker, stalker

2106 Words
Kara’s careful plan of getting her mom to cooperate with them was thrown out the window as fast as she made it. She got home late and found the house empty. Her mother’s room is neat and tidy, but empty. There is freshly cooked food on the stove, so she knows mom was out and about earlier. But where is she now? Will she answer if she calls her? And where is Teo? This is way too late for him to be out on a school night. She decides to worry about mom later and calls Teo instead. “Where are you?”She asks as soon as Teo answers. “Greetings to you, too.” He laughs. “Next door. Playing a game with Kian. I’ll be home in fifteen minutes.” “Good. Mom made dinner and vanished. Any ideas?” Kara asks him. “Believe it or not, she’s on a date. I saw her leave with Fernando.” Teo answers. That is a development Kara didn’t see coming. Mom on a date? She did mention to Fernando that he should come by and talk to her, but she never dreamed that mom would go out with the guy. Is their relationship back on track? Is mom finally allowing herself to feel something? Dad’s betrayal still stings, even after all these years. Luckily Teo was too small to see it, but Kara will never forgive her father for breaking their mother’s heart. They weren’t fated mates, but she loved him. The bastard left with his secretary. Left the family and moved to Australia. Good riddance, she thinks and gets herself some dinner. She’s not going to think about him now. There are plenty of other things she needs to think about. The restaurant is doing great, the exhibition is on track, Teo is alive and healthy. Her job is done, but her life is seriously lacking. With all that she needs to do in one day, she has no time for herself. She hasn’t painted in a week! Her fingers itch and her soul is restless. She rinses her plate and places it in the dishwasher. She runs up the stairs to her attic room and grabs her painting overalls. She will sacrifice an hour of sleep and paint. Having wolf hearing is great. She can hear the front door open and close and she can even tell from the thuds on the stairs that it’s Teo. She doesn’t need to wait for her mother to come home. She’s only responsible for her little brother. It’s better not to worry too much. Her plate is full enough and she can trust her mother that she knows what she’s doing. Maybe she can catch mom in the morning? They need to talk. Mom has to do something about uncle Vito. The pack is falling apart with all his latest stunts. Kara creeps down the stairs as quiet as she can. She knows her mother is in the kitchen, because of the alluring smell of bacon and eggs. Teo can’t muster that on his own. The boy might be a genius, but he is seriously challenged by any simple kitchen appliance. The only thing Teo knows how to operate is the microwave oven. A smile spreads over her face, just thinking about her little brother. A good mood is a fine weapon when dealing with her mother. “Good morning!” Kara exclaims as she enters the kitchen. “Good morning, dear.” Marra answers. “You’re in a cheerful mood today.” “Yes. Life is good.” Kara smiles. “For most parts.” “I get it. Tell me what’s new?” Her mother smiles back. “I entered my paintings in an exhibition at the Galleria d'Arte Moderna. Devana made me. She tricked me, but I am grateful for the opportunity.” Kara chuckles. “The goddess is a good friend to have.” Her mother nods. “Yeah.” Kara scoffs. “Too bad she can’t do anything about our family problem. Neither of them can.” “What are you talking about? Who did you ask to interfere?” Her mother inquires. The surprise is genuine, she can’t fake that. “Oh! You don’t know?” Kara looks at her mother in equal surprise. “Vittorio asked Veles and Vesna. They could help with protecting Vannessa from Uncle Vito, but they can’t interfere in pack business unless he goes directly for one of them.” “I didn’t know that. So Vesna can’t help Grazia? Aren’t they friends?” Marra asks her. “No. Her hands are tied. Grazia hasn’t been harmed in any way. I just hope Alessio can win that damn duel.” Kara explains. “Me too. I have to go there, but I worry what he’ll do to force my hand. He has the other elders in his pocket, I just don’t know with what. Is he blackmailing all of them, or are they on his side, because they share his views?” Marra tells her. “You have to do some damage control. Maybe bring a few of the elders around? You have to know something that could sway a few?” Kara says. She hopes that her mother can come up with some reasonable plan to end this whole mess. “Oh, darling! Don’t you think that's all I can think about?” Her mother exclaims. “Short of killing Vito, I have nothing.” “Can you win an Alpha challenge?” Kara wonders. “No. I haven’t been in a fight since your brother’s birth. A real or a practice one.” Marra shakes her head and sighs. “I stopped training when I married. I see that was a huge mistake, but I can’t rectify that fast enough to change anything.” “That’s fine. Nobody expects you to stake your life on the line. Just stonewall him long enough for the guys to come up with something.” Kara smiles at her mother. “I can try.” Marra answers. “But he scares me. I fear what his next move will be, if Alessio gets out of this predicament alive.” “It has nothing to do with Alessio. Uncle is planning a few things at once. I think he kept you out of the loop on most things. Talk to Vittorio, he can tell you things you need to know.” Kara scoffs. “But please, come to work. I’m tired. I can make mistakes that will cost us all, and I don’t want that to happen. I need you there. We all do.” “I will. Love you, kiddo.” Marra hugs her. ‘All is well again.’ Her wolf practically sings the words. She is happy and it helps Kara as well. The decoration of sweets is back in her hands, because her mother came through and is doing her part at Rialto. ‘At work, at least. We still have that sword dangling over our head. I don’t want to marry some guy my Uncle selected for me.’ Kara answers. ‘Ugh! Men.’ The wolf scoffs in disdain. ‘But that Mattias guy is looking mighty fine.’ ‘Don’t go there. He is a complication we don’t need.’ Kara warns her wolf. ‘Spoilsport. He could be fun. I’m just saying.’ The wolf chuckles. It’s unnerving to hear that, but her wolf mastered the imitation of human sounds. “Kara?” Andrea nudges her. “There is a guy here to see you. Something about an arts show?” “Oh, damn! What does he want? I sent Teo to him. I don’t do marketing.” Kara exclaims. “You mean he’s from the Galleria? He’s hot! Go see him.” Andrea exclaims. “You’re married.” Kara reminds her assistant. “Well, I’m not blind. I can be objective.” Andrea laughs. “Go! I’ll finish here. He’s waiting by the bar.” She hates to be out in the public areas of the restaurant. She feels like all eyes are on her. She hates the attention and right now she regrets saying yes to Devana. All this is disturbing her inner peace. But, just objectively looking at the guy, he is hot! Damn, libido! This is no time to play games. She is too busy to have a fling, she knows there can’t be anything more. He is a wild card she knows nothing about. And getting some outsider in trouble with her messed up pack is out of option for her. Since Andrea pushed her out of the kitchen, she might as well go see what he wants. If it has nothing to do with the exhibition, she will just turn around and walk away. Just a little bit curious as to what he has to say, she sits next to him on a bar stool. “Well, look who the cat dragged in.” Kara drawls. “Hi.” He smiles at her. “I was a bit disappointed when you didn’t show up, but I see how crowded this place is and I can understand.” “Thank you for that.” She nods. “I did send you my brother. He’s my PR manager.” “Thank you for that. I had no idea you are so famous. It will be great for the exhibition.” Mattias tells her. He’s excited about it, she can tell. “Do you have any feedback? I admit I never check my social pages.” Kara asks him. “Yes. We had to limit the opening night crowd, so day two will be equally packed.” Mattias nods. “I hope the sales will be good as well.” “It will be a nice surprise.” She smiles. She has plans for the money she’ll get from this. “May I invite you out for dinner?” Mattias inquires. “I don’t socialize.” Kara turns him down. “I was just thinking you deserve something for this marketing opportunity. It doesn’t have to mean anything. I just want to thank you.” Mattias says. She can see hope in his eyes. There is more to his invite that he is saying. She’s tempted, but she really shouldn’t go. “Now is not a good time.” Kara responds. “After the opening then?” Mattias smiles. His charm is alluring, but she has to resist. It’s for the best. “I don’t know.” She says. It’s the truth, she really doesn’t know. “I see. I can come around every day for lunch and try to convince you to go out with me.” He winks at her. “It’s a free country. You can do what you want.” Kara laughs. She waves him off and adds: “I have to go back.” “Nice seeing you.” Mattias smiles. There is something that man wants. She knows it. She just can’t get sucked in by his charms. She doesn't have time for the complications this could cause. She doesn’t know anything about him. Who is this guy? Where does he come from? What pack does he belong to? Damn! She better not think about packs. Her own is in a mess, and she’s right there in the middle of it. How will she get out of that marriage arrangement? Can her mother stonewall her Uncle long enough? Mattias could be fun, if she was free to do what she wants. If she could find the time. She feels the lack of that one hour of sleep, but her soul is content by the new painting on her easel. Win some, lose some. Maybe she can get a few hours off every day, if her mother is back for more than one day? She can only hope. “Kara? Who was that? He’s cute.” Her mother asks her. “That is Mattias. He’s from the Gallery.” Kara responds. Better not let her mother see that she likes the guy. “Oh! The paintings! I hope that goes well. You deserve to get some recognition.” Marra tells her. “And I have to say: good job on the schedules. Everything looks fine to me.” “Thank you.” Kara smiles. Her mother doesn’t hand out praise often, but she means it when she does. Right now she just gave her two. What is the world turning to? Is her mother going soft? Well, whatever it is, she’s not going to worry about it.
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