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The next morning is just like any other this past week. She gets up, makes breakfast for Teo and goes to work. Today she sent a few of her paintings out into the world. The feeling is weird, but oddly exhilarating, too. She suddenly grew up. That is the feeling she has. When did this happen? She held back for as long as she could and it just sneaked up on her. The exhibition! That’s what did it. She gave her art to a real gallery, and she became a real artist. She’s not an amateur anymore. If she sells one painting, that will be the confirmation of her artist's status.  Is it too late to back out? Of course it is! She made a promise and she has to deliver. She will not chicken out of this. Not now. She will call Devana later and tell her to expect Teo for a marketing discussion. Her little brother can be of great help in that department. With all the social media he deals with, he might have a few good ideas for the exhibition too. She is getting better at the paperwork part in the office at Rialto. She got everything done with time to spare. Maybe she can create something in the kitchen? The only people there are the preppers and assistants. They usually steer clear of her, but they all love to be taste testers whenever she comes up with something new. And today looks to be that kind of a day. It’s cold outside, the holidays are close and she is in a mood to mix chocolate with spices. Her phone rings in the apron pocket and she hopes it’s her mother. She could use some help around here, she is tired from all the extra work. It’s not her mother! She grunts at the name displayed there and contemplates not answering. Her cousin Mateo is the last person she expected to call. He is a loner and even weirder than she is. What does he want? “Hey. Never expected you to call. This has to be important?” She answers. “You have no idea.” Mateo sighs. “My father officially lost it. He kidnapped Alessio’s girlfriend. He’s making him fight for her. And I know his opponent is a tough one, it’s  Elio. The guy is ex military and insanely good.” “Are you joking? Isn’t Alessio dating Grazia Pietro? She is the icon of the fashion world, everybody knows her. What was he thinking?” Kara exclaims. “Nothing. My father doesn’t think, he acts.” Mateo tells her. She can hear exasperation in his voice. He is frustrated, scared and angry. Not a good combo for a wolf.  “s**t! Can we do something? Like anything at all?” She inquires. “We can’t do anything. Your mother could, but she is not picking up her phone. Make her see that hiding is not doing anyone any good. She can stall things, but she can’t prevent them.” Mateo grunts. “I know it’s not fair to you, but she has to do something. We’re all on the line here. I heard he is arranging a marriage for you. For alliance's sake.” “Oh, hell. I will try to talk with her. She locked herself in her room. I’m taking care of everything right now.” Kara tells him. “I hope you can make her see reason.” Mateo scoffs and hangs up. She is officially worried now. If Mateo called, it has to be bad. He doesn’t get involved with anything that has to do with the pack. He thinks it’s better, because of his wolf, but she knows it’s not. He could be so much more, if he starts to see his wolf for what he really is. But that is between Mateo and the wolf, she can’t influence him, she is not powerful enough. He is, if he would just embrace his destiny. Her spices and chocolate project is set on hold while she deals with this new development in her life. Getting second hand information is a priority, so she calls Vittorio. Maybe he can tell her what is really going on? If her uncle is really crazy enough to kidnap Grazia, they are in more trouble than any of them thought. “Hey, cuz. Is it true? Your father kidnapped Grazia?” She starts with the news right away. “Yeah. It’s bad. Alessio is off with a secret ally learning how to fight. I hope a crash course can be good enough.” Vittorio tells her. “Oh my God! Alessio is not a fighter! He’s a paramedic, for crying out loud!” Kara exclaims. She is worried even more. Can she be? Is it possible? “Damn! Why can’t I force him to stop? Why are my powers so unreliable?” “You are not a fighter. Don’t even go there. We have to keep you safe and this alliance he is cooking up worries me.” Vittorio tells her. “Can your mother block the negotiations?” “I don’t know. Mateo said to get her out and stop him. She could do it, she is mentaly stronger than him. She can get him at his own game.” Kara says. She has a plan on how to get her mother to act, but she needs time. “I hope she can. We need an ally inside of our own pack. I hate to say it, but my father needs to be dealt with.” Vittorio says. Too bad they can’t gang up on the Alpha and overthrow him that way. The damn pack laws prevent it. It has to be an Alpha challenge or a sudden death case. “I'll do what I can.” Kara sighs. “Thank you for the explanation. I hope it goes well for Alessio, he deserves to be loved.” “Me too, kiddo. Me too.” Vittorio hangs up after that. He must be at work, she thinks as she catches a glance of the time. The lunch crowd will be in at any minute and the kitchen on the other side of the small divide is busy and brimming with life. Her small private world of sweets is still peaceful enough. Her two assistants have everything covered, so Kara doesn’t have to worry about that part of her job. The actual job that she is paid for. She can focus on running things and that gives her time to worry. She can hide in the office for a while. She has to put the schedules together for everyone, and all the wishes are getting to her. With twenty people and their bizarre time off wishes, she will have a problem if she wants to give them all some time off for the upcoming holidays. “Hey, Kara.” Fernando greets her from the office door. “When is Marra coming back? The feel of the place is just not right without her.” “I know. I’m working on it. I have to get her out of this funky mellow state. It’s just wrong.” She answers. “I hope you don’t take this wrong, you’re doing a good job of running the place, but it’s not the same.” He tells her. “I get it. I would prefer her to be here. Maybe you should visit later and talk to her? I know she likes you.” Kara smiles at Fernando. She knows that her mother had a brief affair with him, but they managed to stay good friends after it. Nobody knows that she knows, so she is not bringing it up now, but it might be just what her mother needs. “After work? You know that would be midnight?” Fernando sputters. “So what? She’s not doing anything.” Kara shrugs. She will get him to do her bidding in no time. Just play the ‘I don’t care’ card. She even distracted Fernando enough so he forgot the real reason he came to see her. She is sure he wanted a few days off. But how? With her mother absent and Kara working around the clock, she needs him to keep the kitchen going. He is feared, so everyone is trying double as hard when he’s around. Giving him a day off without her mother to steer the ship is a recipe for disaster. She can’t do it. Not now. She takes a break from planning and slips back into the kitchen. It’s a bit less chaotic right now. The time is just right for her to finish her newest chocolate creation. She has to melt the pot of chocolate all over again and add the final touches. She will make pralines with almonds and nuts, topped with candied cherries. A perfect little mouthful of flavour. Maybe a dash of cognac for the festive spirit? It can’t hurt and it will blend in nicely with the ginger and cinnamon. Kara takes the molds and creates small heart pralines. She decorates them and sets the trays aside for the chocolate to harden. Those will be the perfect little treats for the display. Maybe they can put them in small gift boxes for last minute presents? She has to remind Andrea later to come up with a nice box idea.  A text chimes on her phone and she checks it absentmindedly. If it’s just another ** notice, she will ignore it like all the rest. But it’s not. Teo sent her a message. He actually wants her to check her ** posts? Why? What did he do now? The questions shoot through her mind before she remembers that she sent him to Mattias. Did they come up with a marketing idea? So fast? Her little brother is a genius, but this is fast even for him. Kara frowns at her phone. What is the ** app logo? Damn, she hates this new tech. She was happy with her first cell phone. Calls and texts were enough. Now it feels like lugging a whole computer around. She presses the logo that she thinks is right and comes up with a card game. What is this? Teo needs to clean off all of this useless crap. She gets it right on the fourth try and smiles at the notices. They created a fine looking story. The gallery, the art, the time. It's perfect! And they mentioned the other artists, too.  She calls Teo to ask what the hear and numbers mean. Maybe he could give her a crash course in this media? She used to like photography. maybe she can pick it up again and share her pics? It’s a thought. “Hey, sis!” Teo exclaims. “Did you see it?” “Yes. What does the number by the heart mean?” Kara asks him. “That is the number of people that saw the post and liked it.” He answers. “So many? But you posted that like an hour ago?” Kara wonders. She can’t believe it. “That’s why it’s called **. All your followers see that right away. It’s a great way to promote and let people know what you’re doing. The gallery will get great exposure and the exhibition too.” Teo explains to her. “You have to show me how to use this. Maybe I can do one thing myself.” Kara muses. “From time to time. You still have your job.” “Sure.” Teo laughs. The little nerd is making fun of her?  “I mean it. Let me send you my latest creations. You might even get a few when I come home.” Kara tells him. She is genuinely curious about this. Not a common thing for her at all. She just might embrace one thing out of the multitude of new social media apps. Who would have guessed?  ‘You’re opening up to new things? It was about time.’ Her wolf chuckles. ‘Don’t mock me.’ Kara scoffs. ‘I’m not. I’m just stating facts.’ The wolf tells her. ‘It’s a good thing. Stop questioning it.’  ‘We’ll see about it.’ Kara smiles. She will give it a try.
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