
1959 Words
Electricity running through him at the slightest touch of her hand. Who is this girl? She’s a wolf, that much he can tell. The scent of her is mixed deeply with cinnamon and vanilla. And the unmistakable scent of dark chocolate that he loves. She’s an artist, too. The girl is perfect. Too perfect. He knows nothing is given, or easy for that matter. She would be so much fun, if he could get her alone for a few hours. But first he needs to find out more about her.  Her name alone is not enough for him. It sounds delicious, just like she is. Kara Tottzi. Zsuzsanna seems to know her well, if she is willing to risk the whole exhibition with a new artist that nobody has heard about before. He wonders what her story is? Where does Zsuzsanna know her from? And where was she hiding? The girl is gorgeous. He could tell that from her unblemished features.  She doesn’t wear any make-up, her long hair was carefully braided and her clothes told him nothing. He is watching her walk away, but she’ll be back soon. She promised to bring five paintings. And he’s the one to appraise them. How can he do that? What does he base the price on? He can’t put her in the same price range as Zsuzsanna, she is a well known painter. So are the others. He must find out more. It’s her first exhibition, but her art must be somewhere for Zsuzsanna to see it. How would she know about it otherwise? “Mattias!” Devana shakes him by his shoulders. She seems amused somehow. “Are you daydreaming?” “No. I was thinking.” He answers. Nonchalance is always his best weapon. His poker face is good, but Devana always could see right through him no matter what he did. “About Kara?” She snickers. Her quiet laughter is  mocking him. He can’t let her know that he is interested in Kara. It might get back to his mother. “Yes.” He nods. “She is a total nobody in the art world. Where are her paintings displayed? Who owns one? How do you know her? How do we present her work? How do I price it? If I set the prices too high, nobody will buy anything. If I set it low, people will be suspicious. Is she the right one to fill the void?” Mattias asks. His questions have merit, he knows that. “Oh, you worry too much.” Devana laughs. “She is Kara Tottzi! She is a goddess of sweets. Her mother owns Rialto; Kara is the pastry chef there. She also has a masters in modern art. Her art is amazing. If you really want to see some, go to Rialto. I can’t promise you will get a table, but you can look at the paintings on the walls.” “Rialto? One of the most expensive places in Milano?” Mattias gapes. “And her art is on the walls? I’ve been there a few times. I thought the art goes well with the place.” “Her mother probably selected the decor according to the art. It’s in perfect harmony. From the table cloths, to the napkins, to the paintings on the walls.” She winks at him. Why is she amused by his questions? “All right. You got me. I will set prices just below yours. And if someone asks why, I can tell them that her art is in Rialto. If they can’t afford to eat there, they can at least have the same art.” Mattias smirks. He is happy about the sudden turn of the situation. “Can you pull some strings and get us a table at Rialto?” He asks Devana some time later. “I don’t think so. Kara is my daughter’s friend. I played that card just to see her earlier.”She shakes her head. “Would you join me, if I get a table? Even for lunch?” He asks her. “Sure. I never say no to exquisite food.” Devana laughs. Mattias sits at the small borrowed desk in the tiny office on the second floor of the gallery. He is going through the numbers and if Kara’s paintings are what Zsuzsanna claims, they can just make a profit from this. It was a blow to lose Davida Ismail. The Israeli artist is a big name in the art circles of Milano. But, if Kara lets him use her real name, he can sell her paintings at a better price. The girl is apparently famous around here. For her sweets, but that is just a starting point. Can he get their catering service to go out of their way and procure some items from Kara?  What would it take? How much money would be enough to make his catering chef swallow his own pride and go ask Kara Tottzi for her famous sweets? Can he pull it off so close to the opening night? Maybe he can just go behind the man’s back and order a few trays of sweets at Rialto? Then he can say those magically appeared along with Kara’s art. It’s a move his father would have no trouble making, but Mattias is more like his mother. Proper conduct and all.  Honesty is a big thing for him and it bothers him so much to keep quiet about who he really is. He is trespassing right now in another pack’s territory, he needs to keep low and not draw attention to himself. He knows Zsuzsanna’s secret, but not even the goddess can keep him safe if he gets tangled up in this mess. He better steer clear of Kara. It only brings trouble he doesn’t need. No matter how delicious she looks, she is off limits, if he hopes to get out of here in one piece. Everyone knows her Alpha is crazy, and he is under strict orders from his father to stay under the radar of Alpha Vito Tottzi.  ‘But she’s your mate.’ His wolf inserts. ‘I don’t believe it. She is attractive, but there is nothing there. That was just static. It was gone just as fast as it happened.’ Mattias answers. ‘And you’re so good at lying to yourself? You actually expect me to believe that?’ The wolf smirks. ‘I know what I felt. You better figure out why it’s gone now.’ ‘Yeah. That means asking Devana about her. What do you think will happen if mother finds out?’ Mattias inquires. He can’t get information from anyone else. All his other acquaintances here have nothing to do with Kara. The disappointment the next day is visible on his face. At least to Devana, who is looking at him like someone died and he is yet to tell her who. It’s just that he hoped to see Kara again, to determine if she really is his mate or not. But she didn’t come. She sent the paintings over with a courier service and a damn note. At least she is willing to use her real name for this exhibition. Thank God for small favours! “What’s wrong? You look like someone died.” Devana nudges him. “It’s nothing.” He shrugs. Looking at her art gives him peace. Not really something you would expect from expressionist works that remind him of Picaso. She is good. “Right. You know you can trust me?” Devana smiles gently. “Can I trust you to not tell my mother?” He asks her. He really doesn’t need that kind of a complication right now. He must be sure first. “Of course you can. I’m not a blabber mouth.” She smirks. “My wolf thinks she’s my mate.” He whispers. He glances around just in case, but they are alone.   “Oh, darling!” Devana exclaims. “You really have no idea who she is? Are you sure?” “I’m not sure. He thinks so. There was something yesterday when we touched, but I don’t know. I never had a mate before. You know it’s different for everyone. I can’t tell from just one touch.” Mattias tells her. “She is trouble, that one.” Devana shakes her head. “I know you are here incognito. I will help you keep that cover, but if she really is your mate, you are in for a world of pain. She is Vito’s neece. The daughter of his Beta.”  “Tell me you’re joking?” He looks over at her in despair.  “No. I’m sorry.” She hugs him. “I wish I could help you, but my hands are tied. As long as Vito doesn’t endanger humans or go directly for one of us, I can’t interfere.”  “Damn.” Mattias mutters. “At least one thing went right today. Join me for lunch? I got a table at Rialto. I want to see her other works.” “Art or sweets?” She wonders. Her smile is contagious and he feels better just having her around. “Both.” He smirks. His love for chocolate is well known. He doesn’t need to explain anything to Devana. “Could you compel our catering guy to procure some of her sweets for the opening?” “What do you think I am? I’m not a vampire. I don’t have those powers.” Devana tells him. “It was a thought.” He sighs. He will just have to get his fill today. Maybe buy something to take home? His hotel doesn’t have anything good on the room service menu. Maybe he’ll get to see her? Who knows? His luck can’t be that bad? He doesn’t consider himself unlucky. Life never really threw him a glove before. He coasted through everything with ease, why would it be different now? Deciding to follow his permanent optimism, he takes Devana to lunch. Getting to see some more paintings by Kara, will help him set the price. He is pretty sure he can put her in the same price range as the works of Zsuzsanna Bagdán. Even as a newbie on the scene, she does have a name in this city. It might be a nice surprise to people that she does anything else. The girl has a talent that would be a shame to hide. “Wow. The place is packed!” Mattias exclaims. “You are lucky they had a table. It’s always like this. All day long. This is one of those places where a name means nothing and you can’t ever skip a line.” Devana tells him. She doesn’t seem to mind the table in the middle of the floor. She is a people’s person after all. “Any recommendations?” He asks her. “Anything and everything.” Devana shrugs. “I’ll go for the chef’s plate and the chocolate souffle.” “The souffle sounds good, but I’m starving. My hotel is just terrible. The breakfast was barely edible.” Mattias mumbles. He knows Devana will hear it anyway. “Take the steak then. That is a royal treat.” She smiles at him. He’ll go for the suggestion. A stake is just like a good pick me up. He can never go wrong with that. He smiles at the table setting. Even the napkins are in the bright colours Kara used on the canvases. The paintings are evenly spaced around the restaurant and he can’t decide which one is his favourite. Maybe he can splurge a bit and buy one for his personal collection?
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