3.Art gallery

1920 Words
The weekend has come and gone and she is still stuck in the office. Her mother took hiding to a new level. She is serious about blocking all negotiations with the pack. Kara wonders how long she can do it before her uncle loses his patience and has her mother dragged out or replaced. That would be bad. Uncle Vito tends to overreact lately. Oh well, Kara sighs. She can just make herself at home in the restaurant’s office. Mom is not even picking up her phone. Did she break another one?  Kara takes all the schedules off of the wall and pulls the hours together for everyone. She will have to ask the floor manager for details, but she has to do the paychecks for everyone as well. Someone has to, so it better be her. No use in putting it off any longer, she can’t afford for people to quit, if they don’t get paid. Her mom would kill her if that happens. And the new schedules for the upcoming holidays have to be planned as well. She must make sure they have everything covered. People are not used to long waits at Rialto. Waiting for an open table is one thing, but slow service? That would ruin their reputation. She hates to be stuck in the office, her artistic inner self is all miserable here. She needs to paint, or create something with chocolate. Right now even baking cookies would do wonders to placate her soul. But it’s spreadsheets not baking paper. She needs to get this over with and then she can reward herself with an hour in the kitchen. She has the perfect thing on her mind. A nice, light, juicy dessert. Topped off with dark chocolate and raspberries. “Kara? I’m sorry. There is this really persistent lady here that demands to see you.” Andrea says from the office door. “She gave me her card.” “Zsuzsanna Bagdán? Sounds Hungarian. Sounds familiar, too.” Kara comments on the card. “Does she have flaming red hair?” “Yes. So you do know her?” Andrea asks. “I do. She’s Ilona’s mother.” Kara nods. “Bring her back here. I’ll make an exception.” “Sure. Fernando has been asking about you. Something about schedules?” Andrea scoffs. “I think he wants something.” “Great. I want a free day and a bottle of wine.” Kara chuckles. Kara looks over her paper strewn desk and shrugs. She is in the middle of work and making an exception for a friend’s mother. She knows Devana, casually. She will do this for Ilona. And she needs a distraction and this came at just the right time. Maybe Devana will be just what she needs? She is curious what the woman wants. “Hey, Kara. I’m sorry to barge in like this, but I really hope you’ll say yes.” Devana smiles brightly as she steps into her office. “Hey, yourself. Are you here as Devana or Zsuzsanna?” Kara asks. “Zsuzsanna. I have an exhibition at one of the local galleries. It’s actually a joint thing of a few artists.” Devana answers. “I have to keep this cover alive for a few more years. And I love the art world, so it’s not a problem for me.” “Are you here for a catering request?” Kara inquires. They are really busy, but she could squeeze in an evening job at a gallery. “No. I wish I was. One of my friends canceled on us. We have a gallery opening on Thursday and five vacant spots on the wall.” Devana sighs. “I’m desperate. I beg you to come see the place and please, please get on board with this.” “You want me? My paintings? I don’t do exhibitions.” Kara looks at Devana in wonder. She has never put her paintings out there. She gives those away as presents. She never even thought about it. “I know it’s a lot to ask.” Devana pleads with her. “Please? Just consider it. The space is already paid for. You don’t even have to be there or give your real name. We can make up an alias for you.” “Tempting.” Kara answers. It’s a way to escape. She could have a legitimate excuse to not go home. Can she do it? She doesn’t like exposure.  “Please?” Devana says again. “I have to think about it. I have so much work here. And I’ve never done anything like it before. When I go out on a catering job, I’m invisible. I’m just one of the waiters.” Kara tells her. “Fine. I won’t pressure you. Think about it and call me.” Devana nods. “I know it’s a huge step.” “No promises.” Kara smiles. All day long, she is thinking about Devana’s words. The offer of an exhibition place is thrilling. She could be an artist for real! So instead of going home, she takes a taxi and drives over to the art gallery. She calls Devana on the way and the goddess is still there. She will walk Kara through and explain everything. But right now, standing in front of the art gallery, she feels intimidated and scared out of her mind. What was she thinking? Devana said it’s a local art gallery, but she failed to give her the name, only the address. Looking up at the impressive building of Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Kara is close to bolting.  “You’re not going anywhere! You just got here.” Devana catches her by the arm and drags her inside. “I can’t believe you’re intimidated by a building?” “I thought it’s going to be one of the small local private galleries. How did you get a spot here? And why me? I'm a nobody in the grand scheme of modern art.” Kara stammers. “I know the curator. I had an exhibition here before.” Devana shrugs. “And you, my dear, you have a masters in modern art. You should feel at home here.” “That’s not common knowledge. And I got it with research, not painting. I can apply to be a curator, not an artist.” Kara sicks quietly. “Oh, hush! I’ve seen your work. You deserve this.” Devana laughs. Devana takes her up to the second floor exhibition place and shows her around. The filled spots have some of the most amazing art she has seen in a long time. She is drawn to realistic looking paintings of water and bridges. A smile spreads out, when she sees the signature. And Devana thinks that her own feeble attempts at painting should be displayed here? Did the goddess lose her mind? “You know I can hear your thoughts? Stop putting yourself down. Believe in your abilities. Art is just another form of expression. You do it every day with your chocolate creations. What makes you think your paintings are any different?” Devana nudges her. “I never sold any. I know my mom likes them, so do Vesna and Ilona.” Kara tells her. “This scares me. How do I put a price on my work?” “Don’t worry about that. We have an independent art dealer coming in from Switzerland. Mattias is one of the best, he is objective. And you don’t have to meet him, if you don’t want to.” Devana smiles gently. “A Swiss art appraisal expert? How big is this thing you organized here?” Kara glances around the place. Her anxiety is back with friends. Terror and gripping fear. She can’t do this.   “Relax. I’ve known Mattias since he was a kid. He’s a great guy. His mother and I? We go way back.” Devana smiles. “I still have to pick out five paintings. Nothing of mine goes with any of this.” Kara swipes her hand around at the art hanging there. “We don’t have a theme. I went with bridges of Budapest, Lea did her famous impressions of fields, Max in his ‘glory’ graced us with historical buildings of Vienna, and whatever you bring to the mix, will be just fine.” Devana points her to all the different styles. “Yes. Please! Just fill the damn blanks on the walls. It’s hard to look at all that white.” A handsome guy inserts himself into their conversation. His hair is midnight black and the classical good looks remind her of old Greek statues. But what strikes her the deepest are his pale blue eyes. So light of blue, it’s almost gray, but the rim of the iris is indigo. She can’t help herself, but to fall deep into those eyes. “Kara?” Devana pokes her in the shoulder with her finger. The sharp pain brings her out of her daydream and she gasps. “This is Mattias Zimmer, our art appraisal expert.” “Kara Tottzi.” She breathes and gives him her hand. An electrical current runs through her at the touch, but she shuts it down. This is really no time for her dormant libido to make an appearance. She likes her life the way it is. Even this art thing is a complication and a novelty she will have to force herself to endure. She hates changes to her careful routine.   “If Zsuzsanna thinks your painting will enrich our exhibition, I trust her. Completely.” Mattias tells her. His smile is doing things to her that she doesn’t like. Calm and collected is her motto, and he is disrupting her routine. “I will do it, then. For her.” She answers. She smirks at the charmer. She  will not fall for it. “Thank you, darling.” Devana laughs and winks at her. Kara is sure the goddess has caught what is going on. Her mind reading abilities trump Kara’s own ability to hide things. But no matter, Kara just decided to avoid the guy. She doesn’t have to be here. Devana promised her that. She just needs to go home and select the paintings to put on the walls here. That is everything. She is sure Devana will keep her in the loop about the art exhibition. ‘He might be fun. He’s a wolf, too.’ Her wolf pipes up. ‘Now you decide to make an appearance? You’re nowhere to be seen for days and you just happen to like the guy? Why?’ Kara asks her wolf. ‘I don’t know. There is something about him. He’s a mystery for me.’ The wolf answers. ‘Where were you the last few days?’ Kara inquires. She really missed her wolf. They don’t talk much, but the presence of the animal is soothing. ‘I hate the drama going on in the pack. I was avoiding that.’ The wolf shrugs. ‘Well. You could have been there for me. I need some comfort. Uncle came up with some new nasty ideas, mother locked herself away and I have to take care of everything. Alone!’ Kara sums up the last few days for her wolf. ‘I’m sorry. I really hate it.’ The wolf brushes up against her skin and makes her smile. All is better in life with her wolf around for support.
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