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When we got to school we walked inside and we went to Bella's locker first and then mine. Everyone obviously knew who we were but they kept their distance from us. Both of our fathers were known for being crazy. And no one wanted to mess with the Alpha or Beta's daughters. So we only had each other at school. Which was fine with us. The further we stayed away from people, the least likely they were to find out about what was actually happening in our house. When we got to our first class we sat at the back of the classroom as usual and I pulled out my notebook and pen and started scribbling on the page in front of me. When our geography teacher arrived and started the class I just sat there with my head on my hand scribbling in my book and barely paying attention. ***************************************** When I was 6 years old I woke up in the morning to my 26-year-old mother and my 48-year-old father screaming at each other in our old house. The one that we had before we moved to the packhouse. I stayed in bed for ages because I couldn't find the courage to get out of bed and go out there to see what was going on. I could hear things smashing and my mother screaming at my father. I then heard the slap that he gave my mother while yelling at her. And that's when I got out of bed. I opened my door and slowly crept down the hallway and stood at the kitchen doorway and my mother was on the floor holding her face and dad was standing over her. She saw me standing there and scrambled to her feet. "It's alright sweetie. I'm alright. Hey, why don't you go and get dressed and then you can go outside and play with Bella. How does that sound?" My mother asked, crouching down to my level. But I just shook my head and looked at my father before I turned back to my room and I closed the door. I started getting dressed but their fight wasn't over. I could still hear them screaming at each other and I was shaking while I was buttoning up my shirt. But I managed to get dressed and I walked back to the kitchen. My father was storming out the backdoor from what I could see and my mother was holding a rag to her bloody nose. "Why does daddy get so angry all the time?" I asked. "I don't know sweetie. He just does. Hey, are you all ready? I think Bella is alright outside. I saw her playing in the playground earlier. Why don't you go and find her while I clean up this mess and all the broken glass." Mummy says to me. "Okay mummy." I say. And I hugged her before I walked outside and Bella was still at the playground. I got on the swing next to her and she looked at me and then back to the house. "I could hear your daddy screaming from here." Bella says. But I just nod my head. She knew that meant that I didn't want to talk about it. " Do you wanna go and annoy Ethan. He's with his friends." She says. And I smile at that and shake my head. So we jumped off the swings and went running to find Ethan so we could annoy the crap out of him. Something that we loved to do all the time. And it always cheered us up. ************************************** I was snapped out of my thoughts by Bella nudging me so I looked at her and she pointed down at the picture that I was absent mindedly drawing. It was a big snarling wolf attacking a woman and child. I quickly changed the page and started paying attention to the class that we were in. Try to get my mind to concentrate on what needs to be done at school. The day went by pretty quickly and before we knew it, it was time to head home. But we always took our time before going home. We slowly went to our lockers to get our things and then we headed outside but we saw that same black BMW sitting out the front waiting for us. "Ethan. What are you doing here?" Bella asked. "I'm giving you guys a lift home." He responded with a beaming smile. "It's alright. We can walk. It's not that far." I say. "Too bad. Get in." Ethan ordered. So we got in his car and he actually took us into town instead of taking us home. "The Alpha told us to get home straight after school because of that party tonight." I told Ethan. "Don't worry. Dad and the Beta know that you girls are with me. I told them before I picked you guys up. Don't worry. You won't get in trouble." Ethan assured us. Ethan took us to an ice cream store downtown and took us inside. "You do know that we're not 10 years old anymore, right?" I asked Ethan. "I know. But I thought we could all sit down and talk." He says. "A coffee shop would have been better." I say sitting down. The other two got ice cream but I didn't order anything. "So Tessa, how are the ribs going?" Ethan asked. "Pretty good. I think they're just bruised. They'll be back to normal soon." I say. "Yeah. Thank goddess for werewolf healing." Ethan says. And I just smile at him. "So Bells, how has dad been since I left? Has he gotten any worse?" Ethan asked. "About the same, I guess." Bella says eating a bit of her ice cream and then she side eyed me. But unfortunately, Ethan managed to see us. But he didn't say anything about it. I had a really bad feeling that he only brought us here to fish for information. He was asking too many questions and I didn't really like it. So I kept quiet for most of that ice cream adventure and Bella and Ethan just kept talking like always. Like they were just talking about old times. When we got back to the packhouse Ethan said that he needed to go run some errands for his dad before the party so Bella and I went inside. Both of our dad's were sitting in the living room waiting for us and we knew that couldn't be good.
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