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"How long do we need to stay here to be respectful? I hate everyone staring at me." I whisper to Bella. "Just a couple more minutes. Then we can leave for school." She whispers back. I then saw the head warrior Mason walk in with his two sidekicks Levi and Lockie trailing behind him and Mason's eyes set straight on me. They got themselves some food and then invited themselves to join me and Bella. Mason sat right next to me and moved his chair over so he could be closer to me, but I squirmed away from him as much as possible. He was big and good looking but he was a horrible person. And I knew that from first hand experience. He was the one that they always called to track down those families that ran away. And I know that he personally killed a child of those fleeing families. I wanted nothing to do with him. "I have exciting news for you Tessa." Mason says, looking at me. "And what is that?" I asked, exhaling while drinking a little coffee. "I have you're fathers blessing." He said slowly. And my head snapped towards him. "What?" I almost shouted and a few people looked our way before they went back to what they were talking about. And Mason was smirking at me. "As soon as you turn 18, I am taking you as my mate." He says. "And what about my true mate? My goddess given mate? What about him? He's out there somewhere." I say. "Who cares. He'll find someone else. Or he'll just wither and die after you reject him. I really don't care. But you will be mine. That's all I've wanted for years." He says lightly while playing with my hair. And I look at Bella pleading with my eyes. "Yeah. We have to get to school now. It was good seeing you Mason." Bella says standing up and I stood up as well. They stayed sitting at the table as us two grabbed our bags and left the dining hall as quickly as we could and we didn't even stop to say goodbye to anyone. Least of all our fathers. But we weren't that lucky. "You two will be home straight after school. We're having a party here tonight with a lot of visiting Alpha's." The Alpha shouted across the room. We both stopped and nodded to him before leaving the house. "I can't believe that your father promised you to that sack of shit." Bella yelled as we were walking down the road. "I can. My father knows his own kind." I say. "I am so sorry Tess. What are you going to do?" Bella asked sympathetically. "I don't know. But I'll figure something out. Even if I have to run away before it can happen. I will definitely do that." I declare. "Well, tell me before you do. I'm coming with you." She says. "Sounds like a plan." I say. And then a black BMW stopped right in our walkway and we stopped before we hit the car and we both stepped back not knowing what to expect right now. Then a 6 foot 4 man with short brown hair and cleanly shaved with muscles that looked like they were going to rip his shirt off his body got out of the driver's seat and smiled at both of us. "What? Don't I even get a hug?" He asked. "Ethan." Bella yelled, jumping into his arms. And the other door opened to reveal an equally big man with dirty blonde hair and a little facial hair got out of the passenger seat. That was Ethan's best friend Wyatt. When Bella finally let Ethan go he walked over to me and hugged me and I winced a little in pain but tried to hide it and then I hugged Wyatt. And I had to do the same thing. "Are you hurt?" Ethan asked. "Yeah. It was stupid. Rough housing with a couple of the warriors and this is what happened. I should know better." I lied through my teeth. "Girls aren't allowed to train. Why are you rough housing with warriors?" Wyatt asked. "I don't know. It seemed like a good idea at the time." I shrugged. " Come on Bells, we're gonna be late." I say. "We'll see you tonight." Bella says hugging Ethan again and we start walking off down the road again. But when I looked to the side I could see Ethan and Wyatt leaning against the side of their car watching us and talking about something. I was afraid that they didn't believe my rough housing with the warrior’s excuse. "Bella. What would Ethan do if he found out about my dad?" I asked nervously. "You know Ethan as well as I do. What do you think he would do to your dad?" Bella responded confidently. "Just wait until he finds out that your dad gave you away to Mason. Ethan has always hated Mason. I don't think that mating will go through if Ethan is here. That's a good thing." Bella says. "Yeah. I'll take your word for it." I say skeptically. My father always had his way of getting his own way. No matter what it was. If he wanted me to mark and mate with Mason, then it was pretty much as good as done.
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