She Can't Leave Me!

1791 Words

Maxim Curious looks greet me as I step into the resort jewelry store. I see Elliott standing there. He’s the son of the owner here. I know his dad, he was the brother of our family jeweler back home. Then that voice shrieks “Maxim! There you are!” I turn to stare at Renetta. What the actual hell is she doing here? “Renetta, can I help you?” I ask frostily. “I heard you were coming in here to shop and thought I’d come help. I found some earrings that are simply fabulous. Was thinking about how they would look on me…” I raise an eyebrow catching her insinuation. “Sounds like you should buy them. If you’ll excuse me, I need to meet with Elliott.” I catch his eye and he nods quickly. “Yes Mr. Taylor, if you will follow me to my office.” I hold back the smile. This wasn’t the way I pla

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