
720 Words

Maxim As the sound of the door slams, I hear Carlo chuckle behind me. I turn and glare at him with irritation. “Can it Carlo, I’m not in the mood.” “You should be, I mean you pissed her off good. Not my fault you are an ass.” He grins and I decide I’ve earned a drink. I stalk into my office and grab the bourbon bottle and two glasses. Carlo leans against the doorframe and I hand him one. “I didn’t do anything to piss her off. I have no idea why she’s upset.” Carlo drains his glass and sets it down. “I thought you’d have enough sense to ignore Renetta after she upset your wife at that shop the other day, I swear.” “Renetta said Carys was insecure about her figure while she was shopping.” “You are such a dumbass I swear. Renetta was hanging all over you tonight, whispering in your dam

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