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Jackie I didn't know what he meant by saying I was his. Some kind of joke that he must have with himself over protecting me. But I let myself be tempted by the idea of actually being his. He was a hell of a kisser, his possessive body language turned me on, and he was a great dad. What woman would be able to not turn into a puddle of goo over this man? My ovaries were screaming for him and now that I knew those dog tags weren't his... I might just give him a chance. I licked my lips, still tasting his on them even now that we were back in the car, and almost to the grocery store. I had a list of things in my purse that we agreed that we would get, and when he started to look for a parking spot, I finally looked over at him. He had his biker vest on. His hair was pushed back, his shades blocking his eyes, and I licked my lips one more time, tasting him and wondering when he would kiss me again. He pulled into a spot and the car turned off quick and I climbed out and waited as Cami got out and shut her door. She waited near the back of the car and I looked around not wondering why until Lucien came over with a basket, he lifted her  and put her in the bigger part of the basket and reached back to grab my hand. We started to walk together, still hand and hand. We started out getting vegetables and fruits. Cami certainly liked a lot of them, and it was kind of refreshing to see a kid like good things rather than the sweets that I usually make and put with tons of sugar and chocolate in her body. "Now what?" Lucien asked and I looked around and saw the milk. "Milk, eggs, creamer, stuff like that." I told him and he nodded before heading right over and just reaching in to grab whatever. He didn't even check the eggs. "Give me those." I shook my head as I took them from him. He looked confused as I opened and moved to put them back because two on the side were cracked. "What was wrong with the ones that I picked up?" He asked and I just shook my head. "You didn't check them. I bet you didn't look at the expiration dates on anything else." I told him and moved to look at the milk and saw that it was 2 days away from going bad. "Those Sell By dates are merely suggestions." He told me and I shook my head. "Who owns a café and bakes for a living?" I asked and he shook his head and looked to his daughter as she started laughing at him. "You bake?" She asked me when I got a new gallon of milk and a new creamer from the back. "Yes. I own a little coffee shop and I make the scones, and muffins and other things that go with other kinds of pastries." I told her and her eyes kind of lit up and I smiled slowly. "I love watching cooking channels. Do you know that there are competitions that kids get to do against grownups?" She asked and I shook my head. "Do they team up or go against each other?" I asked and she kept telling me about her favorite baker and show. "That sounds cool. Maybe it will be on when we get back to your house and we can see some of it." I told her and she squealed and looked at her dad and started to ask if we could get some stuff to bake with. "What are you going to make if we do get stuff?" He asked as he tossed in some pancake mix and headed back down the aisle while I pushed. "How about blueberry muffins." I offered out when she looked back at me for some kind of help. "We did already pick up some and it's easy and quick and it could be breakfast tomorrow." I told her and she cheered and looked back at her dad. She started to bat her eyes and I wondered for just a split second if it would work. Lucien had just laughed at her begging and told me to get what we needed to bake the muffins. No other begging needed. I looked from Cami to Lucien and wondered what it would have been like for me if I had her kind of father. Mine was cold and irritated all the time. He didn't go to the talent shows, and we didn't get to go grocery shopping and if we did, we didn't get to beg for anything. We would disperse with certain items our dad wanted us to get, and then meet up at the lines. 'Quick and effective' is what my dad used to call it. After my mom died, he had a cook/ maid come into the house every day. After I turned 14, I was making all the meals and cleaning the dishes and doing everyone's laundry. I became a parent to my little brother who had rebelled to our father. I was the only one he would listen to. And when I was in college and he was 15 and home alone with our father, he got sent to military school. And when he turned 18, he joined the Marines. I looked at Cami as she climbed out and went to hold Lucien's hand and something deep inside me ached or... longed, for that kind of relationship. I always figured that I would one day have my own child that I could do right by. I walked behind the duo with the basket quickly filling up with breakfast cereal and school lunch stuff. When we were in line to buy all the stuff, I got ready to bag everything, again flashing back to my own childhood. I would be expected to make sure every bag is filled just right so we didn't have to use them all. I got really good at it. And as I was putting some in the reusable bags Cami came over and started to help too. I sent her a smile and helped her sort the colds together before I realized that she was really trying to help. I got it all back in the basket and realized that Lucien already paid and was just waiting for us to finish up. I sent him a smile and he lifted Cami up into his arms, so I took over pushing the cart to the car. When we loaded the bags Cami just climbed into her seat and strapped herself in, so when Lucien reached up and closed the back he didn't hesitate to pull me into his body, kissing me quick and pushing me against the back of his car. I giggled when he pulled away and shook my head at him before going around to my door quickly and wiping away anything that might give away what Lucien might have just done to me so his daughter wouldn't see. "Do you like my daddy?" Cami asked, almost silently. "I do. He is a nice man." I told her and she sighed. "No... I mean like like. Almost like you love him." She told me and I bit my lip. Wiping my mouth one more time I turned in my seat so she could see my face clearly. "Oh. Well I don't know your dad very well. He's really just helping me out with a small problem I have. I didn't even know he was a dad until we got to actually talk today." I told her and she worked her mouth like she was trying to think. "But can't you love him at first sight?" She asked and I smiled lightly. "That might happen in the old days of princes and princesses, but here and now... you got to make sure that you know someone before you could say you love them. I don't know your dad's middle name. He doesn't know my brother or my father. I don't know his best friend... who knows, maybe you won't like me in three days." I waved the notion out there and she giggled. "You're not bad. You're going to teach me how to make blueberry muffins." She told me and I just smiled and turned back around as Lucien got into the car and I put my belt on. "What were you two talking about?" He asked as he started the car and moved to put his own belt on. "Just girl stuff." I told him before Cami could tell him the truth. I got comfortable and got on my phone, taking a few moments to write my staff another news letter saying that I would pay everyone that is supposed to work tomorrow and will take volunteers for the next day to come in, but after tomorrow not everyone on the schedule will be getting paid if they don't come into work. We got back to his place faster than I thought we would, and while I helped with the carrying in from the garage, I had no idea where everything went so I stepped back and watched as daughter and father worked as a team to get everything put away. "Can we make muffins now?" She begged me and I looked from her wide smile to Lucien who was narrowing his eyes at her. "Ask your dad if he has anything, he wants you to do first." I told her and she turned back to him and put her hands on her hips and just waited. I giggled so soft she didn't hear it, but he saw and gave me a look before looking down to his daughter and taking the same stance that made me laugh outright. "Did you do your homework for the day?" He asked and she whined and looked at me. "Go get it, then you can make the muffins, and then a shower before bed." He ordered and she took off at a run and I licked my lips as he came towards me, his angry eyes evident and I just stayed where I was. "What were you laughing at babe?" He asked me and I just looked towards the door she ran out of. "Why did you imitate her. You realize she will start to imitate you right?" I asked and he seemed to think about that before looking away and then back at me. "Plus, it was so cute to see a grown man act like a child." I laughed again and squealed when he grabbed my sides and started to tickle. "Stop." I screeched and he laughed this time. "Daddy!" I heard the scared shout and I felt him take off from being in front of me in less than a second and I was running after him. Thinking about what happened today, about how the man walked into my shop with a gun, and how he broke into my house... he couldn't have gotten into Lucien's too.  We got to his bathroom and saw her in the corner near the bathtub looking near the stack of towels and I took a breath when I simply spotted a spider. "It's just a daddy long leg." He made a quick grab with his hand, not squishing it and he moved towards me and I backed up. "It's just a spider. This kind can't even bite." He told me and I shook my head. "Just kill it." I told him and he sighed. "Why kill what you can set free." He shook his head and I looked back in and checked all the corners as Cami came towards the door as well. "He always catches them and puts them outside." She shuddered and I looked around as well. "Your dad is so weird." I told her and she nodded. She went downstairs into the kitchen to wash her hands before she went back up to her room to get her things for her homework. I sat at the kitchen table, knowing it was late, but I helped her with her homework when Lucien didn't come back in right away. It took another 20 minutes after she finished her pages for today, and we had already started to put the muffins into the tins that he had, for Lucien to come back in. He looked at both of us, and a look passed before he came closer to us and he checked over her homework still on the table. "This is the last of it." Cami got my attention as she spooned the rest of the batter into the last cup and I nodded and smiled at her neatness. "And now go get the blueberries." I told her and she nodded before hopping off the small stool we were using so she could see everything on the counter. "I need to talk to you while she showers." He whispered to me and I just nodded as she came back with the slightly damp berries and she started to tell her dad what we did and how we coated them with sugar and how I told her she would have to wait and see what happened to them in the oven. She put little handfuls on each muffin, and when they were done, I told her to stand back and as I slid them into place Lucien told her to go and get in the shower, and reminded her not to forget anything she would need to change into. "Okay. I hope the muffins don't burn!" She shouted and I gave a small smile before standing up straight and ready for what Lucien needed to talk to me about. "I had someone watching your house this afternoon, before we got there and after we left, just to see if the guy came back." He told me and I just nodded and waited. "He did. And he broke every window with a gun. Some he shot, others he could just simply walk up to he knocked them in." He told me and I worked my jaw and tried to calculate how much that was going to be to repair. "I have to get over there and get all-" "f**k that. You're not leaving this f*****g house. That man lost a damn gun today and turned back up with another f*****g one? Who knows how many he f*****g has? You're not going to work and you're not going back home until we know who this son of a b***h is." He told me and I gulped. I used to hate taking orders. But this time, this man, he had a valid point. "I have to get in touch with my brother." I whispered and pulled out my phone and Lucien got in front of me in seconds. "Call your dad, now. Get a name and we will take care of the bastard." He told me and I just shook my head. "I don't talk to my dad. I don't have his number. My brother will have to get the information." I told him, and for some reason I saw that it ticked him off, but I didn't really care. I was not talking to my dad, despite the fact that he was the reason some crazy guy was trying to kill me. "Fine, call your brother, but after that babe... me and you are talking." He told me and I looked away and back to my phone as I got my brothers contact information up and I put the phone to my ear. "I will be upstairs waiting for my daughter." He kissed the corner of my mouth and I couldn't help but smile just slightly. I never had a man, at least one that I liked, order me around and be so gentle at the same time. I watched him walk and I followed him out of the kitchen to watch him going up the stairs. The phone to my ear stopped ringing and the familiar sound of my brothers’ voice echoed my name and I gulped. "Hey." I sighed and worked my jaw. "What's wrong?" Avery asked right away, and I gulped. "I need to know who has a grudge against dad that knew about me." I told him and I paced as he started to ask again, what was going on, what he needed from dad exactly. "What the hell? When did this happen? When you were closing?" "No. It was just this morning." I told him and sighed when he got a bit mad that I didn't call him right away. "And it's night where you are! What took you so long to call! Did the police tell you not to?" He asked and I sighed. "No Avery. Not the cops, in fact they seemed less likely to help than the person who is helping." I told him and I pulled the phone away from my ear when he started to ask who the hell I got to help me, and how I know I can trust them, and he stated he was going to get to dad as fast as he could, then they both would be on their way to me. "I don't need you and dad coming-" "Too late Jackie! You will see us tomorrow afternoon at the latest." He hung up and I groaned loudly and raised my hands to my head and just rubbed my temples. "Is something wrong?" I looked up to see Cami and I just smiled. I didn't see Lucien following her, so I guessed he stayed upstairs to take another call. "Just my brother. He can be a little irritating." I shrugged and she just smiled. "I always wanted a brother. Daddy says I can't have one because no lady wants to be his old lady." She told me and I just smiled and moved around before seeing a hairbrush.  "Want me to do your hair for bed?" I asked her and I smiled at her eagerness and I just let her lead me over to the couch and she just sat on the floor as I started to work her hair apart and brush through it. "You want braids?" I asked her and she nodded. "Okay, but you have to hold still." I told her and moved quickly. I remember every night before bed my mother would comb her fingers through my hair, sometimes she would put half a bottle of de-tangle in it and use brushes and combs and lots of hair pins, but mostly, she would just hum a song and take her time braiding. It used to get me so sleepy. It seemed to have the opposite effect on Cami. She was talking about school, and how she got a great teacher that she loved this year. She kept talking even when I was done, and another 3 minutes the muffins were done. I made her stand back while I got them out and then she came over and watched me dump them out and set them on a plate. "Can I have one?" She begged with big puppy dog eyes and I just nodded. "We will split one when they are cool enough. How about you get a movie started until your dad comes back down." I told her and she moved quick as I set one aside and cut it in half. Just as I was walking back into the living room Lucien came back down into the den, I just smiled at him before he looked to Cami. "Got your hair done?" He asked her and she nodded and reached up to touch it. "Very pretty." He told her and moved to give her cheek a peck. I sat on the other side of her, but the farther into the movie we got, the more Cami seemed to lay on her dad. First it was just against his shoulder, then on his chest, and somehow, she ended up curled in his lap and he was rubbing her back. Watching him be such a good father made me realize just how bad things could get since my father was coming. He would not want me around them. He would not like Lucien. He and my mom always said that we wouldn't or rather, shouldn't ever date a man with kids. And here was a man I was becoming involved with, who was never in the military, who was affiliated with what my father would call a biker gang, who has a kid... out of wedlock at that.  Even Avery would have a problem with him because he seemed to be 'taking over my life'. And the fact I was technically living with him with no commitment and without meeting my brother. Despite it being to protect me, and temporary. I sat in the same spot as the movie ended and Lucien lifted Cami and winked at me before walking up the stairs. I got the DVD back into the right box before going to put it away in the little basket. I went to try the muffins and wrap the others up when Lucien came back into the kitchen and leaned against the counter, taking the other half of the muffin that Cami was supposed to eat. He took a bite and set the other half of his half back down and chewed quickly. "Got in touch?" He asked me and I sighed and nodded. "What happened?" "Well... I got in touch with my brother, told him what happened, mentioned how you're helping... and then he got really pissed that I waited the entire day time to call and ask about it. He is pissed the police didn't seem too involved... so he is getting in contact with my dad... and they are going to be on their way." I told him and I sighed. "They think I need more protection." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Maybe you don't need protection babe, but you need your dad to tell the cops who the f**k tried to take you." He told me and I just nodded. "I would offer my house for them, but there is no way that they would fit anywhere in the house. And Cami-" "I would not ask you to do that. My dad is very well paid, and my brother is going to be a pain." I moved to rub my neck and tried to crack it, but the stress was getting to me and I needed a pain reliver. "Your brother the type to intimidate your boyfriends?" Lucien asked me and I laughed and crossed my arms. "It's his way of payback. I'm older than him by 4 and a half years. And when he was a senior in high school he got really fit. He was attracting all the girls when he came home from military school and I would not let him loose his virginity to some stuck-up slut who would bang anyone... so I cockblocked him for 7 months." I said and Lucien laughed lightly and moved closer to me. "And ever since he joined the military he seems to try and scare away any man who can be intimidated." I told him with a shrug and Lucien nodded and moved to cage me against the counter. "I am not going to be scared of your little brother... or your dad. I'll be respectful but not scared." He told me and I smiled as he moved in closer and making me tip my chin up. I smiled and his widened before he leaned down and set his lips back on mine. I moved one hand to his side before curling it around his back and the other stayed at the front of his jacket. He pulled back and licked his lips like I had done before in the car. "When do you think they will be here?" He asked and I gulped. "Probably tomorrow afternoon or evening." I told him and he nodded and moved in. "Do you want to pick them up from the airport?" "No. Avery knows I don't have a car. He will get our father to rent one and they will head to a hotel. Then they will call and tell me to be ready for a pickup and will want to head to my café... it's a little too irritating but that's what's going to happen." "They wouldn't take you to dinner?" "My dad doesn't like to eat out. Not unless we forgot to shop for enough food, and until I was working, I never went to an actual restaurant. Always got takeout." I shrugged and leaned back against the counter and he seemed to want to ask a question, but I just lifted the other end of the muffin and he opened his mouth for it. "Are you going to be okay to sleep tonight?" He asked me and I just nodded. "You sure? No nightmares of a man with a gun coming to get you?" "I'm not that fragile." I told him and he nodded and leaned in the kiss me again. "But if that was your way of asking if you should sleep beside me the answer is no." I laughed at his shocked expression and moved away from him. "I would never insinuate-" "Then why were you asking? Going to stay up with me all night?" I asked and he shook his head. The smirk was growing on his lips and I somehow felt so right flirting with him. "I would have given you something to feel protected. We have a couple things like a baseball bat, a kitchen knife... taser I think." He looked around as if to see if he could spot it before looking to me. "I will be fine." "Ok. Then get to bed." He ordered and I paused at the doorway and watched him come closer when he realized I was waiting. "You might not land me in bed tonight handsome... but maybe soon." I told him and he smirked. "Like tomorrow?" "Not if your daughter is in the house." I told him and he smirked. "Are you loud?" "Lucien." I shook my head at him and moved towards the stairs and he followed, his hand tapping my ass to go faster. "Stop." I giggled and he did while we passed his daughters room but as soon as we were at my guest room, he followed me in and gave me another fast kiss. "I will drop her off tomorrow, with or without you... depending on if you sleep in past her morning routine... and then we can go and talk to my prez. He wants to know you and how your dad is going to want to work with us." He said and I just nodded. I get to meet his best friend tomorrow. "Is that what kept you up here for so long? Talking to your BFF?" I asked with a slight giggle knowing he had to take it upstairs for either my benefit or to make sure Cami didn't hear anything about why I was really here. "That and other things. I will see you in the morning." He told me and I moved closer, helping him close my door. I moved to the bed slowly, moving to plug my phone in, setting an alarm, and crawling into bed. I took one pillow and folded it in half and moved more into the center of the bed. I kept my back to the door because I knew it was the safe bet, and my face was looking at the window. One thing I remember about my room was that my dad always had our beds facing both the window and door, just in case we had an intruder. I went to sleep easily. Very on edge and woke up to the sound of an alarm in another room the next morning and I laid in bed as I heard both father and daughter try to be quiet. I got up when they moved downstairs and get dressed in leggings and a long t shirt. I got downstairs in just enough time to see how Lucien was trying to do her hair the way she wanted, and I just leaned against the kitchen door jam and watched. "Jackie! He's messing up the waves!" She whined as soon as she saw me, and I smiled and moved closer to her. "Let me see what I can do." I told her and moved to just fluff up her hair a bit before putting her hair in two ponytails at the back of her head and since her hair was so long it looked great. "And that is how you do hair dad." She sassed before turning to go and brush her teeth. "Spoiling my daughter with good hair styles..." He clicked his tongue before he took a large gulp of coffee and I smiled and shook my head. "My mom died when I was young... so I learned how to do my own hair. If I let it get messy or embarrassing my dad told me I would have a buzz cut." I told him and he looked shocked. "Yep." I popped the p and went to get my own coffee. "Want to come with us to her school? Check on the shop on the way back?" He asked and I nodded. "I told my employees in an email that today it was going to be closed but tomorrow I will take volunteer staff. If no one replied, then I can't open." I told him and he just clenched his jaw. "What? "I already told you that you can't leave the house until we get this guy." He told me and I rolled my eyes. "I like you Lucien. I really do. But I am not going to be dictated to. I am not going to be scared into doing something I don't want to do. Not by you, not by my brother or father... and sure as hell not by some guy who I don't even know. I lived in fear my entire childhood of my own father... I am not going to let another of his mistakes make me scared again." I told him, foot was down, and if he had a problem with that, I could walk out the door and shut off anything that could happen between us. "We're going to have a long sit-down babe. And I am sure as f**k not going to like your dad when I meet him. No child should live in fear. I am not trying to make you scared into staying with me. I am trying to protect you from a threat I know nothing about. You want to go back to the café with this guy... fine. But I will be right there waiting to take him down again." "You can't do that. You have Cami. If he shoots you-" "I have Cami. And I know if anything happens to me, she is going to be looked after... but this isn't about her. She is going to be safe in a school. You're not going to be-" "That's crazy. You don't know me. You don't love me. You can't put your life at risk for something we don't even know is going to work." I told him and he just smirked. "Nothing is gunna happen to me." He told me and for a second, I wanted to cry, then I wanted to smack him, but instead I just reached out and pulled his face closer to mine and rested his forehead on mine. "Nothing is going to happen to you either. Not while I am protecting you." I lifted my head and as our lips touched a loud gasp went through the room making both of us pull away all too soon from our kiss.  
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