Chapter 4 -Burning Questions

465 Words
Riley POV The acrid smell of smoke invaded Riley’s senses, pulling her abruptly from sleep. Disoriented, she sat up in bed, the piercing wail of fire alarms reverberating through the walls. Panic gripped her as she realized the source of the disturbance: the library was on fire. Heart pounding, Riley scrambled out of bed and threw on her shoes. She dashed down the hallway, her mind racing with worry and confusion. As she reached the main corridor, she saw a chaotic scene unfolding—students and staff were evacuating, their faces masks of fear and urgency. Through the thickening smoke, Riley spotted Mason emerging from the library’s entrance, carrying an unconscious Alex in his arms. Relief and terror mingled in her chest as she sprinted towards them. "Mason, is she okay?" Riley's voice trembled with fear, her eyes fixed on her sister's limp form. Mason's face was tight with strain and worry. "I don’t know, Riley. We need to get her to safety and find help." Together, they moved quickly, guiding Alex away from the burning building. Riley kept glancing at her sister, willing her to wake up, to show any sign of consciousness. The heat from the fire licked at their backs, urging them to move faster. They reached the safety of the school courtyard, where a crowd had gathered, watching the flames consume the library. Riley and Mason gently laid Alex on the grass. Riley knelt beside her, clutching Alex's hand tightly, her heart racing with fear. "Please, Alex, wake up," she whispered, her voice breaking. The sound of approaching sirens filled the air as emergency responders arrived. Paramedics rushed over, quickly assessing Alex’s condition. Riley stood back, biting her lip to keep from crying as they checked her sister's vitals and prepared her for transport to the hospital. "She’s going to be okay, Riley," Mason said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. His voice was steady, but she could see the worry in his eyes. Riley nodded, trying to hold onto that hope. "We need to find out what happened," she said, her voice firm despite the fear gnawing at her insides. Mason nodded. "We will. But first, let’s get her to the hospital. She needs us right now." As the paramedics lifted Alex onto a stretcher and wheeled her towards the ambulance, Riley and Mason followed closely, their minds filled with questions and a growing sense of urgency. Riley took a deep breath, determined to stay strong for her sister. Whatever had caused the fire, they would face it together. The ambulance doors closed, and Riley held Mason’s hand tightly as they rode to the hospital. The flashing lights outside mirrored the turmoil within her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of something much bigger.
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