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'This is why I should have said something! Now he looks at me like I'm only here to get another good time!' Abby angrily thought while she walked towards his desk. She was not happy with the way her boss assumed things before hearing her real intentions. "I came here to make things clear about what really happened...this m-morning." Abby swallowed the awkwardness of that event and went on saying, "You crashed in my office while I was ..." She sighed, hating the difficulty of saying it so she cleared her throat and said, "while I was flying solo." She huffed impatiently at her own slow explanation and she kept herself undistracted by the way her boss smirked at her. "I didn't mean to come here in your office with a...—" her tongue curled up in her mouth, too shameful to even utter the word. "With a joystick." Hector smirked, filling out the missing words of her sentence. Her difficulty in finding the right words to replace those vulgar terms in her explanation was a bit entertaining for him to listen to. Hector chuckled, failing to maintain a serious face then said, "Go on, Miss Brooke. I'll listen and try to help you out with the details." Abby grew red in shame and anger after receiving too little respect from her boss. But she couldn't even blame him. What she did was embarrassing and not worthy of respect! "That wouldn't have happened if your little brother didn't steal and play with my..." Abby pressed her aching head for losing all the words again.. "Your joystick controller." Hector helped her find the adequate terms again, causing her to nod in shame while she covered half of her face with her cold hands. She was sweating uncontrollably while she tried to endure the situation she had put herself into. 'If I had known that this explanation would be more embarrassing than that inglorious accident this morning, I wouldn't do this sh*t to me.. NEVER!' Abby blamed herself for making another regrettable mistake. She felt her shame melt all that was left of her dignity, pride and self-respect. "The point I was trying to make, Mr. Hector..." she huffed and forced herself to face him with a courageous face saying, "...is that I am not a nymphomaniac or a slut or any of that. It was only one time and it won't happen again! Please try to forget about it." Abby didn't wait to hear his response and fled the scene before it could become more embarrassing and awkward for her. She had made her point and that was enough for her to leave and not look back. She went home and took a long hot bath in the tub. Her body needed it. Abby filed a sick leave to avoid meeting her boss for three days and gave the awkwardness between them enough time to die on its own. When her body had recovered from all the soreness after three days of rest, she went to work the next morning with a fresh enthusiasm that she will continue to live a peaceful life after all the past regrets start to dissolve into ungrudging history. She sighed a hopeful lot of relief while she worked in her office, thinking she had wiped the slate clean and buried the past. In Abby's heart, it was a new fresh start for her. "Oh, I'm glad you're back. Geez! It was so hard to work without you in this office!" Belinda entered her office with a pile of workload in her hands. Abby raised an eyebrow at the amassed files that her friend brought in her office. "Three days and all these files get piled up as thick as this?" "No, the boss demanded to see these files in an hour. I don't know what his deal was but he's been super grumpy and unsociable these past few days." Belinda started to gossip, she helped organize the files according to its field of relevance. "He's been like that since we met him, Linda. It's not even news to me anymore." Abby remarked. Mr. James Hector of Pacific Holdings LLC and its subsidiaries, is the highest and most powerful man in the state. He was featured in different magazines as one of the formidable figures in the business industry, he was always impeccably dressed in those pictures and his serious resting face exudes an aura of wealth, power and mystery. He was always private and sensitive about his personal life. That even the media is forbidden to create any articles about his private life, those who have crossed his boundaries were already behind bars. Suffering a life of regret for being a snoop.. "You want news? Sure, I have one." Belinda leaned on from the other side of the desk and whispered, "Mr. Hector fired his secretary this morning and ordered me to get him a new one." "He fired Josephine? Why? For what reason?" Abby gasped at the news, her hands covered her shocked face. Belinda was the HR supervisor so she always handles access to those kinds of files. It was not a secret that all the reasons stated by Mr. Hector in the dismissal letter was all valid and reasonable. He was cruel to other people's opinion, because he never gives second chances to anyone who fails to do their job right. He was a heartless man in that kind of way. "Reason? Gross misconduct, i.e. a serious breach of confidence." Belinda shared. "Oh-My-God!" Abby almost bowled over in her seat. "Where are those files?" Hector barged in Abby's office. Startling the two people who seemed so engrossed in an interesting conversation. "Oh. You're back." Hector's flat tone caught Abby's attention. She felt his gaze upon her yet she pretended not to mind and went on with her work while saying, "Yes, sir. The files are already here in my office. I'm just checking them first before bringing it to your desk." "Bring it now." He ordered coldly and left. "See? I told you he was crochety." Belinda whispered to her before retrieving her own set of files to take care of. Abby sighed with an anxious expression on her face while she carried the files to the CEO's office. A perverse memory flashed in her mind as soon as she stepped inside his office. Abby did her best to avoid eye contact..she kept her eyes elsewhere and didn't dare look at the table where she and her boss had a spontaneous tumble. Abby noticed that her boss seemed to have moved past their awkwardness, he didn't smile nor said anything about the past and just acted like nothing happened. Abby believes that he does that all the time with his hook-ups, that's why it was so easy for him to ignore them afterwards. Well, that means all is well for her now. 'Great! Now we can both work with zero discomfort.' Abby happily took it as a sign to get back to her usual friendliness and professional behavior. She went to the desk and handed him the files in an orderly manner so he gets the information in a smooth and organized flow. She worked with focus and the way she gracefully handled all those workloads in that desk with efficiency and speed, impressed Hector secretly. He'd glance at her every once in a while when she's not looking, trying to interpret her body language and read the signals she was trying to send to him but he had not received a single move from her. Not even a wink! Abby showed no more interest in him so it slightly annoyed him. He felf a little disappointed with her coldness and professional behavior now, he prefers the misbehaved version he met three days ago.. "How do you feel about being my new secretary?"he asked.
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