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"How do you feel about being my new secretary?"He leaned back in his chair and asked, after they were done taking care of the records. Abby was blown away with that question. She never dreamed of becoming the CEO's new secretary, and the fact that she will have to see him everyday already made the job less attractive to her. The salary would be great and nice but working with the boss she hooked up with doesn't sound nice. To be more honest, that doesn't sound safe for her. 'If you need to be satisfied.' 'You come to me, Abby.' 'No toys f*cks like a real man.' The tempting offer won't leave her mind alone. She even had to buy a bigger toy, a bit close to his size because the average size couldn't satisfy her anymore! 'I don't want to work with someone who offered me leisure s*x.' Abby didn't realize that her facial expression had spoken the words that were running in her thoughts. "I have set a new standard of qualifications for my next secretary and the only one that fits or qualifies for that role and position is...you." Hector informed her before she could refuse then he went on saying, "Work for me as my secretary and I will triple your regular salary." Hector could see the reluctance in her face and he was not surprised that Abby took a sick leave after what had happened between them. She didn't even know she was still a virgin when they did it on top of his desk. He saw the blood on his shaft but he didn't say anything nor asked her about her previous relationship. He decided to dig deep in her past and that's when he found out that she only had one boyfriend and they broke up five summers ago. She was fooled and played by her boyfriend for money and after he got what he wanted from her, he left her to be with his rich sugar mommy. Abby Brooke no longer has family or relatives, she was the only child and her parents died in a plane crash when she was twenty. Since then, she lived alone and worked harder to finish three degrees while working in his company for five years. Abby Brooke was beyond exceptional, her achievements were a good proof of that. The generous offer immediately kicked the uncertainty in Abby's mind. Her mind started to calculate her salary and her future savings after five years. 'That would be enough to start my own company!' she excitedly tiptoed in her heels while she thought about her dream of becoming a self-made billionaire CEO in the future. "When do I start?" She asked, her tone decisively serious and unhesitating. Hector likes her answer and quick response to the sweet opportunity. "Start now." He ordered. Abby nodded like an obedient soldier and said, "I'll take care of the transition right away, sir. I'll inform the HR to find my replacement and I shall temporarily work as an Accounting supervisor and secretary while my replacement is not yet ready for a complete handover. Call me when you need anything, sir. I'll be outside your door." Hector hid his pleased smile while he watched Abby march away in her high heels. She immediately knew what to do next to the problem or inconvenience of her sudden change of responsibility. He was searching for a perfect secretary for a long time and finally... He has found one. 'Call me when you need anything, sir. I'll be outside your door.' Hector could hear Abby's words in his thoughts while he rested his back on his office chair..'I'll do that, Abby. Don't worry.' Abby moved her things to her new working space, outside the CEO's office. It was a small desk, with little space for her to use and store important files. She had one working computer and a simple office chair to sit in for hours. It was quick for her to pick up the responsibilities that Josephine left unfinished. Belinda helped her set up her new space and while her friend was busy with delivering boxes for her, she went back to the office to inform her boss of the updated schedule of his work in the remaining days before the weekend. That busy work routine of a secretarial job has become a normal life for Abby after two months after that. Her life revolved around her boss, and her mind focused on his needs and provided him aid when he needed an extra hand at work. She dedicated her life to please Mr. Hector until one day, she woke up and realized ...she has fallen in love with her cold-hearted boss! Abby was awoken by the loud sound of a notification bell coming from her phone. It was already past midnight but she shook her sleep away from her body and checked out the text. Just like what she was expecting, it was from her boss. [Come to my room, I need you.] The text didn't give Abby any hint about what it meant and just got out of bed to go to the next room because they live together now. Abby Brooke agreed to live with her boss in secret, just to make things a lot easier for her to manage his life. Since she has been given full responsibility to take care and supervise his private and work-related affairs. That also includes taking care of the naughty little brother, Sebastian George Hector. Surprisingly, the kid seems nice to her. It was a huge surprise to Hector and that's the reason why he asked Abby to live with him and his little brother. Sebastian does everything that Abby says, like he was the most obedient child in the world! "Abby?" Seb yawned while he walked towards her room. The child hugged both her legs when he arrived in front of her, he was still sleepy but he couldn't sleep alone in his bed. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Seb sweetly asked. Abby picked up the kid in her arms and carried him. "Sure, Sebby. Just go to my room and wait for me, okay? Your big brother texted me. He said he needed me for... Something. I guess." Abby's mind was blank when she tried to explain the reason for going to Hector's room that late. She was too tired to think about it anyways. She'd rather ask him later and find out. "Okay." Sebastian nodded while Abby tucked him in her bed. The child slowly drifted off as soon as his body hit the soft mattress. He just loves the smell of her bed and his most favorite scent is Abby's sweet powdery scent. Abby smells like a bliss of spring flowers in the morning but she smells like sweet babe at night. Cuddling with Abby brings Sebastian into a different kind of comfort. He feels like he was sleeping on the clouds whenever he sleeps in Abby's bed. 'I know you miss your mom, Sebby.' Abby sighed, kissing the kid good night before heading out. [Where are you?] Abby received another text from her boss when she arrived outside his door. She could sense the impatience of her boss in his simple text so she texted back. [Outside your door.] She was about to knock on his door when suddenly the door opened and swallowed her in! Everything happened so fast and before she even knew it, she was already on the bed and her boss was on top of her! "Mr. Hector! What the...?" The place was surrounded by pure darkness and there was not a single steak of light inside the room that could give her eyes the ability to see distinctive objects. "Don't you have needs, Abby?" She heard him whisper. Abby was awoken by the question, specifically by her arousal. The question induced a natural reaction from her body, which brought her to think about what the situation was offering. Her growing feelings for him added more willingness to acknowledge her desires. "I have." She answered honestly. "Are you willing to be my contract wife?" Her boss asked while his hands and kisses roamed her body. Abby wanted to say no and keep that offer at bay but when she opened her mouth to say it, the word got stuck in her throat because her boss found her sweet core. His fingers gave her an encouraging reason to accept the offer and so she loudly moaned her answer, "YES!"
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