1491 Words

"JAMES!" Abby jolted away, after Abe was knocked out cold on the floor. The faint and strong smell of alcohol reeks of James Hector's breath but his annoyed, bitter, enraged and exasperated furious anger resonated loudly while he breathed in and out. "Why did you punch my boss!" Abby angrily yelled at him, while she checked Abe's unconscious state. "Get your dog, you're coming home with me." James ordered, his serious face not well suited for a quarrel. Abby knew she had angered him so much after taht phone call so she decided to nod, and not add another log to his burning anger. "Bring Abe on the couch and we'll talk." Abby sighed cooperatively. James didn't want to do what Abby was asking but her soft tone and calm reply somehow pacified his anger. Abby went to the kitchen and

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