1618 Words

Abe groaned, as soon as his consciousness began to come back. Then his chin dropped a reminder of what happened, "Dam—ah!" He winced, feeling the bothersome pain intensified with his abrupt jaw movement. 'That arrogant son of a b!†¢h!' he mentally cursed while he grunted. Sitting up, his head turned around the place and his eyes searched for Abby. 'Where is she?' Abe stood up in haste, as soon as he remembered the steak in the oven. "Sh*t!" He managed to curse right, after forgetting about his aching chin. He ran to the kitchen in a hurry but his steps slowed down when he saw the sliced steak on top of his kitchen counter and the oven had already been turned off. "Thank God!" He sighed in relief, after he didn't set the whole building on fire. Now that his worries are gone, his mind

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