
1531 Words

Mariko's POV I wanted to beat the sh^t out of those men that did this to her. I wanted to see them suffer and rot in prison. Things could've been so much worse. But I'm happy she is okay even though mentally she may not be after this. I should've known that something was wrong. I wanted to hold her but I didn't want to make her feel afraid. But it was me, someone that would keep her safe and comfort her. "Can I hold you?" I asked. She nodded and then I wrapped my arm over her. "I went to the police station to report them. It will be looked into." "I'm happy to know that you reported that. Why didn't you call me?" I asked. "He took my phone out of my pocket and then he...he smashed it onto the floor, it broke into pieces." she took in a deep breath. "Son of a b^tch," I muttered u

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