
1530 Words

Maddie's POV After we ate last night, I managed to sleep but I wasn't sure about Mariko. I got ready for the day. I was eager to see Bella. When I walked to the lounge, Mariko stood behind the kitchen counter with a glass of juice that he was sipping from. I could see that he was tired and I don't blame him for being tired. He had Bella to worry about and now me. "How are you feeling?" he asked as I took the remote control and switched on the TV. "I'm okay, I guess. How about you?" I looked over at him. "I'm tired because I couldn't sleep, I have too much on my mind, worrying about everything. Is the baby fine?" his brows furrowed as his gaze moved to my flat belly. "Yeah, the baby is fine. I'm sorry that you couldn't sleep," I said. "None of it is your fault, so don't even blam

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