Chapter 9

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-Rivanna- I felt so confused. First, he used force to interrogate me, then suddenly he attempted to kill me, but then he saved me, and afterward... What happened? He abruptly bolted out of there, disappearing from sight and leaving me stranded in the damn cave. I wasn’t certain what exactly transpired between us. He had pressed me against the cave wall so forcefully, it felt like I couldn’t breathe, and... and I wasn’t sure of his intentions, but I feared the worst. Yet, suddenly, he released me. He just... let go. Why? Why did he withdraw when he clearly had the advantage? And then he abandoned me here... Was he planning to return? Or was he leaving me to starve? I feared the latter was his plan. It was a cunning one, I had to admit. He knew how to break people, but it only fueled my hatred for him even more. He was a cruel dragon. There was no doubt about that. “Hey!” I yelled, standing close to the edge. I hoped someone might hear me, but what could anyone do this far away from any city? Only peculiar individuals or those with agendas like mine stayed in the woods. It was an ideal hiding place, easy to relocate our camp when necessary, like when the dragons or now, the elves, drew too near. But it seemed hopeless for me. No one was coming to rescue me. I sighed and ventured further into the cave. It was chilly in here, and as I leaned against the cave wall, it seemed to instantly leech the warmth from my body. What else could I do but sit here on the ground, waiting? I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. I could only hope Tristan somehow discerned where the prince had taken me and would come to my aid. He was my sole real hope, though I wasn’t maintaining optimism. At least I was so drained from all the screaming and the near-death experience that as soon as I closed my eyes, I drifted off into sleep. *** It was in the middle of the night when I felt someone watching me. I slowly blinked my eyes open, only to see a dark shadow right in front of me. I screamed, but then a hand came over my mouth. “Shh, Red. Easy. Your screams are making my ears ring.” Only one person called me Red, and while I wasn’t that familiar with his voice, I knew who it was. The damn prince had come back. I had, in a way, hoped he had just left me here to starve. “Now, I am going to take my hand off your mouth. Are you going to scream again?” he asked. I shook my head. I hated how close he was to me, and I didn’t want him to touch me again, so I was going to play nice for now. He slowly removed his hand, not sure if he could trust me, and I didn’t blame him, but I didn’t scream, and he let out a sigh of relief. “Good girl,” he praised. I wanted to curse at him for praising me, but I kept quiet. I really couldn’t see anything, only the outline of his shadow. I saw him stand again, and then I heard scrambling, and before I knew it, a small fire was lit. The prince was still naked, and sadly, I was starting to get used to it... “Come,” he said and waved me over. I looked at him, confused. The fire was in the middle of the cave, and not very big, so I couldn’t feel its cozy warmth from over here, but I couldn’t believe that the prince wanted me to get warm. He was more likely going to grab my hand and hold it over the flames while he interrogated me, so I shook my head. He sighed again, this time disappointed that I wasn’t heeding his words, and then he stood up and walked over to me. I pressed myself against the wall, continuing to shake my head, feeling as if I had lost my voice. He grabbed the hand I was holding out to maintain distance between us. He pulled me from the ground and then threw me over his shoulder. I let out a small scream before resigning myself to whatever fate awaited me. He brought me over to the fire and then set me down, surprisingly gentler than I had expected. He didn’t attempt to grab my hand again, force it over the flames, or anything of that sort. Instead, he positioned himself on the other side of the fire, where I noticed a bag beside him. I looked at him with confusion, awaiting his words. “So, I think things between us have gotten a little out of hand,” he said with a small smile. I huffed, disagreeing with him, and just looked away. If I could, I would gladly take him back with me and tie him up before ending his life. He was a cruel monster, and I would, without remorse, rid this world of him. “Come now, Red, don’t be difficult,” he said, sounding amused by my response. “I didn’t mean to drop you.” “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” I asked him, turning my head to face him. “Oh, so she does speak,” he remarked, leaning back. I huffed again and looked away. I didn’t appreciate being mocked like that, and I was not about to be his new source of entertainment. “Cheer up. You aren’t going anywhere anyway. Let’s make the best of the situation.” I couldn’t help the mocking laugh that escaped me. He made it sound as though we were on a trip together, but I was the one trapped, while he could just fly out of here without breaking a sweat. I glared at him, and he just smiled a little. “What?” he inquired. “You need to use your big girl words if I am to understand what you are thinking.” He was still mocking me, and I gave him the finger while looking very smug. He just laughed at me. I knew I wasn’t very intimidating. I was a human, and he was a dragon. We were stronger in numbers, but dragons could easily overpower us if it was just one on one. “You are funny,” he said, leaning a little forward. God, he was completely exposed to me, and I quickly looked away while lowering my hand. “What? Still angry?” he asked. “I told you I didn’t drop you on purpose, so can we get over it already?” “Get over it?” I sneered at him. I turned to him, and he shrugged. He was making me furious! I tried to ignore him, but it was simply impossible. “You dropped me!” I yelled at him. “You wouldn’t answer my questions.” “You were dangling me over the edge!” “You could have just been honest,” he said, as if it were nothing. I stood up, ready to... ready to do what? It was like he was asking me that very question with his eyes. I no longer had my sword. I had lost it when he attacked the camp and took me hostage. I was just little me, fighting a dragon, whom I had to get on the tip of my toes to even reach his shoulders. It was ridiculous. It was like I was this little dog barking at a lion. He could kill me so easily, and yet I thought I actually stood a chance. I sighed and dropped to the ground again, placing my hands over my face. I felt so defeated. This was not how it was supposed to go. He was the one who was supposed to feel lost and afraid. Not the other way around. “What do you want from me?” I mumbled before lowering my hands and looking at him. “You know what?” “I am not telling you anything, so why don’t you just kill me? I know you can do it.” “I can,” he acknowledged. “So, what is stopping you?” He looked at the fire between us for a moment, appearing deep in thought, before turning to me again. “You remind me of someone,” he suddenly admitted. “Oh? Someone who hates you?” I asked mockingly. He chuckled a little. It didn’t matter what I threw at him. He found everything I did amusing. “No, she liked me.” “As if anyone could.” He didn’t answer that but just started to look at the flames again. Everything suddenly turned so quiet between us. Only the crackling of the fire filled the silence. “Are you going to turn me over to your brother, then? Is he on his way here?” I asked. His yellow eyes turned to me again, and a smile spread on his lips. “No,” he said. “Why not?” He shrugged a little, looking indifferent, which only confused me. “Let us say you are my little dirty secret.” That sounded very disgusting, and he started to laugh at the expression I made. I couldn’t figure him out. In one way, he was this monster that I had always seen him as, but he wasn’t treating me the way a monster would. No, he was treating me as a very smart man would, someone who was very good at torturing people. He was playing games with me. “Just turn me over if you aren’t going to interrogate me yourself!” I sneered at him. “Who says I am not going to interrogate you?” he asked me. I looked at him, scared now, the fear crashing back. “A-Are you?” I stammered A cruel smile spread on his lips before he replied, “Yes. And I will make it hurt.”
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