Birthday party

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KAYA'S POV I am not able to forget about him even after two weeks. It is a new thing for me, to not able to throw a guy out of my mind. He is stuck in my mind as if he belongs to me in one way or the other. Although I have been busy lately with patients and my study, he still managed to make his way in my thoughts. ... As I neared my cabin in the hospital, I noticed a woman was already waiting patiently outside my cabin. When I settled inside my cabin, a nurse came inside telling me about the new patient of mine who was waiting outside. I told her to let her in. After two minutes, the same lady whom I saw outside my cabin entered, with a sophisticated smile on her face. She was nearly in her mid-twenties. She wore a long A-line dress which suited her model-like figure perfectly. Her face was had makeup on it, providing her an elegant look. I gestured her to sit in front of my desk and she willingly sat not before putting her expensive clutch on the side chair. "Hello doctor, my name is Mrs. Aanya Kapoor." She introduced her formally. "Hello to you too, so, what brought you here?" I asked not wanting to waste any time. "I want to consult about a safe birth control method." She told me immediately. "I see...permanent?" I asked. "No, but I need a long-term birth control procedure." "You may go with an IUD then, we can remove it whenever you want," I suggested to her. "Alright, when can I have that?" She enquired. "I will insert that, you can come as per your convenience after making an appointment. But Mrs.Kapoor, you need to know that you should not have any insertion in your v****a after 48 hours of the insertion of the IUD, whether that is, tampon, and of course, s****l i*********e should also be avoided during those 48 hours." I told her as a matter of fact. She nodded her head in agreement. After that, I did a physical examination of her and asked her about the contraindications, which she didn't have any. She left the hospital after stating that she will be back within a week for the insertion of the IUD. ... "David." I tried not to sound bored. Even after breaking up with him, he is not leaving my ass alone. "Hey, I had asked you to go out for a coffee today, and you didn't reply." His voice came from the other end of the cell phone. "I am sorry David but I can't go out with you," I said pretended like it was nothing wrong with my heart. "But why not babe?" 'Because you are stupid and I am heartbroken by Kabir, that idiot.' I wanted to tell him but suppressed my words. "I am busy, gotta go, bye." I cut off the call hurriedly. I opened the door of my cabin when Sophia called out, "Kaya," "What happened now, Sophia? Why the hell are you chasing me everywhere?" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Come with me, I know you are overworking yourself to forget him, I have an idea." She said with a wide grin. "What idea?" "I bumped into my old friend from school when I was coming here, she invited me to the club tonight." "So what do I have to do with this Sophia? You know that I'm not a party animal." I was getting irritated. "I know baby, but I promise I won't leave your side tonight, trust me. It will help you clear your mind." She tried to assure me. "You sure?" I arched an eyebrow in question. "Yes. Aanya will be there with her husband and some friends, I'm sure you'll enjoy the new company." She blabbered while we walked towards to elevator. "Aanya, as in Aanya Kapoor?" I asked her and pressed the button for the ground floor. "How do you know that?" "She happened to be my patient today," I told her chuckling at the coincidence. "Patient? What the hell has happened to her?" She asked as we got out of the elevator, heading towards my car. "Nothing. She was here for birth control." I said as a matter of fact. "Oh yeah, I forgot you are a s*x doctor." She giggled. I hit her arm playfully and said, "Not a s*x doctor, I'm a gynecologist." "Yeah yeah, whatever." ... I wore a dark brown bodycon skirt with a turquoise-colored crop top matched with a pair of strappy plump heels. I had left my hair strands loose after straightening them smoothly. I applied minimal makeup on my face and complimented the whole look with a berry pink matte lipstick shade. I thought that Sophia's idea of going out tonight for cubbing was working as I was already here, standing in front of the mirror, trying to look good, not giving a f**k about his betrayal. ... We reached the club and were greeted with a hug from Aanya. "Hello doctor, you are most welcome at my husband's birthday party." She said as she smiled sweetly. "Please call me Kaya," I said as I returned the warm smile. "Gladly." Aanya was a sweet lady. "Kaya, can you please keep it all a secret?" Aanya whispered to me. "Keep what a secret?" I was really confused about what she was talking about. "About my visit to you for birth control, actually we have some personal issues about it." She told me in the quietest voice possible. I wondered why she came for birth control when there were some issues between her and her husband. Usually, married people mutually decide about it. "Sure, my lips are sealed," I told her assuringly. "So, where is the birthday boy?" Sophia asked about Aanya's husband. To which, Aanya said in a rather high-pitched voice, "Kabir, baby please come here, my friends want to give you blessings for your birthday." And I froze there at the mention of his name. I looked in the direction to which Aanya was saying his name, and there he turned, not looking anywhere except in my eyes. As if his gaze penetrated through my eyes, into my soul. His eyes were cold as usual, lacking any emotion. He was surely shocked to see me here, at his birthday party, as he stood there, not paying any attention to what his wife was saying. Aanya went in his direction and technically dragged him towards us. "Meet my old-school friend, Sophia, and she is my new friend, Kaya." She introduced us to her husband. To which he only managed to nod. Aanya elbowed him, then he said, " Hello Sophia, hello Kaya." Sophia muttered a hello to him and gave him birthday wishes. I was quiet all the while as words were not coming out from my mouth. When we sat together on the couch, Sophia whispered to me, "I promise I didn't know that Kabir is her husband. I would have not forced you to come here then." "Relax Sophia, I'm perfectly fine." I smiled widely at her. A new story is out...with the name, 'The lost childhood amity'. Please do follow it and show your love. :) :) Hugs and kisses.
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