
1371 Words
KAYA'S POV  This is nothing near normal. Why the f**k did he approach me if he had to walk away just like this? What does he think of himself?  He was walking away when I grabbed his arm from behind, he was strong than I could ever imagine, as I collided with his hard chest when he turned. His face lacked any emotion, his eyes were cold as if trying to hide something. He raised his one eyebrow in question, and I must say, he looked like a Greek God.  "What the f**k is wrong with you? You wanted to meet me, right? And now you are walking away!" I said as anger was evident in my voice. "It seems that you were more eager to meet me, doctor." He said casually as he leaned to nibble my ear.  I immediately pushed him back my hand falling on his chest.  "Haha, in your dreams..." Before I could complete my sentence I was hoisted up in his arms as he gracefully carried me to his car.  I could watch Sophia giving me an evil smile. b***h! However, I couldn't deny that I was enjoying this closeness with him. He placed me in the backseat of the car pulling the door closed with his left hand while turning up the tinted car windows. For once, I had left all other thoughts as he captured my lips. The way our lips moved roughly in sync against each other was making my panties wetter. His left hand found the zip at the back of my dress, pulling it open as his fingers trailed the exposed part of my spine all way up to my shoulder. I moaned against his lips as his torturous touch kept on teasing me. Then he stopped, straightening a bit to pull the dress off me, and to my surprise, I didn't object at all.  Considering how much turned on I was, I would care less if he ripped off the dress. This is the first time in my life I had experienced anything like this.  His lips trailed soft kisses along the crook of my neck, as his hand closed on my left n****e pinching it as he went on. He kept on teasing me until his lips closed on my right n****e. A series of moans erupted from my throat as he ran his tongue deliberately over the tip of my n****e while his other hand wouldn't stop pinching my other n****e. I arched my back as his tongue kissed in between my breasts before trailing down to my navel. His tongue was leaving me all hot and bothered as it snaked around my navel for a few seconds. I couldn't deny just how turned on he was making me with each passing second. Unable to take it, I reached for the edge of his pants, I wanted it, I wanted him, in every way. But he stopped me. "No, let me show you who is in charge here!'' He whispered and even through the dark, I could tell he was smirking.  He then pushed me back to my earlier position, my back laid on the backseat as he opened my legs wider. Suddenly, I felt his tongue pressing against the center of my panties. Surprised, I tried to pull back but his strong hands grabbed my thighs holding me back in place. His tongue kept on teasing me and the urge to grind against his tongue was so foreign to me. "So f*****g wet, I love this," he whispered as he pulled the panties off me throwing them on the side. Good thing, I was waxed.  I felt his tongue slide softly towards the center of my core as sweet pulsations rippled through me. The way his tongue worked its way around my v****a made me explode, maybe I was about to reach o****m for the first time. I could feel my legs shaking and when I finally relaxed, enough to open my eyes I found the lights on, and he was grinning widely like an i***t while watching me. I tried to pull my legs back but he again stopped me. "Damn, I could make you c*m all day and watch." He muttered. He got into the driver's seat and pulled out a half bottle of scotch and handed it to me. After unscrewing the lid, I placed the tip of the bottle on my lips. I put my dress on, after that, I had barely taken a few sips when I yawned sleepily before my eyelids drooped. ... "Ugh!" I groaned holding my head in both hands. "You might need this." I accepted the cup of hot coffee as another groan escaped my lips. I immediately check my clothes, as if to check if something happened between us after I slept. Thankfully, there nothing to be suspicious of.  "How much did I drink?" I questioned with eyes half-open while my head was aching.  "Not that much actually." He told me simply and I looked at him.  I was worried bout my parents, I looked for my phone and read the message sent by Sophia which read, 'Don't worry about your parents, I told them you are staying at my place tonight, just enjoy your moment babe ;)' I felt much relieved after reading her text. I looked at him again, he had nothing to cover his bare chest and the exposed v shape under his navy blue sweatpants was a really good sight to look at. I would kiss those abs if he'd let me. I slapped myself mentally for thinking like this, and muttered in embarrassment, " I fell asleep in your car." "Yeah, right after I made you c*m, for the first time in your life," he commented. wait, how did he know? "I know everything babe, you can't hide anything from me." He said not before winking at me.  I put the coffee on the nightstand then walked towards him. I trailed my hand all the way to his torso, I bit my bottom lip as I felt his intense gaze following my every move. I don't know from where these moves came. He pulled me into a kiss, his lips pushing against me roughly with so much force. "I want to f**k so hard right now." He stated hoarsely as he was about to lift me, his phone rang. He went away and answered his call, "Honey I had a late-night meeting, so I slept in the office." Time stopped for me as I heard his words.  He cut his call and came to me. I jerked him away, "Honey?" I looked at him questioningly. "Yeah, my wife was on the other end, obviously I won't tell her that I'm here about to f**k you." He stated it easily. "You bastard!" I threw a pillow at him in anger. "I never told you that I'm unmarried, if you thought so, it's your fault sweetheart." With this, he was coming near me, trying to make me understand.  I moved my fingers through my hair in frustration. I just needed to get away from this place, get away from this man.  I looked around and it looked like some luxurious apartment, obviously, he's a rich jerk, it's his personal place where maybe he brings his w****s to f**k them. and he thought about me being one of them.  After collecting all my belongings, when I was about to get out of his place, I glanced at him for the last time and found his burning gaze at me. He was silent, he did not even try to ask for forgiveness, he did not try to stop me. Tears were begging me to let them flow out from my eyes but I won't let this man see my vulnerability. It was so foolish of me to think that any man is different, all men are liars, cheaters. When I was out of his apartment, I took a taxi to Sophia's place as that was the only place where I could go when I was a mess. In the taxi, I cried my heart out with the hope that I'd be able to forget this bastard.
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