chapter 15

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Ashley. I woke up to the chatter of the cabin so I knew everyone was awake. and I knew if I didn't get moving soon Alex would be coming in full speed, so I got up and freshened up leaving chases shirt on my bathroom counter, think I'm going to sleep in it again tonight. as I pull my hair into a hat thoughts of last night flash in my memory and I blush at myself in the mirror. when I open my room door I smell food, which definitely might not be a good thing considering I'm the one who always cooks everything but it doesn't smell burnt yet so that's a good sign. when I make it down the stairs everyone is in the kitchen chatting and chase is at the stove cooking this makes me smile " there you are sleepy you almost missed it our dear teach here had some fun last night" my eyes almost fall out of my head but he turns and winks at me " oh yeah and how do you know that?" I ask her and she laughs " uh because he was in the kitchen whistling while cooking away so that can only mean one thing but he won't spill" I laughed shaking my head " I need coffee before you start a full investigation" and like magic he places a cup in my hand and turns back to the stove. Alex raises a brow at me but I just shrug it off drinking some of the coffee " where Ellie?" " on the porch she was checking in with her mama" I nod " alright you crazy people let him cook because I'm starving" Alex, Leo and Zack all groan as they make there way out of the kitchen. so nosey. I bump his hip with mine once everyone is gone and he looks behind us stealing a kiss " figured youd be hungry" I nod " starving. sorry they are so nosey" he chuckles " she's very observant. and she definitely correct" I blush and he places another kiss on my lips " get your fine ass out of here before daddy bends you over I'm trying to cook" he whispers only loud enough for me to hear. I bite my lip looking at him through my lashes. " maybe I wouldn't mind" he chuckles and he's so hot when he laughs " behave woman. I'm only a man with so much patience" I giggle this could be fun I do enjoy teasing him " fine I'm going to check on Ellie" I steal one more kiss and a piece of bacon making him pop my bottom. I rub it as I walk away, I'm only in a bikini and cover up so there isn't much protection back there. I went outside to find Ellie but everyone said she went in to get changed so I went to find her, I wanted to make sure her first night was good. when I knock on the door I hear a soft " come in" so I do and I find her sitting on her bed. " hey sweet cheeks whatcha doing?" I ask sitting beside her. she doesn't look at me and I can tell something is wrong. I grab her hand " hey what's the matter talk to me." she sighs and wipes a tear I hadn't seen " are you just my friend because of my brother" I'm taken back. one why would she even think that and two how does she even know? " I saw the two of you in the kitchen" she answers one of my questions and I squeeze her hand " Ellie I knew you before I even met your brother for one thing and another thing he absolutely hated me for a while. so no absolutely not, your my friend because I like hanging out with you. your like the little sister I never got to have. but I will be honest with you I do like your brother, I'm not sure what we are yet and if it makes you upset or uncomfortable I can call the whole thing off. the only reason besides the obvious of us not saying anything yet is because we're still trying to figure out what this even is. but you say the words and he and I are no longer anything but friends " she looks at me and she thinks for a moment. I hope she knows what I'm saying is true. if she wanted id stop seeing him, her friendship means the world to me. she giggles shaking her head. " don't stop seeing him, it's nice having him around, and honestly it's nice seeing him smile. I haven't ever seen him so cozy with someone like I just seen him with you" this makes me blush. " are you sure because I'm serious if this is something that upsets you then please don't feel bad for telling me" she nods " thank you for that but no I trust you I guess I was just being silly thinking you'd only be nice to me to be with him when in reality he did have alot against you in the beginning " I giggle nodding " yes he really did. but please remember you are my friend first so he comes after. not matter what " she smiles at me " can I have a hug ash?' I almost cry myself nodding as I wrap her in a hug " just be patient with him okay. like I said I've really never seen him like that with anyone. even his ex" I pull back smiling " I will and he's being patient with me also, you know I don't normally date so him working around my busy life and my friends it means a lot to me" she smiled " okay your secret is safe with me. but Alex thinks he's sleeping with someone camping around here" I blush shaking my head " well he isn't sleeping with anyone not even me" her eyes go wide " you guys didn't?" I shake my head " oh boy he maybe in love " we share a laugh " can you braid my hair?" " of course " I give her two fishtail braids and help her pick a swim suit out she says she wants to feel more girly so when we get home we're gonna go shopping and I'll help her find a few things. I'm not the girliest but it should be fun. chase calls everyone down for breakfast and we make our way there. Dalton sends me a wink making me shaking my head at him and Ellie goes to her brother hugging him as they whisper something to each other. I watch from the table where I am with everyone else as his eyes go wide and she giggles. then they whisper again and he nods kissing her head. then they join us he gives me a soft smile across the table before we dig in. after we all helped with clean up we headed back down to the water for some more fun in the sun, they'd do fireworks over the water tonight and they are absolutely beautiful. Ellie is excited about this because she's never got to see them over the water before. chase. when I woke up this morning I was happy, I had a great night and I get to spend the day with my girl, my sister and my best friend. what more could I ask for. after throwing on some swim trunks and a cut off I walked into our kitchen and decided to go cook them all breakfast I know Ashley will be hungry like always. " well good morning daddy" Dalton comes in chuckling and I throw a dish towel at him as he laughs " morning perv. enjoy the show?" he straightens up " as a matter of a fact I did. until someone closed the door and all I could hear was groans and really soft moans so you must not be working with much" I flip him off " f**k man you weren't kidding though, that looked hell of intense. I hadn't even meant to stop and watch I heard her call you daddy and stopped in my tracks and well after that I couldn't seem to stop. sorry" I shake my head " just don't let her find out. trust me it was definitely intense. I tried to tell you but you didn't believe me. and we didnt f**k, she isn't ready for that yet but trust me she got what she came for" he raises a brow at me " then why are your sheets on the floor outside your door?" I shrug sighing remembering Last night " daddy made her squirt twice" and with that I send him a wink walking out the door and he jogs to catch up with me " damn man you can't say s**t like that and walk away!" I laugh patting his back " trust me I'm still just as surprised as you are right now about the whole thing. when I wrap my head around it I'll let you know" he laughs hard and I walk in finding Alex and Zack up and they look at me confused before I told them I was cooking for them then they got happy. she looks beautiful this morning, I was happy to see she at least wasn't hiding from me after last night. after our little chat she went to find Ellie and I finished up the food calling everyone in " you know teach if you didn't give so much history work you'd be pretty cool" Alex jokes and I roll my eyes " I only give what the state makes me give". she rolls her eyes when Ellie and ash came down ash went straight to the table where the food was and that made me smile. Ellie came to me and hugged me " treat her right because she told me she will pick me over you" my eyes went wide did she tell my sister? " I'm not stupid bub I saw the two of you your secret is safe with me. but I am happy for you I haven't ever seen you like this before " I smiled down at her " I really like her El. I know it's crazy and seems dumb but she's just I don't even know " she giggles " just treat her right okay?" I nod hugging her again " I'm doing my best" after that we all ate and cleaned up. when we got to the water I watched as Ashley pulled her cover up off, today she has on her light pink bikini. the one she wore for her birthday and damn did I have a hard time looking at her in it then. now she's mine somewhat and looking at her body knowing what we did last night makes me want to pick her up and throw her over my shoulder and take her back to the cabin. she smirks at me and I send her a wink pulling my shirt off as she bites her lip. that's right doll two can play that game. Alex comes up to her and they both jump off the dock into the water. around lunch time everyone was getting hungry so we headed back towards the cabins. Ashley said she had some kabobs made up she could throw on the grill and everyone was excited for that. as she was in the kitchen getting the things out k went behind her kissing her neck as I held her hips " please tell me you are knocking on my door again tonight" she turned smiling at me " I just might depends" I raised a brow " on?" she smirked shrugging " I'm sure I'll think of something" I leaned in kissing her lips quickly. " you are killing me in this" I popped the strap of her swim suit that she now has covered up and she pushed my shoulder " well then you better be nice to me huh?" I chuckled " I guess so" she turned back around and her ass was pressed to me " help me bring all this it please" she asked I really don't think she had any idea what she was doing to my body. I nodded grabbing a few things and we walked back out everyone scattered around waiting to eat. Alex went in and came back out with a drink for her and Ashley " so fireworks should start right at dark so we should have time to see if they have any jet skis " Alex says " sounds good after we eat we can go see if they at least have two" everyone agreed. the food was amazing and watching her use the grill was a sight to see. I had no idea she knew how to use one. Dalton and I carried the cooler to the dock while the girls went to see if they could get her skis. poor Zackd girlfriend decided she wasn't feeling good so she went to lay down. I could tell he was trying hard to keep her happy all morning but she definitely wasn't feeling it. the girls got back pretty quick with two jet skies. Ellie had stayed back with us she didn't think she was going to get on one and everyone understands. they pulled up to the dock. " alright losers y'all decide who is riding first" Alex said laugh I and I jumped at the chance to ride with Ashley, going to get i wrapped my arms around her small waist whispering in her ear " try not to kill me" she giggled " no promises but I'll let you drive next" I snuck a kiss behind her ear and her body relaxed into mine " okay nice I won't be able to drive" she whispered out and I chuckled. Leo got on behind Alex and we took off. laughing and having good time. we switched and I drove for a little while and she definitely got her pay back sneaking a kiss on my neck as her arms held on to me. " down girl" she giggled in my ear " I haven't even started yet" her small hand grabbed my junk and I was glad we were going slow at the moment. " ash. don't make me spank you tonight" I felt her body shiver " maybe I wouldn't mind" I groaned out. " hold on tight doll" she did and I took off. we finally have the skies over to Zack and Dalton and sat on the dock laughing and drinking as they road around. Ashley. it's been such a good day, I enjoy getting to hang out with everyone and mine and chases stolen moments make it even better. we were now standing on the dock waiting for the fireworks " Zack is your friend coming to watch?" I asked he'd gone up to see if she was coming and he shook his head " no she is asleep or she seems like it" I nodded hugging him I felt bad she wasnt hanging out with all of us but she honestly didn't seem to like us. " maybe she isn't the one" he laughed " definitely not the one that's for sure." he gave me a squeeze before letting me go. and suddenly the loud pop sound was heard and the sky filled with color. I looked up smiling it's always such a beautiful sight. I felt someone grab my hand and looked down seeing it was chase I looked at him and he nodded his head to follow him so I did. we walked to the back of the dock behind everyone and he wrapped his arms around me from behind as he kissed me head " thank you for this. she's having an amazing time" I smiled looking at Ellie who was watching the sky I let my body rest into his enjoying being in his arms " it's beautiful isn't it" he liked down at me placing a small kiss on my lips I was thankful everyone's attention was elsewhere. " you truly are beautiful". blushed under the night sky. he held me throughout the fire works kissing my head as the finished and he let me go " that was so amazing" Ellie was the first to turn around bouncing towards us I laughed at her excitement " well we will have to come back they do it July 4th also." she hugged me without even asking and I smiled. after that we all sat around the fire s little sad we were leaving tomorrow. Alex and Leo left first again and I wasn't far behind them, a shower before I snuck over to see chase. as I was getting out Alex came in throwing her self on my bed. it's like 12 so I know something is wrong. I pulled on chases tee and some sleep shorts and sat beside her " what's wrong love?" she sighed putting her head in my lap " he thinks I need to tone down some. said I'm hard to keep up with" I rolled my eyes " well then he obviously doesn't deserve you. you don't ever tone yourself down for anyone". she nodded " can I stay in here tonight? I don't want to go deal with him" I stroked her hair." of course we can watch movies until we fall asleep " she gave me a smile climbing into bed and I grabbed my phone to text chase. " who are you texting so late ". " just my aunt telling her about the day " she nodded. " did you steal Zacks shirts again I looked down completely forgetting I was in his shirt and I shrugged as she laughed me - Alex is having boy problems won't be able to make it. chase- ( sad face) I understand but doesn't mean I like it. me - I'm sorry. really I hope you aren't made chase- of course not but if you want to make it up to me I know a way. me-oh yeah how? chase-stay with me tomorrow? I smiled at my phone. me-only if you promise food chase - ( laughing face) I've got you doll. i snapped a selfie while Alex was using the bathroom and sent it to him me -( picture) at least I'm comfy chase - damn you look so good in my tees. I blushed at his message and he sent another chase- ( picture of him sitting on his cabin deck shirtless) having a beer with Dalton but wish you were here. me - me too. but you do look hot ( wink face) chase- I'm glad you think so. we chatted back and forth while Alex and I talked about how Leo was fine with her personality until today and I don't see how she acted any different today than she normally does so I don't understand that. we snuggled in and watched reruns of friends until we both fell asleep.
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