Chapter 1

578 Words
Emma Rossi narrating: I close my final suitcase and place it on the floor, looking at my precious little room and sighing sadly. Today I was going to travel to the United States, to take over my father's agency presidency in New York, rightfully mine as the sole heir. My father let me choose which country I wanted to stay in, so I chose the United States, in the city of New York, where I studied for a few years, so I already know their habits, customs, and culture. But I will not be traveling alone; I will take my best friend Giulia with me, she is the daughter of my godfather Nate. Speaking of my godfather, he caused a scene when I asked to take Giulia with me and even threatened my father to end their friendship. He even gestured for my father to cut off the friendship, but it didn't take long before they shook hands and everything was fine. My father was also sad to be away from me, but I need to lead my life and grow, even though I am twenty-four years old, I will always be his little baby to him. I see the door of my room open and my mother walking through it. — Are you ready? — she asked. My mother is already forty-three years old and still beautiful, always wearing her colorful prosthesis that gives her a more youthful appearance. — Yes, I am — I said, — I will miss you. — I will miss you too, my love, but don't worry, we will always keep in touch, and I will always find a way to visit you — she said, hugging me. — Is there room for one more? — my father asked, and I reached out my hand to him. He approached and enveloped us in his large, warm arms and kissed my forehead. — I will miss you, my baby — he said, — take care and no boys. — I can't promise anything — I said and smiled. — Let me dream that you will never date — Dad said, making my mom burst into laughter. — Dream big, love — she said, — when we see her again, you can bet she'll already be dating — she said, leaving my father looking serious. — I'll start thinking of ways to torture him — Dad said, but we were interrupted by the door opening and my best friend walking through it. — Are you ready, my darling? — Giulia said. — Yes — I ran and hugged her. — You two go downstairs, I'll bring the rest of the luggage — Dad said. I held Giulia's hand and we descended the stairs, spotting Uncle Nate sitting on the sofa. — Uncle Nate! — I ran and hugged him. — Hey, little devil — he said, making me laugh at the nickname he gave me. I looked towards the stairs and saw my father almost out of breath carrying my suitcase. — Are you carrying rocks in that suitcase? — he asked. — They're my books — I said. — One suitcase just for books? — he asked. — Of course — I replied, — wherever I go, my babies go with me. — Enough talking, let's get going, your flight will be leaving soon — Mom said. We took the luggage to my father's car and then got in, heading towards the airport.
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