35 - 35 - Rodin raced on ahead, burst into the medibays. “Anyone around? Emergency.” A curtain pulled aside and Ellya appeared. “Chelle collapsed.” The meditech nodded, then glanced along the corridor, to where Wren and Sutan carried the fallen warrior. “First bay.” Then Ellay disappeared back behind the curtain. Wren and Sutan lay Chelle down. Sutan breathed heavily and stepped back, unsure what to do now that his leader, Ferra, wasn’t around. Wren laid a hand on Chelle’s head. “She going to be okay?” “There’s some good meditechs down here.” Rodin couldn’t make any promises. “You and Sutan head back. I’ll wait.” Sutan seemed relieved at that, and walked off. Wren hesitated. “You sure?” Rodin nodded. “Tell Vanya to keep things civilised. Any problems, come and get me.” In his per