Chapter 10

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Chapter 10   Xzavier   I look to autumn seeing the horrid look on her face from her mom walking in on us, I knew I should've probably not come off that strong, but I never see her parents, so I just thought they were at work like she tells me all the time. "I didn't know she was here kitten I would have-" I try to explain myself quickly not wanting to make this even more awkward.   "Shh ... just let’s get this over with" she says hanging her head down as we walk in the direction of her mother.   I've upset my kitten and now I need to make it up to her. I really hope I make a good impression on her mother for her sake, I clearly know that she must think I'm some hormonal teenage boy trying to corrupt her daughter from my previous actions. We walk inside of the living room together as her mother eats away at the strawberries from the pack in her hand. I want to laugh how funny she looks devouring each strawberry one by one without a care in the world.   "Xzavier this is my mom, mom this is Xzavier" Autumn introduces us to one another.   "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am" I extend my hand out to her as politely as I could.   "It's a pleasure meeting you too. When you’re not sucking My daughters face off that is" she giggles staring in between the both of us.   "I'm sorry about that I di-"   "It's okay honey your both teenagers I'm okay with the kissing as long as you aren't having s*x and please not in the house."   I smile politely at her, but my mind goes to when I pinned Autumn into the door. My actions were to have s*x all over this house but first it would've been her bedroom. I know that sounds disrespectful but what can I say she drives me insane.   "So, Xzavier how'd you and my autumn meet?" Her mother than breaks me from my sinful thoughts of her daughter that's sitting right beside me.   "At school, she was walking all alone and I asked could I walk with her. After that we've been inseparable ever since" I smile warmly at my kitten who so happens to be blushing. We all both know the real story as to why we became inseparable after that day.   It's because I felt something that I've never felt before with anyone before. I could care less about those kids in that school but autumn she was so sweet and caring with this little attitude and I just needed her. She and I have many great adventures ahead of us.   She bites her lips and slightly shifts in her seat. I swear if her mother wasn't here, I'd f**k her until she couldn't w-   "That's so sweet, I'm happy for you two. Wait until your father meets him." "I’m sure dad will just love Xzavier" my kitten says in an unenthusiastic tone causing me to frown, why wouldn't he like me?   The room falls silent, so I decide to start up a conversation with Autumn's mother trying to be a gentleman and make sure she sees how much I can respect my precious kitten, but Autumn beats me to it.   "I'm going to go out and buy Jacob some things today when you rest"   Who the hell is Jacob!?   "Okay sweetie just don't be back to late"   "I won't" She chirps before quickly heading up the stairs retrieving something from her room which I soon found out to be her handbag.   "I swear you’re going to spoil him and he's not even here yet" her mom’s smiles at her daughter warmly.   But still my mind wonders. Who the hell is Jacob and why is he making MY kitten all excited about his arrival?   "I'll walk you out Xzavier" autumn says, I bid a goodbye to her mother before I follow her to the front door. I make sure her mother isn't looking before I grab her waist turning her around and smashing my lips onto hers in an instant wanting nothing more than to have her lips on my own and only mine.   "Mine!" I say to her, whoever Jacob is he can't have what's mine and I'll make sure of that. Autumn will forever be mine and no man is going to stand in my way without a fight.   "Xzavier my mom is in the next room" she looks behind me quickly making sure we are still in the clear. I place my head in the crook of her neck feeling relieved already, I love when we are in the position it eases my mind.   "Kitten?"   "Yes"   "Whose Jacob" I ask softly into her neck.   "Why?" She walks right out of the door not even waiting to see if I would follow or not.   "Just answer the question Autumn" I walk behind her making her stop at my car.   "Could you give me a ride"   "Not until you tell me who Jacob is and why am I just hearing about him. You are mine as much as I am yours, I would never cheat on you and I expect the same from you, I keep no secrets from you and I don't want you keeping them from me either"   "Okay you want to know a secret I've been keeping from you"   "Of course,"   "Well.... no, I couldn't tell you...... you'd get angry and I don't want this person hurt"   I immediately freak out. Who the hell has done something to my kitten to make her act this way? She looks uneasy as if she wants to tell me but then she goes against it.   "Did someone hurt you" my heart breaks at the thought of my kitten being hurt by anyone in this world. I couldn't bear the thought of her keeping this inside and not telling me, it's clearly bothering her.   "So, you wanted to know who Jacob is"   "Don't change the subject"   "He's my brother as you could see my mom is pregnant. due any day now"   "Autumn-" "I don't want to talk about its Xzavier" she snaps at me, even though she has snapped at me multiple times this one is different, and I can't just stand around letting her feel hurt I had to do something. As a boyfriend it's my job.   I quickly help her inside of the car before running over to the driver’s seat speeding down the road. I drive until I can't see any more homes or people until it's just us in a deserted part of town.   I turn off the car and get inside of the backseat where she sat deep in thought about something.   "Kitten" I say softly while caressing her cheek lightly with my thumb.   "Xzavier, I don't want you to get angry" she sighs and holds her head down breaking eye contact.   I place my fingers under her chin making her stare into my eyes. I need to know what's bothering her.   "If I promise not to hurt this person would you tell me?" I lie to her knowing damn well when I found out who hurt her, I'll beat the daylights out of them. I thought I made myself clear to stay away from my autumn in the cafeteria, but these pricks just don't learn.   "Promise?" She asks hopefully, I nod my head not trusting my words. Of course, I don't want to lie to her, but I must know.   "Well earlier after me mad Jason cane from lunch someone pulled me into a dark classroom" after she finishes her sentence, I know it's not over but my fist clench at my side and my jaw tightens at the thought.   "It was Matt and after we had a talk, he... k-Ki-kissed me" She stutters.   My rage boils over and I want to rip this guy’s f*****g head off. He put his lips on my girlfriend, my kitten and expect to get away with it.   "But please Xzavier don't hurt him!"   "I won't kitten I promise I want beat him" I truthfully tell her. I decided to not beat the s**t out of this kid but instead I have something else in mind.   No one gets away with anything that has to do with me. Autumn being the main thing that I care about most I refuse to have her sad or taken away from me.   If he wants to play games than that's exactly what I'll do. "Let's enjoy this night together kitten" I place a gentle kiss onto her forehead while she lays her head in my lap. I want to have this time with her and not go all crazy she needs me to be here for her now and I'll do exactly that.   Matt could wait until tomorrow but tonight consists of me making MY KITTEN happy again, I'll do anything for her.   "Do you want ice cream or something to eat"   "Yes"   "You pick where, and I'll drive" I smile, she plants a warm kiss to my lips and right then and there I knew. I had fallen so deeply in love with this beautiful girl next to me. I'd do anything for the smile that's on her face.   Fuck I'll have to kill someone if they took this happiness away from me. ****************************
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