Chapter 9

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Chapter 9   Autumn   Lunch with Jason was fun I laughed and made silly jokes with him. He's really a great guy I wonder when he'll find a great girl for himself.   We made our separate ways when we finally came back to school. I walk down the mostly empty halls ready for my last lesson of the day until I can finally go home and take care of my mom.   I'm pulled into a dark room by someone I didn't get a look at. It's silent before I break it with a question.   "Listen I don't have time for games so could you please just move so I can get to class" "Autumn it's me" Matt's voice sounds in my ears.   "Matt? What are you doing?"   "We needed to be alone, so I could finally have a conversation with you about u-"   "Have anyone seen autumn she's not in her class" I hear Xzavier say to someone. His voice is a little muffled from behind the door and I want to tell him where I am, but I don't want Matt to get beaten again so I remain quiet until his voice disappears.   "I love you so much baby. Being with you made me so happy and now you’re with him and for what? Him to break your heart?"   "Matt you don't know Xzavier he isn't that bad I promise he just comes off that way to people but he's not"   "He literally just told the whole school how amber f****d her dad in the park"   "What!?"   "Yes, her father is going to jail because he couldn't keep his mouth shut and out of people's business"   "Wait so Xzavier putting a sick bastard who f***s his teen daughter in jail is a bad thing?" I ask in disbelief, yeah, he shouldn't have told the whole school, but he did the right thing that's disgusting to have s*x with your daughter who you've produced.   And she should be ashamed of doing what she's done. "That's not the point. He always does this, where is the autumn that use to hate him with so much passion"   "I hated him because I didn't know the real him. The him that is good and is just a teenager"   "What are you saying autumn this isn't you! I know you I know how much you love me and breaking up with me because something my mom said isn't you... she's sorry and she really wants to sit down and get to know you like I have baby, this is our second chance"   "No! I'm not ever seeing your mother again. I don't want her to like me I use to but not anymore I will not play puppet to your mother if she couldn't be seeing that I was nice to her than she doesn't deserve my kindness"   "What?!?"   "Xzavier's mom is actually nice and I know that for a fact she's a blunt person, genuine and all the things your mother isn't"   "So, you've met his mother"   "I have"   "And has he met your parents" I think about it for a second. He hasn't met my mother or father, but I know sooner or later he will, and I don't have a problem with it.   "None of your business Matt" I walk past him to get to the door, but he pulls me back.   He smashes his lips onto mine, but I feel nothing like I did before. His kiss doesn't affect me like Xzavier lips does. I feel wrong and not myself with Matt's lips placed into mine.   Quickly I pull away from him not wanting to have his lips on mine.   "Don't you feel it I know you do. It feels like fireworks when we kiss"   "I feel nothing Matt"   "You’re lying"   "I'm not I really feel nothing when you kiss me"   "You’re just saying this, so you won't feel guilty, but I forgive you baby" I roll my eyes and walk right out of the door. Matt is not himself lately. A few days ago, all I wanted was Matt but now after being with Xzavier I feel different. More alive and free even though he smothers the f**k out of me I think I like it. Not that I'll ever tell him that. ********* After school and many of kisses from Xzavier he drops me off at home with the promise of me seeing him later today, so we could discuss what happened today.   I quickly walk inside my home immediately making way to my parents’ room.   "Honey How was your day at school?" I can't help the smile that creeps onto my face from hearing my mom’s voice after being home from school.   I don't even think before embracing her into a big hug. I've missed this feeling and being close to my parents after school it feels like old times but now, we are adding an addition to the family. That being my little Jacob.   "I'm sorry if I'm crushing you, I've missed you so much mom"   "Oh, sweetie I've missed you to"   We stay there lying in bed taking about everything we've missed in each other's lives for the past few years.   "So, why'd you break up with Matt he was a sweet boy" my mom’s leans into every word I say.   "Because his mom really didn't like me, she was making rude comments about me and I didn't want to be with anyone who's family couldn't accept me" I tell my mom a lie. I couldn't tell her the truth or things would get really f****d up so keeping her and everyone else blind to the real reason why Xzavier and I are together sounds like a plan.   "That b***h- excuse my language- but if I weren't pregnant, I would be her ass how dare she talk about my baby that way"   "I know so now I've been seeing this guy named Xzavier b-"   "You date the Black's son!" My mom squeals with excitement.   "Yes! And mom he's so gorgeous" I find myself daydreaming about him wishing I was now near him the thought instantly bring a smile onto my face.   My mom looks at me smirking. She crosses her arms over her chest and eyes me up and down.   "What?"   "You’re thinking about him aren't you"   "No!" "You’re lying autumn" I blush deeply not wanting to meet my mom’s intimidating eyes or I know I'll spill.   "God my baby is blushing he must be really something"   "Mom! I'm not blushing" I laugh at how much my mom acts like my best friend. I love how our relationship is, we can have talks like this and not have a care in the world. I could sit and talk to my mom about anything and she listens.   Even though my parents aren't always around I love them with all off my heart and when times like these come, I make sure to make them last, remembering everything and anything I can before they must go back to their lives at work.   "So, when can I meet this boy"   "H-" the doorbell rings breaking me from my conversation with my mom.   Already knowing who's at the door I help my mom from bed and walk her down the stairs into the living room.   "You get to meet him now actually" I make my way to the door revealing a very sexy looking Xzavier.   "Kitten" Xzavier steps inside picking me up from the ground so that my legs wrap around his waist, he pins me up against the wall wasting no time devouring my face. "Xzavier my m-"   "Shh kitten let me take care of you" he kisses me passionately once more; I kiss back of course not being able to deny him.   "So, this is Xzavier" my mom’s voice echo’s from where she stands inside of the kitchen staring at us.   I jump away from Xzavier and move as far away as possible while wiping my lips. She walks over to us with a pack of strawberries in her hand.   I watch as she stands in front of Xzavier eyeing him suspiciously up and down before Turing to me with a smirk.   "Your right, he is gorgeous" she then walks away back into the living room as if nothing happened. Leaving me embarrassed in front of Xzavier. *************************
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