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MIRABEL My face came flushing as Derek and his father came closer to my mother and I. Mr Hallman doesn't hesitate to get cozy with my mother, kissing her dearly, as he asked her how long her trip would last. I drifted away from them, almost standing close to Derek, who gave me a glare, causing me to look away. I felt my body vibrating while trying to compose myself. But my innocent heart was finding it hard to beat properly. "It's a three weeks trip. Just take care of Mirabel for me. Please, she's fragile and hardly expresses herself," Mom said to Mr Hallman, making me look like a kid. I felt embarrassed, ashamed to look Derek's way. "He must see me like a loser. Oh Gosh!" I panicked within, hoping this ends. Mr Hallman assured my Mom that he'd take good care of me. "If I'm not around, Derek would watch over her, " Mr Hallman said to Mom. I just stood there as they talked about me, before Mom gave me a hug and left for her trip. "Welcome, Mirabel," My future Stepfather welcomed me, taking me by the hand as he led the way. Derek had already gone into the mansion before anyone even told him to. This got me feeling uncomfortable, wondering how things would go here for me. I was given a room beside Derek's bedroom. My room was so lovely. It almost looked like a princess's bedroom. Mr Hallman told me to ask for whatever I want, promising to give it to me. "You are like the daughter I never had, " He said, patting me. I smiled on hearing him, but Derek just scoffed out like it was a joke. It was clear that he didn't like my presence in his home, and it only made me worried. Now settled in his home with my Mom away, I decided to carry out my role as Derek's sister and put every past behind me. While we were having breakfast, I had joined the maids in serving the meal for both father and son. Mr Hallman was pleased with my action, but Derek didn't like it. He glared at me, trying to find fault in my actions, but Mr Hallman always had my back, saying Derek was yet to fully accept the changes. "Be happy you have a caring sister, " Mr Hallman had said to an angry Derek. He found everything I did annoying, yet I had no choice but to keep on with it just to remind myself everyday that we're siblings from now onward. One night, I discovered that Mr Hallman wouldn't be returning home because of office work, and that Derek was back from his outing. "This is the moment, Mirabel. Talk to him about Tania and try to convince to accept her, " I decided, leaving the sitting room to go and meet Derek in his bedroom. As I took each steps up the stairs, I felt a voice telling me to turn back. But my feet kept moving further, hoping to make this plan work. When I arrived at Derek's door, I knocked but got no answer. Just when I was about to knock the second time, the door came open. It wasn't locked. I took hold of the knob and pushed it open, stepping into the room, calling Derek's name But no response. "I thought they said he was in his room?" I wondered, looking around. Just when I was about to leave, I heard from behind, " What the hell are you doing here?!" I turned around and was shocked to see Derek, naked from head to toe! He just got out of the bathroom with his body soaking wet. I gazed in shock, turning back with my eyes shut. "I'm sorry!" I apologized, unable to unseen what I have seen. I wasn't expecting it. "Haven't you heard of knocking?!" Derek questioned with anger in his voice. I kept apologizing, trying to give him a reason why I was there. But my body was still shaking after seeing his nakedness. I decided to leave. "Excuse me, " I said, hurrying for the door. The moment I took hold of the knob, Derek slammed the door back, stopping me from leaving. He turned me around and had me pinned against the wall. I gasped out, feeling my heart racing while staring into his eyes. They shimmered at me as he said, "You should have just stayed in your room, now I need to clear my system." "What?" In a swift, I found myself on the bed with Derek dropping his muscular body on me. His hands roughly taking off my clothes, sliding his fingers in-between my legs. I gasped heavily when his fingers went inside of me, thrusting in and out. I wanted to stop him but he had me under his spell. My body danced to his tone, paving way for Derek to smoothly slide his way into me. I gave a groan when he came pacing in and out of me, moaning at his own thrust. My body shivered while watching him go fast, squeezing my boobs with so much pleasure. This slowly made my feelings for him bright. I could feel that love shining for him again. My eyes came rolling when his speed came in with full speed, before he gave in the last push, causing me to grab his body down on me. "Oh no! We did it again." I panted, realizing that I gave myself to Derek the second time. But what does this mean? Does he love me? "Get out now!" Derek ordered, snapping me out of the beautiful moment. I stared at him, as he wrapped his waist with a towel, grabbing me by the arms with my clothes. "Isn't this what you wanted you w***e? You came here to tempt me and you got exactly what you wanted. Now get out of my room you b***h!" I felt my heart skip with pain, on hearing what Derek called me. He sees me as a w***e? "Out! " He dragged me, throwing me out of his room. I fell to the ground, feeling my heart grow heavy. "Slut. Don't you ever come near my room again." He slammed the door from behind. I looked at the door as my tears came flowing out of my eyes. I couldn't hold it back but cry out my heart. Once again I stupidly allowed him to sleep with me. Why am I so foolish? I carefully got off the floor, feeling my waist aching me. I stepped into my room, crying bitterly over my bad luck. "Is that what I am to you? A slut? " I cried, falling on my knees. "Why me? I wish... I wish I never fell in love with you Derek. How I wish I could turn back the time and stay away from you, " I wept bitterly, wishing to forget that I ever fell for him. He has shown me my place before him, and I won't ever forget this.
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