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MIRABEL Since Mom left me under my future step father and step brother's watchful eyes, I had no other choice but to go to school from there. When the morning came, I got myself ready for school, taking hold of my bag and going through it, just to make sure it was in order. Suddenly, my books fell out due to my carelessness, sending me on my knees to attend to them. I didn't feel like myself. It was as if a part of me was missing or something. While picking the books, my eyes fell on a pick hard cover, which was different from the others. "My... My diary," I uttered, slowly picking it. I thought I had forgotten it at home, but it has been in my bag all this while. Taking hold of it, I opened the pages and came across the time I first noted my feelings for Derek down. Reading through it brought nothing but pains to my heart, sending me shutting the diary close. I didn't want to think about the past or about what happened recently. I just want to pretend I never fell in love with him. KNOCK! KNOCK!! "Are you ready, Mirabel?" I heard Mr Hallman's voice from outside my room. "You know the school isn't going to stand on his feet and come here!" He yelled. Quickly, I got to my feet, responding to his call. "I'm coming," I said, packing my books into my bag. I wanted to do the same with my diary, but I felt it would be too risky. "I can't take this with me." I turned to my bed and moved closer to it, lifting up the pillow and placing the diary underneath. Then I exited my room to meet Mr Hallman waiting for me. "Thank the heavens. I thought you had fallen sick or something," He joked, smiling at me. His smiles were contagious. It got me smiling back at him. But at the sight of his son, Derek, stepping out of his room, my smiles faded. I took my gaze away from his direction, pretending to be checking myself. "Finally. You two sure know how to take your time, " Mr Hallman chuckled, walking ahead of us. I lifted my head slightly to see where I was going . Only for my arm to come brushing against Derek's arm, sending waves around my body. I gasped, looking at Derek. He also did the same, but had only disgust on his face for me. When his gaze came locking with mine, I immediately broke it, walking faster than him. I have come to know Derek already. Any slight mistake I make, he won't hesitate to yell at me. I am just not ready for that. We both got into Mr Hallman's car, heading for school. The wealthy billionaire wanted to perform his fatherly duty by dropping us both at school and making me feel like his own daughter. He didn't want me feeling left out. I bet Mom must have told him something, that's why he made this decision. "It's so nice when you are with your whole family. Isn't that right kids?" He called us, looking at us through his rearview mirror. That smile of his bloomed my heart, leaving me smiling. I was about to respond to what he said when Derek gave out a groan, saying, " You didn't have to do this, Dad. You know I prefer heading to school myself." "I know that, son. But we need to drop your sister at school as well. You know we can't leave her to walk alone by herself," Mr Hallman said, leaving me embarrassed. What does he mean by that?! Damn it! This has Mom written all over. I had to tuck down in shame, so Derek won't look at me. My whole face was turning red, hearing Mr Hallman talk about me like I was a baby. Mom! Why?! "So what? She's not a kid. If you still see her that way, maybe you can be taking her alone to school or hire a guard for that. By now I'd have been at the gym with the others, but no. We had to wait for someone," Derek said, his voice giving an icy pierce to my fragile heart. Even without looking at him, I was sure he was glaring at me with rage. "Just stay like this. You're almost there, " I recited within, trying to stay put. After what felt like forever, the car came pulling up outside the college. Derek didn't hesitate to storm out of the car, leaving both his father and I behind. With him gone, I could finally sit up right to receive fresh air. I took a look at the school entrance and saw how students, mostly girls, threw themselves at Derek, trying to get his attention. His friends had surrounded him like he was some king, escorting him into the school. This was only bringing memories I don't wish to have any more. Memories of myself spying at Derek behind a tree, a class, or behind the building. "Don't mind him, Mirabel," Mr Hallman said, gaining my full attention. "Derek can be a hand full sometimes. Just try to bare with him. Trust me, you're going to like the real him, okay?" He smiled, giving me an assurance of his own son's attitude. If only he knows that I've seen way pass that. I have seen the real Derek. "Thank you, Mr Hallman. I'll keep that in mind." "You're always welcome. Take care of yourself, okay?" He patted my shoulder before I stepped out of the car. The moment I got out of the vehicles, eyes began to fall on me in shock. This left me feeling awkward, wondering why they were gazing like they have never seen me before. "Is it because I came out Mr Hallman's car?" I wondered, turning back to look at my soon to he step dad. He gave me a wave which I returned back, before he drove off. "Did you see that?" "I did. She just came out from the same car as Derek. Wow." "She's lucky. She's going to be the daughter to a billionaire and sister to a popular guy." I heard them gossiping while walking pass them. They all looked at me with envy unlike before. Then they would have made fun of my appearance and even mocked me the whole day , but today... It's the opposite. As I walked carefully, trying not to make much eye contact with some students... "Hey Bestie!" A familiar voice called out loudly from ahead, sending my feet halting. When I lifted my eyes to look, I found Tania and her gang standing in my way. Their faces filled with smiles, grinning at me. The sight of Tania's grin alone was enough to send my heart racing. "Goodness! I forgot!" I remembered something. Something I failed to attend to during my stay with Derek. "How have you been, sweetheart?" Tania asked, wrapping her right arm across my shoulder. My whole body shivered, trembling at what would happen when she discovers I haven't done what she asked me to do. "Why are you sweating?" "Huh?" I uttered, looking at them. "The sun isn't shining in the sky, only the cool clouds. You are sweating like one who was pulled out from a grill, " Tania joked, making fun of me. Her friends laughed out, increasing my worry. I felt Tania's arm go tight around my neck, as she pulled me closely and asked, "So, how did it go? Where you able to speak to Derek on my behalf? " "Em... Tania... I..." I stammered, scared to tell her that I forgot. But my stutter alone got her suspicious. I noticed how her pupils shrunk, and her smiles faded. I know I couldn't escape this and I had no other way out. I accepted my fate and said, still feeling her arm going tight around me, "I... Couldn't... Derek was busy throughout. I couldn't meet with him." I lied. Tania's eyes shinmered at my words. It almost felt like she could see through my lies. "Seriously?!" "Gosh! You're pathetic!" "I thought you are his sister?!" Tania's friends grumbled at me, terrifying me. But they weren't the ones I was scared of. It was Tania's response I was waiting for. Her silence was frightening. She still had her arm around me, which terrified me more. What if she chokes me for not fulfilling her wish? I was already panicking within. But just then, Tania smiled at me, releasing her grip on me. I was stunned. "Come on girls. Don't say that to our sweet new friend," She said, dragging my cheek. "She said Derek was busy and didn't have time to talk. But I'm sure she won't disappoint me again before this Friday, right?" She grinned. "Friday? What's happening this Friday?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable. Tania and her friends chuckled at my reaction, before Tania patted me, saying, "You have from now till Friday, Mirabel. If you don't get Derek to be my boyfriend, I'll give you a soothing reply." I gulped down my saliva, having a hunch on what she meant by that. She patted me once again and said her goodbye, walking into the school building with her friends. "Friday? Oh God. What am I going to do?" I panicked, recalling my last meet up with Derek. That didn't go well at all. And it's because of this same matter Derek and I ended up in bed the second time, leading to a painful experience I won't easily forget. "I don't want to even speak to Derek, and he hates seeing my face, talk more of my shadow. What am I going to do?" I was troubled and stuck.
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