Chapter III: “MINES”

1905 Words
Bryna’ POV     I woke up to Travis placing butterfly kisses all over my face. He says, “Wake up, Sweetness.” I say, “Oh, I’m sweetness now.” He says, “Yes, I bring you breakfast in bed.” As I sat up, he places the food tray across my lap. There was a bouquet of red roses next to the food. I picked up the roses and smelled them. Roses are my favorite flowers. I say, “Thank you… I love them.” He says, “Yes, I know you do. I have a lot of things planned for us during our vacation.” I say, “I hope so…” I gave him a passionate kiss. We broke away from each other when we needed air. We ate breakfast in bed together. We arrived at the resort late last night. We were so tired that all we did was order room service and went to bed.     I am aware that every day will not be peaches and cream. I just don’t feel the same about him as I did before. I love him but I am not in love with him. I don’t know if I will ever be in love with him. Travis is a very handsome man. He is about 6 foot-tall with a slim built. He has a light skin complexion with dark brown hair and eyes. He doesn’t have any facial hair. He always smells and dress very nicely.  Travis says, “I’m about to get in the shower… Come join me.” I say, “Ok, I will be there in a moment.” My phone starts to vibrate. I picked up my phone to see a text from Lazaye.   Lazaye: What you doing girl? I hope you finally getting laid. Me: Hush, Lazaye. I just got done eating a late breakfast. Lazaye: Meet me at the pool. Me: Ok, is Ryan coming? Lazaye: No, he had to meet with his brother. Me: Ok. I will tell Travis.             I put my phone down and went into the bathroom. I took my clothes off and entered the shower. I slide my nails down his back and wrapped my arms around his waist. He says, “I thought you wasn’t coming.” I say, “Naw, Lazaye texted me. She wants us to meet her at the pool.” He says, “Ok, put first I want to take care of you.” He turns around and lifts me up over his shoulders. He starts to lick, suck, and n****e on my bud. I really needed this! As he devours me, I gripped his head while moving my hips in a circle motion. He says, “You taste so amazing!” My legs started to shake, and my stomach tighten. I moan, “I’m about to cum.”  My body exploded with the most cosmetic orgasm. He placed me gentle down on my two feet and spins me around so I could face the shower wall. He spreads my legs apart and inserted his erection in my wet honeypot. Travis is not big in that department, but he surely knows how to use what he has. He makes my body feel so amazing. He wrapped his arms around my waist and whispers, “I’m about to c*m!” He thrusted deep in my honeypot before he released himself.             After our love making, we dressed and mat Lazaye at the resort’s swim bar. Lazaye says, “I’ve been waiting for yall for two hours.” I say, “Yeah, someone was a little feisty this morning, sorry Lazaye.” She says, “Well, as long as it had to do with you getting laid, your forgiven.” Travis kissed me on my forehead and says, “Sweetness, I have to meet the resort manager. I will be back shortly.” He leaves us at the pool. Lazaye says, “What’s that all about?” I say, “Not to sure but I think you might me right.” She says, “Right about?” I say, “I think he is finally putting me first in his life.” Lazaye says, “I told you… He loves you and I don’t think he is going to let you go.” I say, “Well, it doesn’t change how I feel. I’ll just see how it goes during this vacation… Let’s drink.” She ordered us some drinks while we listen to the Reggae and R&B music.   Ryan POV             We were on our way to my family’s dinner. I say, “My family does not talk let we do… So, if you hear the “mates” its just another way of saying girlfriend.” My mate says, “I think I heard that word before when I was reading my fantasy novels.” Bryna’ says, “What kind of fantasy novels?” She says, “They are books about werewolves, vampires, and other supernaturals.” Bryna’ says, “You believe in that kind of stuff?” My mate says, “It would be cool to be a shifter especially a werewolf shifter.” Bryna’ says, “Ryan, she believes in all kinds of stuff.” Well, this was good news because it might not be so hard telling her that I am a werewolf. Knox says, “She will make a beautiful she-wolf!” I say, “Yes she would!”     Once we reached my family’s mansion, Travis says, “You didn’t tell me you were loaded, Ryan.” Lazaye says, “Yes, his family owns the whole Jamaica.” I say, “No, we don’t own the whole Jamaica… Just the resorts.” We pull up and exited my black Mercedes. My mother and cousin were waiting to greet us in front of my family’s home.     I greeted my Madda with a tight hug and a kiss on her cheek. “Hey, Madda and Shawn. This is my girlfriend, Lazaye, her best friend, Bryna’ and her fiancé, Travis. This is my mom, Charlotte, and my cousin, Shawn.” My Madda says, “Nice to meet everyone. Lazaye and Bryna’ you are such stunning young ladies. Lazaye says, “Thanks, Ms. Charlotte, it’s nice to meet you.” Bryna’ says, “Thanks for inviting us to your home.” My Madda says, “Let’s go in and we can talk in the lounge room. I’ll give you ladies a tour until Ajani arrives.” I say, “Ajani is not here?” My Madda says, “No, he went for a run.” That’s perfect timing. I excused myself so I could use the restroom. Once I reach the restroom, I started a mind-link with Ajani. Me: Ajani, where are you, Brotha? Ajani: I went for a run… Blaze has been all over the place today. Me: She is here… Ajani: Ok, I’ll be there within the hour.             I entered the lounge room to find Shawn and Travis talking. I say, “Where did the ladies go?” Travis says, “They are still on the tour with your mom.” Shawn says, “Cousin, you have a beautiful mate. I’m happy for you.” I say, “Thanks, Shawn. She is wonderful.” Travis says, “Yes, I remember the day they mat, it was love at first sight. It took them an hour to stop looking at each other. Then Ryan made a strange sound and growled, “MINES”. They have been together ever since.” Shawn says, “Sounds like a romantic movie… Ryan when is the mating ceremony?” Travis says, “Mating ceremony?” Ryan says, “It’s another way to say, wedding. I don’t know yet, Shawn.” Shawn thinks he is slick with all this werewolf talk. I will definitely have to pay him back for this. I say, “Our ladies will be a while so lets play some PS5.” Travis says, “I’m down. I turned on the game.”             One hour later, my Madda and our ladies came back from their tour. They seem to hit it off perfectly because they were talking and giggling. My Madda says, “Dinner is ready, so we can go to the dining room.” We followed my Madda to the dining room. Once we were seated, I say, “Where is baby girl?” My Madda says, “She had to go to Ocho Rios for a business meeting at Sandals. She should be back this evening or early morning.” Shawn’s mate entered the dining room and said, “Hi, everyone. Auntie, sorry for being late.” Madda says, “That’s ok Ciera. This is Lazaye, her friend, Bryna’, her fiancé, Travis.” She sat next to Shawn and gave him a kiss. I say, “Ciera, you must be due any day now?” She says, “Yes, I am. It’s been a long four months. I can’t wait to meet our...” I say, “Children!” Bryna’ says, “PUPS don’t you mean children?” Ciera says, “Yes, our children…” Lazaye says, “She can call her children anything she wants.” My Madda says, “Well, I can’t wait to for my children to start having babies.” As they were talking about children and marriage, I mind-linked Ajani, “Bro, come on… We are starving.” He mind-linked, “I’m coming down now.” I mind-linked, “Great!”             Lazaye squeezed my thigh under the table and whisper, “Are you ok?” I say, “Yes, I am fine. Will you take a walk with me after dinner.” She says, “Yes!” My Madda left the dining room to see where the maids were with the food. Then it happens, my brother opens the dining room door, and everything stop. He locks eyes with Bryna’ and growls “MINES!” I notice Travis grabbed her by the waist and pulls her close to him. s**t! I quickly jump up and ran to his side. I place my hand on my brother’s shoulder and whisper, “Ajani, please calm down. She does know about our kind.” He turns to look at me and mind-links, “I’ll eat in my office.” I mind-linked, “I’ll tell Madda.” My brother found his destined mate…                   My brother exited the dining room to go to his office and I followed him. “Ryan, who was that man touching my mate?” “Ajani now don’t get angry. You have to promise that you won’t go ape s**t on me.” With his Alpha’s voice, he says, “TELL ME NOW!”             When I looked into my brother’s eyes, I could tell that Blaze was trying to take over. “It’s her fiancé.”     My brother growled so loud that it shook the mansion. He started to pace back and forth.  “Listen, Ajani, they were engaged before I meet them.”  “Ryan, I need to be alone.” “Ok, I will tell everyone that you don’t feel well.” “Whatever!” I left his office, but I could hear him breaking the furniture. I will have Shawn order new ones in the morning. This is not good. I just hope he don’t do anything stupid!
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