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“I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. Was it too much to ask?” ~••~ The last thing she wanted was for love to find her. She seen it portrayed in movies, and while the lines may be cheesy, real life seemed no different. It's messy, unpredictable, and utterly consuming. Beautiful, sure — but chaotic in its own way. It has its way of reshaping your sense of self. It's like a force that you can't control, pulling you in directions you never thought were possible. And when it works, it's intoxicating. You feel whole, complete. But what if it doesn't work? What do you do when love fails, and reality comes crashing down around you? The irrational choices you made, the risks you took, they all come back to haunt you. It's like staring into a mirror and seeing a stranger staring back at you, someone you barely recognize. Disgusting, isn't it? And then there's the fear. The fear of being so broken that you can't piece yourself back together again. How do you turn? How do you breathe? How do you exist? This relentless pursuit of love was daunting and unexplainable. •_______• “Happy second anniversary hubby, I have prepared a surprise for you which I know you’ll like. Come home soon.” Katherine put down her phone after sending the text message to Marshall, and went back into the kitchen. She turned down the flame of the stove and continue cutting the vegetables. She know even if Marshall saw the text message, he would not reply her back, so she did not bother to check her phone. The house maid Elisa walked into the kitchen and said, “Madam, let me help you.” “Oh no, it’s fine. I want to make dinner for him tonight, so go take a rest.” Katherine said smiling. “Wow, i am so jealous of you. You and young master really love each other.” Elisa said. Katherine did not reply to what she said and continue cutting the vegetables. Only when Elisa had left the kitchen that she stopped what she was doing and reasoned what Elisa said. Everyone seems to think she and Marshall were in love with each other, but in reality did they really love each other? No! She was just a full housewife for him. ....... By the time it was 9pm, Marshall came back home. As soon as the maid saw him approaching, they rushed to him, greeted him and took his bag upstairs. By that time, Kathrine was done cooking and was arranging the plates on the table, she instantly felt the warm breath coming from Marshall. She was grabbed in her waist by Marshall and he kissed her lips, but Katherine pushed him away. Marshall did not let go of her waist and pinched her thigh. After which he said seductively to her, “Why were you so eager for me to get back home. Are you perhaps missing me so soon?” Katherine said softly, “ Of course not. It’s just that, today is our second wedding anniversary and I thought since we didn’t get to celebrate the first anniversary, it would be a good idea to do so. So I made preparations for that plus I have gifts for you.” Marshall let go of her waist and studied her expression, seeing how calm she was he said,” is that so. I didn’t even know today was our second anniversary, how time flies. By the way, you shouldn’t have bothered buying me any gifts, there was no need for that, but since you already bought it, it’s fine..” The corner of Katherine’s lip twitched. Of course, she did not expect him to appreciate what she did for him. She was already used to this by the way. After placing the chopsticks, she turned around and walked back into the kitchen. Then she bought the last dish to the table. Marshall was already sitting so Katherine sat opposite him and poured wine into his glass. She poured for herself afterward, took the glass of the red wine and said,” Cheers to our second wedding anniversary.” Marshall said nothing but frowned rather. His facial features looked matured under the chandeliers illuminating the whole place. He had a straight nose and captivating jawline like a fine art work. His facial expressions implies that he was not happy about their wedding anniversary celebration, which took place only between them. Katherine smiled. She did not expect him to reply, so she raises the red wine glass, gulping down the drink. After she was done drinking, she poured another glass of the red wine and drank. And glass after glass, she continued drinking In excitement until she became drunk. Without minding if Marshall was still there, she tried to get up but staggering and because Marshall did not attempt to help her, she sat back on the chair and laid on the table. “Just for today Marshall, won’t you at least put aside your cold aura and smile. Since our marriage, you’ve always been with an unapproachable character and I’m so sick of it already. Just be happy for once.” She said in her drunk state. “Is that really what you want me to do, acting Insane with you? Or better still celebrate this boring anniversary with you Katherine?” He drawled. “So you think this anniversary is boring? To tell you the truth, you are the boring one here. To the point you didn’t even remember today was any anniversary. “ she said. “Stop daydreaming. I wont waste my time celebrating any anniversary with you anymore because this one will be the last one.” Marshall said. “What are you saying. Is this how much you hate me. I shouldn’t have gotten married to you in the beginning.” Katherine shook the glass and tears began rolling down her eyes. Marshall could no longer tolerate her childish behavior, so he got up and went upstairs. When he got to the room, he took off the tie on his shirt with annoyance. As he was about to unbutton his shirt, he felt a pair of cold tiny hands around his waist from his back, and the smell of alcohol spread through the room. “I remembered that I’ve not yet given you the gifts I bought for you.” She said. “Let me go Katherine.” Marshall said as he turned around. He stared at her without saying any words. Katherine was blushing, staring at him with an innocent green eyes. It was so hard to remove her eyes from him. God! He was good looking. Marshall’s Adam’s apple rose. It was a lie to say she was not good looking, and this was one of the main reason that he got married to her in the first place. Apart from her beauty, she also had the capacity to move any man’s heart. If not that, he would not have fallen for her in the first place. Marshall moved his eyes to her lips drenched with the red wine. Her lips were alluring and tempting. When she was touching his waist from behind his back, he tried so hard to resist the urge to grab her and kiss her passionately. Katherine walked to the cupboard close to the bed, Opened it and bought out a card. She went back to where Marshall was standing. “Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. So I booked an hotel. I was thinking since it was day meant for lovers, we could get to spend some quality time together.” She said smiling. “Is that so?” Marshall asked as he took the card from her hand. “Yes.” She said again. By this time, her eyes had already gone misty. She placed her arms around Marshall’s waist again. Marshall dropped the card on the bed, grabbed her waist to his body and said, “You’re tempting me Kath.” The way he pronounced the shorten form of her name made Katherine blushed even more. She placed a kiss on his lips then. Marshall returned back the kiss with force, so hungry for her lips. Katherine not his lips and the rusty smell of blood spread between their mouths. As she was getting more into him, Marshall held her hands and prevented her from kissing him any further. “What is it?” She asked in impatience. “ Katherine, let’s divorce.” He said. Katherine’s expression changed. “What did you say Marshall?” Although she heard what he said clearly, she repeated the words. “Let’s get divorced. Really?” “Yes Katherine. The fact that I never love you will not change. I have feelings for someone else, so it’s only normal I divorce you to be with my lover. Name a price and I’ll give you. How much do you want?” He drawled. Katherine’s felt a slap to her face!. What exactly did he take her for? A gold digger who only got married to him for his wealth? He was so wrong to think so. She had all the money and power, but left every thing to marry him. But now, he wanted to divorce her? Was this what she would be getting in return after all she did for him? Katherine became mad with rage. “I don’t need your stupid money, Marshall.” “If you’re certain that you’re not after my money. Let’s get divorced then.” He said, making her even more angry. Katherine smiled and said, “I have no time to play such games with you. I have had enough already. If you want a divorce, then fine I’ll divorce you.” She said. Marshall did not expect her to give in so easily. He knew how she was so crazy in love with him, so it was so hard believing that she agreed to the divorce without any complaint. He stared at her with an expressionless face, “Are you serious?” “Of course. At the end of the day, I am just forcing myself into a stupid relationship, so it’s fine. I think you made the right choice to divorce me.” She drawled. “We’ll go to the court for the divorce tomorrow then.” Marshall said “You better not regret about this.” She said and left after saying only those words.
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