Volume - 3 // Chapter - 76

2392 Words
In the meantime; At the Church, where everyone began frustrated and daunted to one's feelings. As they didn't wary about a new set of horrible monsters started to march throughout the forest. Much worse than that, some of which already be thinking about the worst possible scenario occurring through their heads. Traumas and absolute fear were the ones devouring into their senses. The moment when the sun started to set on its own, every single people throughout their neighborhood also have the same feeling. None of their houses would be seen opened nor its windows for ventilating some fresh air of the cold night had been seen open thoroughly. It was due to the advisory and warnings given by the Church Pastor about the unprecedented enemies that spurring out through the deep darkness. Knowing the fact that the words and orders coming from him are absolute and true. People who gallantly heard coming from his voice had been seen panicked and momentarily out of control towards their action. Some went disbelieved yet frightened, Mostly went believing and quickly asking for guidance and deliberation against the swarm of the unknown monsters. Out of curiosity, the Church Attendants couldn't hold themselves and started to peek at every single corner of the windows without hesitating and utter ignorance. "I see that man over there quickly closing his house... Like a mouse hiding from a cat!" Luck unwittingly observing their fellow neighbors from afar. With a huge smile on his face, eager to cause a huge wreck and eyes went drizzled with amusement for the whole time. "That's what they meant to do Luck... Remember, those monsters from the outside are seemingly stronger and terrifying... To the point that the actions coming from the people are much prudent yet hasty for their security... You must know about that." Tisa simply explaining for Luck's insignificant curiosity. Hence, her mind began mumbled and her body began to tremble unnoticingly, the moment he mentioned directly through what he sincerely observed. 'A mouse hiding from a cat? that sounds like us either way... Not only that, the actions and trembling vibe given by the Demi-beings and Entities are nothing much similar compared to the Knightsmen... To the point that was waiting for a direct order coming from the man who took care of me throughout the whole time, hiding in the same place for someone nor something for a greater cause... It was an obvious answer that these monsters were facing... Are much formidable comparing than ourselves.' 'Not to mention, Lylia the Entity was seemingly desperate trying to gather her people as quickly as she can for this event... Though Yaka the Homo-goblin tried to do the same thing as what Lylia astoundingly did. She seemed immobile and hostile, knowing that her Demi-being kind had started evacuating for the same purpose and ulterior actions for their protection.' 'I can't argue myself that our village is far distanced away from the Town's subjective territory, that reinforcements and aid coming from them are irrational and time-consuming to have waited. I must act on my own trying to protect the ones I cherished the most for this current happening, nothing more nothing less.' She suddenly went devising through what she thinks the best idea is given by her thoughts, immediately went to her room, and instantly began isolated for a while. Other Church people began noticing the sudden course of atmosphere given by Tisa, as they couldn't figured what sort of things she currently running out into her heads for a second. For some utmost and blunt intuitions coming from them, one of them became adamant and reacted wildly amongst it. "Is she preparing to fight against these Monsters or something? ... I wonder?" Casa conclusively guessing to Tisa's sudden actions, repulsively nodding her head while genuinely taking care of the orphaned children playing around the corner. /Loud, inaudible children constantly playing with utmost limits./ /Light given from a specific spell nonchalantly blinking./ /Calm, solemn environment had been seen dramatically throughout their faces./ The Church people, as well as the Entities and Nascondra from the Demi-being simply assuming the answer given by Casa Togo's blunt response. Knowing the other 2 Strongest Races blatantly believing the fact about the other Strongest Races she astonishingly belongs, their minds suddenly went putting as one regarding the quick-minded and unique behavior given by the Knightsmen race. "If that's true according to what you said, then she's preparing for a fight against the enemies all by himself? How absurd to be thinking." One Entity people utterly revolting towards Tisa's actions conclusively. "What an inadequate response... Even Lylia couldn't be held but dealing a hard time against these monsters lurking in the dark... What sort of plan does she think of fighting against it? huh?" Another Entity people quickly added to their thoughts into it. "What nonsense is that... Is she taking her life-risking to a battle that even her mind knows she couldn't win it?" Another Entity is adamantly upset about her action. Nascondra completely contradicting the Entities' distraught comments and downtrodden thoughts given into Tisa began tactfully protecting her deed and other Church people who started on prepared for themselves as well. The only non-human being who putting its bet into the other 8 Strongest Races. "We should trust each other at all cost! Like the ones we used to before!" She adamantly stepped in whole-heartedly to her sole intentions towards it. The Entities slowly being subdued to their feelings, simply couldn't hold for the grudges and mistakes that they made. In which having their trust in the people were huge causes of disbelieving and misimplying to one's self. They suddenly spacing out for a while, clearly taking their time thinking upon lending their hands fighting up alongside the others once and for all. ~ On the other side of the room. Where Levi is patiently taking his slumber. Pastor Ozril submissively taking his responsibilities on having a great cause for his incoherent incompetence. That making Levi dealing with the most amount of heavy damages against the forces of the Sea monsters. With a leaden appearance, facing the absolute consequences for his recklessness and insensible actions. Pastor Ozril simply couldn't hold his own, even a slight bite from the food that the Church people have sincerely given into him hasn't seemed moving nor touches unto it, he completely lost his appetite and will moreover. Helina Booluck, who was utterly dealing her time and effort reaching through the depths of the Village territory from Prairie town where she first came in. Immediately taking her utmost capabilities on healing up all wounds and injuries given up by the Supreme Awakening Possessor's fragile body. Huge laceration from the back, numerous counts of slashes and holes throughout his upper body, Burns made up of magic spells and curses are everywhere. Not to mention his Left eye, who was seemingly blinded and immobilized thoroughly. All sorts of horrendous things abusing one's physical body are very common for the field that specified Helina Booluck's unique abilities. But then, her eyes and consciousness became stagnant and repulsive the moment he treats Levi Furiman's wounds for at least several hours since gradually came in. "His wounds... Doesn't healed up nor allowed to be closed on my abilities... Not to mention, his blood is so fragrant and nice that I am nearly drunk by smelling into it... How amusing and intriguing is this?" She became adamant and flabbergasted to Levi's entire existence. "Ozril... I do believe this is my second time healing this young man's wounds and yet I can't sully believing for the things that happened to him. Just who is he by the way?" She asked prudently with a slight curiousness into her mind, whilst constantly casting her magic spell on healing the wounds she was seemingly capable to deal with. With a solid intention deliberating into her senses, Pastor Ozril simply couldn't be helped but to tell the entire identity to the young man she curiously helping in. Knowing for the sole consequences of revealing his entire identity towards the ordinary, he solemnly wary and believing to the ones he prudently capable of concealing with. As well as the people that surround it. "At all cost, even your life is at stake... Tell nothing to anyone about him..." He solemnly consolidating at her capabilities on hiding his identity as the result. Helina simply gulping her throats, solely preparing for the consequences of what will be happened on breaking one's rules given by the Church Pastor. And genuinely assuring him with all of her heart and be justified amongst the others. "I'm ready... Ozril-kun..." She bravely commemorating with absolute trembling on her body nonetheless. Like entering the great depths of the Abyss towards the truth and beliefs. Helina Booluck began conclusively to what she had heard momentarily. As her mind suddenly went blank, thrilled to the fullest of what her body could excess and astoundingly pleasant and tenacious at the same time. By knowing the truth about Levi Furiman's identity, her beliefs and purpose in living began to change tremendously in an instant. With hopes and thoughts full of motives coming from it. . . . At the same time; At the Willow Village Administration Building. Cassandra Smith was impatient on her own, not knowing the fact of how much time she wasted on waiting for other people who deal with the same quest she recently accepted in. It was at least 4 hours since the time she first held in at the Building hall. Nonetheless, the numbers of people who expected to come in were still short and infinitesimal. 'Hmm... What incompetent people... Those people are strong, yet indolent with action.' She starts mumbling with indecisive thoughts coming to her mind. She consciously sitting on a soft couch placing it in the corner, gradually being wary of the news she read on a paper while casually eating some treats and drinks given by the Receptionist for the whole time waiting. By that plenty of time she spared inadequately, she silently attended to the surroundings that currently held in. Loud, deafening murmurs and chatters are scattering into her ears. Even the room that supposedly held silent was a pack of inaudible voices of people. A constant number of people and Adventurers attending the Administration Building had become rampant yet lively throughout the entire day. As she began irritated for a certain cause of a reason; 3 People suddenly taking their appearance, thoughtfully approaching her at the moment. "Hoo! It isn't Cassandra Smith, Hello Cassandra-senpai! How's your day today?" "We heard that you skipped another event this year? How impressive you are Senpai!" "She didn't even faze on facing the headmaster of the Administration Receptionist earlier... How strong your spirit does have?" The three began close to Cassandra, as they wanted to share thoughts on her for a while. Wearing some casual dress and attire suitable for dealing combats and battles. Cassandra seemed vexing and astounded towards the apparel they'd wear, knowing for the amount of money they spent just to upgrade their weapons thoroughly. Not to mention the other unnecessary things that made others jealous of the cost of their equipment. "Isn't it weird for me to have closure to the family of nobles?" Cassandra simply responded with assurance, repulsively couldn't let her guard down thinking for some hideous agenda that the three people wanted her to seek. One of them simply grinning like the schemes they'd made are simply busted in a tick of a second. The other one was simply unresponsive, trying to divert her thoughts into her as quickly as she possibly could. While the last one is completely unreliable to the things they'd bluntly involved. Her mood suddenly went changed and a form of Magic auras slowly emitting towards Cassandra began volatile and pressured, which causes Cassandra to be startled and shook into her stead. "To put it frankly... We are the people who are being directed into the order of Ethel Casino... The one you beat up in the 'Tournament' a year ago." One simply whispering her thoughts into her with a huge grudge in her feeling. "Master Ethel tells her the best regards into you later on... Have fun being acquainted with her later on!" The other one simply nodded with a grim smile on her face. But then, the face of Cassandra Smith didn't seem threatened nor terrified by revealing their true colors and intentions submissively. Simply left nodding into its head with a huge smile on her face while sipping on her drink with tenacious posture and appearances began serenely. "Your audacity is quite intimidating... How exhilarating... I wonder why Ethel-san loves to adopt some dogs walking with two feet and strangely can do magic on their own... Hahahahaha! The way she likes something that can offend others, what kind of peculiar taste she was!" Cassandra couldn't hold herself anymore, surprisingly managed her thoughts letting them out into her mouth, and spoke so vulgarly in front of others. The three who those words directly into them didn't like what they heard coming on her. In which one of them started to act indefinitely, by pointing out a small, sharp tip blade mercilessly aiming towards Cassandra's stead. Cassandra utterly didn't faze towards her reaction firsthand, quickly took her book inside the bag and viciously restraining its hand where it holding up with a knife through vines and roots with a tremendous force grappling into it. The two other people who began stunned and immobile to the place where they stood had gone restrained and grappled as well, thinking it would seem attacking against her in a blind-spotted direction whereas she currently held in. People around the building hall quickly noticed the sudden commotion that happened at the corner. Generally taking their attention coming to them momentarily. The Administration Receptionist also noticed it, immediately taking their steps in the middle trying to suppress them beforehand. Fortunately, the commotion instantly stopped moments after they came in. However, they knew they're not the ones responsible for stopping their fights. As the one having the most issue resulting in an unprecedented commotion, was right at the back of Cassandra Smith. Patiently listening from behind and completely hiding its entire existence from the eyes of the Crowd. . . ***To be Continued***
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