Volume - 3 // Chapter - 89

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. . . Given the amount of time and unprecedented explanation towards the unnecessary mis-encounter, Malta the Entity strongly ordered the Church People to run away from the rainforest where everyone currently held in. Not because of the injured party members that were crucially needed for medical treatment. But for a reason that causes the entire squad to separate accordingly throughout their own will and volition. !The march of the Sea Monsters... Are constantly heading in this direction.! That was the first one Malta bluntly responded to the people who felt startled and intimidate due to her appeal. Knowing for the strongest Entity that can fight Lylia toe-to-toe according to some, also the way she stood on top of the Entities far dignified and respectable to the people she currently belongs. But their strength and Power are far superior and frightening, that none of all people have their guts fighting against them in a single form of battle. Lylia was utterly not those kinds of high and mighty as what some Entities know about her as well, allowing the majority of their kind to follow Malta instead of Lylia as the result. However, some of them still insist on following Lylia due to some personal reasons and ulterior motives towards their will on helping others. Miria, who was consciously wary about the strength and power that Malta possessed, still couldn't imagine having her gathered in the front lines. Knowing for her utter behavior that always ordering the subordinates on fighting themselves at the front leaving the entirety in dire bloodshed, while Lylia generally the opposite one when commanding orders. "I don't know what is going on all of a sudden, but one thing for sure..." "Their faces... are nothing much look like a personal attack against someone... No, definitely something." Miria consciously nodded into her mind for a second, moments before the entirety of the surroundings will turn into a forest filled with blood. As she briefly noticing the unusual activity coming from her fellow kindred. Solemnly facing altogether in one place, instinctively being silent with absolute intentions on killing something that generally putting them into force. It was all started when Malta unwittingly appearing towards them. ~ [25 minutes ago] As the people began stagnantly and intimidated towards her unexpected appearances. Malta, with her face, instantly went gloom and solemn, kindly asking to them one straight order that even for a conscious of an ordinary being would unlikely agreeing in such malignant state without prior hesitating. "There's no time to waste... Hurry up and leave this place!" She kindly ordered, trying not to enact forcefully beforehand. Her thoughts and actions the way she stood in front of the people are way bossy and mighty, allowing the impressions of the Church People to be left insidious first hand. Simply disregarding her orders and kindness with an utter disrespect to be given by Tisa the Knightsmen. Tisa, Cassandra, Misa, and Nascondra. Were the few being adamant and strongly disagreed with the orders she gave to them. With a combined force emitting as one, allowing both of their Awakening Senses to be released tremendously to the utmost limit. Tisa's Awakening aura was astounding orange color resembling the Knightsmen Race, relentlessly bursting forth into her body. With her eyes completely changed dramatically, the moment the Awakening aura started to surged nonchalantly. The same with Nascondra, as the color of her Awakening Aura, was astonishingly Green resembling the Demi-being race. Not to mention, her eyes went changed as well as the ones Tisa made, but different in terms of patterns and color. In the meantime, Cassandra and Misa seemed to differ compared to the two pure-blooded strongest races people. Yet, the appearances of their eyes had been seen the same way, and the flow of their Awakening aura emitted as well. The only difference in their eyes was the Awakening Pattern which regards their Awakening Races accordingly. Misa is a Demi-Being Awakener. Cassandra is a Providence Awakener. All 4 had the same reason for being rebellious and flagrant against Malta the Entity. !To see how strong she truly is! As Malta didn't want an unwanted commotion between them, she adamantly believed that stopping their rampage on her in a peaceful manner would mean disgrace and disavowed in such her favor. She left nothing but taking the fight seriously against them, by consciously surging her Awakening aura throughout the entirety of their surroundings as her form of preparation, and wildly summoning her weapon in front of them through a special ability spell that ables on storing weapons and inventory. And horrendously sprinkling a lot of Awakening stardust throughout the entire place as a mode of her final preparation. /Silver-colored Awakening dust poring almost everywhere like snow./ /Dust slowly blowing into the air./ /Atmosphere began denser./ A moment before her final preparation, Malta sincerely nodded about their conditions, barely managed to be made fighting furthermore. Simply wanting on retreating from the rainforest immediately after the fight in exchange for her agreement on dealing the bout against it. Not to mention, two of them were insignificantly injured and one of them barely able to move on its own, while the other was in grave condition. That instantly made upon Malta's mind on putting everything in haste and wasting absolutely nothing at that pace. The 4 simply nodded as if they agreed to her favor as well, allowing them to leave the place unscratched and relieved. "Let us Go!" The battle had finally started. It was a 4 versus 1 situation; //Leaving all the Entities spectated, yet their tight senses and Awakening awareness towards the entire rainforest remained constant and intact. The 4 utterly made startled at first, thinking if they made their move attacking against them at their weak points during and after the fight. //But then, their restless intuition made them at ease. As Malta already ordered not to fret everything on and off the bout, no matter the cost. And thus, the fight continues; Malta, knowing for her side that left disadvantageous both numerically and skillfully. Utterly switching her stead defensive and offensive at the same constant pace, with her bulky long sword, swings menacingly from her right while her left aggressively casting spells in the interval. The 4 began enacted on their own, while simultaneously attacking in a random direction against Malta. Tisa and Misa were both on the side. Nascondra, in her concealed state, generally attacking her almost everywhere throughout her entire existence. While Cassandra recklessly chanting some powerful spells from above, raining small sizes of fireballs into the air and landed almost everywhere from the battle area. /Pores and dust elegantly spreading./ /Unique, horrendous form of umbrella made of Awakening dust enchantingly inclined through Malta's head./ As Malta prudently responds to Cassandra's aerial attack, she gallantly taking her brief countermeasures against her. By quickly stepping away from the frontal attacks given by Nascondra, Tisa, and Misa, generally allowing her on gaining distance that made her cast some of her Abilities with certain precision and dexterity. She consciously putting her aim into Cassandra, knowing for her bothersome to be letting for everything she'd made against her. !Entity Awakening Spell! !Lucid control! /Malta's units, abilities, and spell already cast began controllable all of a sudden./ With her grasp and senses, audaciously determined on switching the pace into defensive. Malta horrifyingly forming some of her dust and objects into solid, auspiciously turning into sharp, immense weaponry specifically ordering into her favor. It was at least tens of Silver-colored weapons such as sword, spear, lance, arrows, any sorts of sharp edgy weapons that had been formed sophisticatedly into the air, generally floating with ascertaining the amount of weight and density throughout its atmosphere. And maliciously pointing out into its tip against Cassandra and an absolute killing intent and obnoxious appearance towards it. !Swing! !Swosh! !Clang! /Sharp, floating weapons menacingly flying away towards Cassandra./ /Dust, other forms of Awakening essence bursting forth to Cassandra like a shooting target into her very body./ !Bang! !Boom! /Hard, unyielding objects defying the forces of the formed weapons./ /Floating weapons flying away in a random direction./ As Cassandra consciously closing her eyes out of shock and fear at the fraction of a second before impact. Tisa and Misa boldly deflecting the weapons away with precise movements trying not to reached Cassandra's frail body and immense action without constant hesitation towards momentum and hastily decision. All in which matters, was her being safe from the scoundrel weapons surging forth against her. . All of a sudden; The fight was unexpectedly stopped. It was all due to Nascondra's direct and quick response, which allows her to restraint Malta's ulterior movements completely. Knowing the fact of how Malta desperately focusing her entire attention on Cassandra makes the other three are left unregarded in 15 seconds. Nascondra truly believed it was the plenty amount of time to move on her own and charge directly into Malta's grave blindspot, which is at the right part of her back. Even she didn't know it was her weak spot after all. Through her special ability spell, able to make her invisible through the naked eye, she absurdly managed on contrasting her movements very silent and serene. On the other hand. Malta, who still couldn't hold on moving her own due to a piece of the sharp, crest-formed dagger that still piercing up on her neck, simply being submissive towards the entire fight nonetheless. Aside from being grateful for fighting against some monstrous creatures and other being in her entire life. She couldn't believe it as for the first time she fought some skillful and unique types of fighters that can withstand all terms of her movements with imprudence and lots of luck accordingly. Moreover, as she genuinely noticed all Awakening dust who consciously being wary throughout the time, she hardly remembering some noise of a footstep generally coming through into her stead. That makes her began adamant and intrigued as to what she resolved from it. "If I remember correctly... You're Cassandra? Aren't you?" Malta humbly asked for an introduction with a soft smile on her face, still couldn't be managed on escaping due to a dagger that maliciously sticking out into her neck. "No, I'm Nascondra... Nice killing (Meeting --- She intentionally saying it) you." She kindly responded with a grim smile on her face, instantly got disgruntled after a soft made mistake given by Malta for a moment. Repulsively pressuring the dagger directly into her throat with malice and intentional and her face already darkened, slowly driven with menace right inside of it. The Entities, as well as the Church People simply took them separated from each other after all. Knowing the bout is already ended and most of the Church People are already left from the dungeon site. !!!??? /Dark, wicked wavelength of magic aura surging throughout the forest./ /Loud, deafening noise screeching in random places./ Everyone, except for Malta and Tisa seemed startled and paused for a second. After they felt a strong, vile magic presence surging forth towards their location. That technically the sole purpose for Malta was to warn at the very least every single person throughout the forest to evacuate into the Village central territory, in the sense of being fled towards Cassandra's group at the same unexpected situations. "What are those eerie feelings we just felt?" Tisa curiously asked. "The Sea monsters... Are headed into this path." One Entity subordinate gladly responded. "Not only just an ordinary Sea monster, but those b@stards seemingly had brains and own volition." Another one bluntly added. As the Entities strategically sharing information towards the remaining Church People, who had seem trusted and diligent towards convictions on themselves. They kindly giving most of the important information that is worth spreading towards them, especially when regards to the movements and actions secretly working by the insidious force of the Sea Monsters. Cassandra in the meantime suddenly began stagnant for a reason. As she blatantly remembered about a certain quest that stupendously related to the situation that they currently held in all of a sudden. 'Wait a freaking minute... Did these freaky people mentioned Sea monsters just freaking recently?' 'If I remembered correctly, that was a kind of quest that highly recommendable to the high-ranking adventurers or more. Not to mention, that quest was being held as a classified, and only those chosen Adventurers were the ones capable of dealing those monsters.' 'Just how the hell do these freaky people know about it? And why are they getting involved in this kind of peculiar thing?' Her mind instantly filled with conspiracies and agitation towards everything in an instant, bluntly asking Malta even more about their current actions against it. Knowing the fact on how strong and repulsive the Dark, malicious magic essence surging through their locations even more. Cassandra couldn't be helped but wanting herself to get involved in something so perilous that could be. Tisa, as well as Misa, nodded the same thing. Simply wanted on participating in the fight even though death is an absolute certainty towards individuals like them. That Nascondra utterly declining their eagerness and will of fighting. "Don't be hasty for such glory and triumph. We know we already reaching our limits, but please... Let them do what they wanted to do for us to live." She felt disgrace as she couldn't help on despising their desires on dealing with the fight that knowing absolutely nothing towards their very limits. Unfortunately, Misa and Cassandra's ulterior stubbornness had been made depriving into their lives as if the two didn't listen to everything after all that Nascondra's destitute begging into them. '(Sigh) .... Humans.' She was left isolated and her mind went spacious as what she resolved for a moment, trying to calm herself and began cautiously furthermore. "Tisa-san... Mind if you're the one asking for them to stop deciding some reckless actions." She then tried to ask Tisa on behalf of her first failure. Unfortunately, Tisa was already placing herself in the front lines unexpectedly. Not knowing the fact that the one who started to join was all by herself nonetheless. '(Sighs instigated)... Knightsmen!!' She left silent for a reason. She began asked Malta the Entity on joining herself, without answering for anything, and went irritated for the whole time even now. ~ And so forth, The unyielding lineup has begun; Their forces are much formidable than what Malta adamantly expecting. Then, a few minutes had passed; A war against the Sea Monsters had finally begun. . . ***To be Continued***
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