Volume - 3 // Chapter - 88

2347 Words
. . . As the situation beheld into them continues. Miria, one of the Entities amongst the three who get along with the Church Attendants. Constantly began spaciously and left isolated on her stead towards the surroundings she currently held in. Moreover, she was the first one of the three who reluctantly sensing a massive, familiar Awakening aura surging forth into them. Knowing the fact that it was almost the same time that happened when the High-orcs suddenly appeared against them, simply couldn't hold her mind thinking it could be the culprit of everything that troubling them. As the result, by using her Awakening Ability more cautious and redundant than usual, She didn't hesitate on casting irresponsibly towards the people gathering in the same place on her. !Entity Awakening Buff! !Dimensional Sensory! /Ground and atmosphere began denser./ The two other Entities recognize the awakening spell that Miria cast, instantly getting their actions to make her spell synchronized and more effective than putting alone at the constant momentum. It was a kind of Awakening spell allowing the Entities to detect other significant forms of beings even in the place of being held in a dimensional space and other spacious surroundings. Furthermore, only the most skillful Entities were the ones capable of casting the said spell as Miria currently did. Not knowing the fact for the cost of consequences were able to deal through the caster's very own body, resulting in the majority of the Entities tried not to chant that spell very reckless and unnecessary. That was the first one the two Entities tried to protect Miria from overdoing the spell in such an irrelevant way. But then, thinking on how perilous the spell is, the two couldn't be helped on doubting how she pulled herself to the utmost extent knowing the ravages of the monsters have perished. Yet, they didn't seem discontented rather than putting on themselves off-guarded in some meticulous reasoning. /Constant wave of Awakening aura began surging./ /The wave itself starts backing forth towards the said caster./ A grey-colored wavelength relatively bouncing forth throughout any sort of object specifically. Generally focusing on the living objects and ground surfaces throughout its constant vicinity. It was around 50 meters the maximum distance that Miria only accommodating into, and couldn't be held extending on it fairly reckless and forcefully. The Church People ideally being startled towards the Entities indocile actions throughout the entire time. Seemingly felt being suspicious of their deeds not knowing for the sole purpose of protecting the entirety of the squad inadequately. "...Uhm... Do we mind asking what are you guys doing at this moment?" Casa bluntly asked with pure innocence and seeing no signs of utter hesitation towards her actions. That instantly causes the whole Church people to leave surprised and astonished at her. Even though they also want to ask the same questions to them, they simply couldn't rather than the bridge of gaps to their races as well as the well-being towards the other. Especially when it comes to questioning the works of the 8 Strongest Races that the Balancer of Race entrusted with. But then, it was a great relief to them that someone asked blatantly against them. Regardless to what their response to it, they seemed dubious and aware depending on how they answered in the end. "Earlier, we suddenly felt a massive, driven amount of Awakening essence far repulsive yet familiar on our accord, it was unlikely the presence of the Entity that we significantly felt all along until now. Not only that, the said Essence appears was suspiciously the same time High-orcs approaching into us... We couldn't conclude it at first but we utterly simplified that the other Entities might be luring the monsters away towards us... That is why we left isolated for a while, please throw away some suspicious speculations against us... That would be irrelevant and unnecessary on putting that mind in the sense of a crucial situation." One Entity utterly answered with respect and dignity conclusively didn't want to make a pointless argument to held larger even more. The Church People simply paused and left adamant on how the Entity replied with a straight-forward word into his conclusion. Simply widened their eyes due to shock and left unattended for a second moment to the ones badly needed for medical treatment as the result. In which most of their minds instantly holding up to the same intuitions unavoidably. "Don't tell me those monsters... Are made lured towards us by the forces of your race?" Cassandra maliciously nodded and her expression slowly driven with insanity against them. Even though her willpower is horrendously unmatched in dealing up against them, her desperation and eagerness for vengeance are much despicable and obnoxious to befell with. Tisa, Lock, and Misa utterly being disgruntled towards them. Their thoughts and beliefs are simply bestowed downwards to the point of being hated, that none of their words and suggestions are anything much believable and worthless to be trusted at the very most. Due to the fact for their impressions and sudden charges against them at first since the Main Village whereas they started existing and cause so much trouble that some of them had put their lives at risk and in danger. They simply couldn't be held forgetting those miserable memories demising into their consciousness furthermore. That finally happened and horrifyingly occurring once and for all. As they resolve, they utterly hated them not knowing for their side to be held defending. The two entities began silent and left misery, completely couldn't defy their allegations towards their conspiracies that deeply hurt their feelings against them. Still didn't manage on telling everything from it, as what did the two only know. "Miria-senpai knows what she had seen behind everything that we face together... Please listen to our side not just the heresy of the other..." One Entity repulsively begged with kind and humbly. "I know you people still have grudges and hatred on your self-resolute... But please, hearing one's opinion is much understandable than creating some obnoxious debatable." Another one gratefully nodded with her head bowing to the ground and hands both lying into her head. As the unprecedented argument began larger. Casa, who seems the reason for each other's debates, calmly noticing the sole purpose and intuitions for the Entities' sudden isolated actions momentarily. As she saw Miria the Entity couldn't react nor taking her side for defending their kind throughout the entire time, patiently meditating amid a rowdy environment and inaudible voices coming from everything. She simply couldn't help asking about it to the Entities who were consciously active due to her curiosity from it. That solemnly made everyone left silent and paused as the result. "Currently, we're tracing up those Entities that she sensed throughout this area and identifying the main purpose for having them as well." One Entity simply replied with caution and was wary of his unraveling. Casa tried not to felt dubious about their response at first. But then, seeing their eyes so solemn and convicted towards their beliefs would unlikely deceive her thoughts on trusting what they'd said. Cassandra blatantly blocked her. Instantly defying her indocile behavior and generally staying away from them. A few minutes had passed; Make began coughed with blood once again. The two Entities tried to act accordingly, basically having their knowledge and ability on healing other living beings with auspicious and deliverance. But then, Cassandra defying their actions once again. Utterly began selfishly and thoughtlessly being one-sided owning for herself. Misa confronted Cassandra due to her senile actions couldn't be managed. Relentlessly disavowing her orders and commands towards her resolute and senile behavior. Generally begging for the Entities on continuing their thoughts helping Make on easing the agony she felt despicably. With their palms so cold and pale, the Entities began proceeding with their methods of easing Make's pain without hesitation. A silver-colored sprinkling light covers forth into their palms, generally sticking to the fatal wounds trying to ease up by closing nonchalantly for a long time. However, it would only be after the pain and not the actual wound to be healed. Regardless of how powerful they made, the wounds and pain don't seem perishing nor to negate what they consciously know about their abilities. Furthermore, actual medical and healing practitioners were the most capable of treating one's wounded injuries as they adamantly believed in their recommendations. Though, most of them began daunted and suspicious of the people they hated at first. It began relieving at the same time, seeing Make's face in despair and pain had slowly wiped out redundantly afterward. "How long does it last then?" Govan worriedly asked. "More or less 4 hours... That's our utmost limit on dealing with these abilities." One Entity simply replied with solemn behavior, solely focusing on the wounds that still couldn't be handled on patching their healing abilities towards Make's agonizing injury. Not to mention, Lina was still stumbled and generally conscious and intact towards current situations. Kindly understood her late medical attention knowing someone who badly needed someone other than her. Tisa, Nascondra, Misa were the least person taking on Lina at the moment, patiently treating her wounds seemingly able to ease on their accords. As everyone was being held assisting the injured party members to their utmost limit in several minutes. Lock, whose eyes and Awakening presence slowly began to react abnormally and went resilient unnaturally, clearly focusing his very attention towards the direction where Miria repulsively enacting the same location as well. Both of their heads utterly focusing at the very least North-eastern part of the Village territory ferociously began warily and alarmed with absolute consistency on their Awakening senses. "They're coming... At a quick pace." Lock repulsively retorted, immediately putting his entire senses to the fullest extent trying to counter the approaching beings with aggressive instincts driven into his consciousness. Miria also felt the same thing, slowly opened her eyes knowing the one's reasoning for her being intimidated began closer and already into her range of vicinity. As Tisa being held startled towards Lock's sudden unusual behavior at the moment. She drove into madness, as the unknown, repulsive Awakening senses finally started to tingle into her nerves at the very last second. Quickly getting alarmed and exhilarated that her body and senses intuitively maximized without making preparations beforehand, nonchalantly glaring through the direction where Lock and Miria constantly looking into. It was a dark, dense rainforest that everyone generally being surrounded by. Knowing that seeing nothing other than trees and wild beast had been seen dramatically through the eyes of the Conscious people, that they seemed reckless and off-guarded towards the sudden approach made by the unprecedented enemies at first. But then, for the likes of those people who do know everything about what happens next, could be meant horrendous and vile that letting their guard down would mean to be a great desolation and misery on their side due to it. "They're here! ... Now! Tisa utterly shocked with an insane deafening voice audaciously ordered every single to prepare and be ready for their gist against the unknown enemies coming to them with certain malice. Everyone is startled as if they don't know what to do for a second of their reaction. They left surprised and paused as the result, generally couldn't be held on thinking about the situation that suddenly made happened. /A wind filled with silver-colored dust bursting forth serenely./ The movements and momentum began silent, as the wind is given by nature solemnly whispering into their ears. Trees and other bushes are much dancing alike, as the winds consciously touching in for a given amount of time. The atmosphere began denser, the time the winds began surging more tremendous than before. /Avast, a massive amount of Awakening essence dust suddenly appeared throughout the surface./ /One, malicious silhouette of a woman consciously appearing through Tisa's rear all of a sudden./ In a spur of a moment, the entire sense of everyone's forces combined unexpectedly began worthless. As they couldn't leave predicted nor heavily guarded for someone nor something that will happen to them after all. !The Entity, is already standing into them! Much worse to think, She made stood right at the back of a Knightsmen Person, which instantly made Tisa triggered due to disrespect and mocking down through the other 8 Strongest Races. "My... My... How cute are these lads playing over this pleasant playground?" She audaciously commending all the people's efforts as quickly as she first noticing it. With a sarcastic smile on her face glaring at the three people who saw everything from behind. Especially to her fellow Entity whose genuinely the first one being alarmed pretty immediately to what she hardly expected. It was Malta, one of the Strongest Entities that had been re-awaken, that was unexpectedly approaching the Church People by some unexpected occurrence. Tisa simply didn't like the sudden introduction given by the Entity, as she utterly believed how disrespectful she entered by using her nape as a grappling tool, coldly touching with a deep embrace that causes her to choke unwantedly and gone disgusted the more she looked at her gaze. Simply couldn't be helped her thinking if those acts were nothing but intentional or rather some comical actions in her stead. A few moments later, a band of Entities had arrived into them. Completely managed on getting surrounded from where the eyes of the People steadily looking on where to escape. Malta genuinely greeted Miria soon as she noticed her being startled. As well as the two Entity kind who slowly being startled into her gaze. "Don't worry, I came to no harm into this place... I just want to stroll a little bit after I woke up from a deep slumber... (Yawn)" She left assuring in front of the people, yet still couldn't be made convinced due to the forms of Entities surrounding into the place, seemingly outnumbered in all aspects. They left silent and unpleased as what they resolved. . . ***To be Continued***
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