Volume - 3 // Chapter - 86

2558 Words
. ~System Notification... Opened. Vile, anonymous forms of monsters are approaching. Number of Spawns: 4 . As soon as Levi finished the preparation that the Unknown Being given him some spare time. Another wave of monsters is started appearing right in front of him. This time, Levi decided on releasing all his available weapons trying to put everything to an end. Black Katana on his Right grip. Magic Handgun on his left grip. Small, sharp knife bitting in his mouth. And a necklace that seemingly showed up entirely. With a vast, immense flow of Awakening Aura, surging forth throughout his stand and waiting for a call to the upcoming battle. The Unknown Being already predicted the least possible outcome of the result. Making it uphold on himself putting the least strong summon on his arsenal. Not to mention, the power and force emitted by his summons are far comparable to the Supreme Awakening Possessor's current position. Allowing Levi to act prudently and startled unexpectedly on his own accord. With his right hand placing through the ground, stupendously yielding and gone mumbled silently. The Unknown Being began channeling his spell right into him. !Cosmic-Entity Supreme Magic! !Summoning corpses --- Released! /A wild, vicious human being had been summoned, standing in front of Levi Furiman with a menacing glare on its eyes, and a massive black aura far horrendous and terrifying./ /At the very least, 4 Undead human beings had their Eye of the Awakening possessing powers. Started from left to right accordingly, namely; Knightsmen: Demi-being : Providence: Darkness / As soon as Levi left cautious towards the sudden existence of the enemies, he couldn't help but activating the Eye of the Supreme Awakening to its maximum level due to his uneasy feeling towards it. His senses made triggered to be more precise and lofty, to the point that any forms of mistakes are much futile and unnecessary to be held. Not only that, both of his arms and knees constantly went trembling throughout the time since the enemies' vicious appearance, causing him to felt restless and frail at that moment. "I know I'm still weak enough, that surviving against the monsters and enemies are my greatest goal to live... However, this one; They wanted to kill me this time." He seemed indocile, consciously putting his mind on moving all the parts on his body out of being trembling and gone wild as soon as he sensed any slight of momentum towards the enemies' sudden action. . ~System Notification. A massive force of being had been approaching. Number of enemies: 4 . Without even being told by the system message, Levi himself seemed wary about it. As the monsters that the Unknown Being horrendously summoned have taken their action firstly. With a tenacious force, ground constantly breaking everything they moved hastily. Levi's senses began to react abnormally once again, couldn't be held on thinking properly in a split of a second. !Bang! /Loud, unyielding left roundhouse kick instantly contacted Levi's right side./ Levi didn't manage on evading one of the dark summoned human beings. Yet, he barely deflecting the murderous impact coming from it through his right arm hastily switching into a defensive stance from being offensive. By strengthening his entire senses thoroughly against them, he was consciously wary of the one that started attacking him at first. "The one with an eye of a Darkness." He quickly took his intuition by stepping back a few meters away from it, generally taking advantage by dealing some distances on shooting the enemies' entire existence with his Magic handgun. !!?? /Ground noticeably crumbling all of a sudden./ A few milliseconds later, as soon as he started to point his aim towards the Darkness possessing summoner at the moment. A summoned human being with an eye of the Knightsmen Possessing race had appeared submerging from the ground against Levi Furiman, which holds up a huge wooden spear aimed at attacking towards his rear without hesitating and recklessly. Levi was consciously aware of every direction wherever the enemies focusing up into his body. With his eye of the Supreme Awakening senses, He instantly redirecting his attention towards the Summoned Knightsmen by simply nodding his head on the back with a surprising pace and reaction on his body. A calm, serene swing on his right arm had been seen thoroughly against the approaching Summoned human Knightsmen as the result. His right eye began sharpened with malicious intent, already putting up his entire consciousness on killing every single enemy he fought fairly and submissively. /Forms of Awakening sigils resembling the Jewish-Enochian Race had been seen drastically into Levi's katana, astoundingly glowing whenever he swings forcefully and solely against his enemies./ !s***h! /Atmosphere began denser and heavier./ /Ground stepping began crumbling./ In a split of a second, Levi Furiman generally aiming only at the spear, evasively slashing the tip and body of the said weapon for some obnoxious reason given by him against the Summoned human knightsmen. Thinking of gaining up an absurd advantage, Levi immediately pointing his magic handgun towards its head, moments after it began stunned. Directly shooting at it with enough force on taking down and without certain hesitation on his action. /Dark-colored blood spurring off the ground./ "Those blood... Are black? How could this happen?" As soon as he took down one of the enemies that made him felt restless. His mind suddenly went iffy, the moment he saw the color of a dead bodies' blood, nonchalantly paused for a second and gone glaring into it out of his curiosity. "Are these monsters truly human beings? To the point on how they emit some magic auras, far similar to others monstrosity." He simply added his thoughts. But then, knowing the fact about the other enemies that are seemingly incomparable to the remaining ones beforehand. Levi's keen senses haven't seen dropped nor lowered as what he relentlessly remembered, clearly predicting his thoughts on whoever the ones charging off towards him with certain audacity and brief intuition. "Darkness?" As what he concludes on his mind at first, thinking the fact on how it moves impatiently against him, that causes Levi to startled and restless entirely. His attention was suppressing on focusing on the Darkness human Summoning. Not knowing anything about the other two human summons, which already preparing up for their attacks against him. The Unknown Being on their other, couldn't help but amaze the Supreme Awakening Possessor's intuition very contrast and impartial. Simply commending his actions and intuitions on dealing against the summons without telling anything about some important details regarding their ones ascertain behaviors. !Providence and Demi-beings... Are highly regarded in terms of mixing both abilities and magic spells... Especially when it comes to facing against stronger foes and lone enemies! "How could you managed on evading those kinds of attacks this time around... Levi Furiman?" The Unknown Being simply nodding his head with a grim smile on his face. While his eyes already synchronized with both Cosmic and Entity Eye of the Awakening, clearly being held on manipulating the Summoned humans inside his head. Sitting on a huge boulder, drastically glowing in an abstract form of colors resembling the Eye of the Awakening that the Unknown being channeled. His fingers are subconsciously moving, barely enough for being noticed through the eyes of an ordinary. As Levi repulsively seeing a lot of strings started to swing like a wind, the moment the Summoned humans began moving as well due to it. His senses and intuitions are atrociously in a truce, the fact that the Summons don't seem immobile whenever the strings didn't move nor command a single order coming from it. He seems involution, started to charge to the ones he thought the strongest one at the moment. Didn't held himself thinking for the second time around, already been decided on his own very recklessly and far opposite to the ones he planned from the start. !!?? /Ground Breaking/ /Feet surprisingly tripped./ Levi's lower body began numb, slowly being hardened with tremendous force like his entire lower movements already sucking through the ground. He seemed stunned at first, thinking for the best possible answer for the culprit on making his restraint very flawless and He couldn't help but taking his entire attention towards the ground, simply went anxious and fury about his unprecedented situation. That initially turning up onto his mind on upbringing the ground with his magic handgun and firing up horrendously and hastily. However, not even a thought on his mind had been started on dealing with it. As his senses and reflexes already been reacted for the incoming enemy, constantly having on their malicious approaching through the sky and murderously casting a huge, astounding ball of magic spell, focusing only on him. Not only that, the Summoned human Darkness whose supposedly being trenched on his ulterior attention throughout the time had been seen doing on his own very reluctant and different than the first encounter. Levi consciously noticed a huge orbital flow of dark magic aura, spurring hideously unto the ground. Seemingly obvious on aiming towards him nonetheless. By that certain insurgency towards the enemies' inconsiderate attacks against the lone Supreme Awakening Possessor. Levi's utmost response seemed docile and solemn, transparently tried on putting his entire senses at rest, even his body whom gone trembling through the whole time due to some unprecedented happenings had been seen stopped momentarily, the way he calmed his mind like flowing water through the lake. His breathing forms had constantly risen, the heavier he made, the stronger his heart began throbbing. He left sub-conscious and solemnly shutting off his entire senses just to keep his body re-enacted from utter trembling. In 10 seconds, unnoticingly being counted on his head. Levi's right eye of the Supreme Awakening began to change. The right sclera on his eye had gone yellowish, but the color of the Jewish-Enochian mark on his iris seemed constant and intact. Hence, his left eye didn't seem to change at all. Being held injured and forcefully able to be used can result in his entire movements slowing down. Nonetheless, the power and Awakening presence he emits is far stronger and repulsive than any other. To the point that the limiter he usually checked and updated hasn't seen important and unnecessary to be held anymore. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Awakening eyes of the Possessor's body have exceeded its limit. Minimum Usage: 30% --- 100% Actual Usage: 100% --- 100% Condition: Critical Time Usage: 2 Days, 12 Hours, 56 Minutes, 25 seconds. Warning: A certain damage of the Possessor's body is guaranteed and unavoidable, you must control your power before it's too late! . His mind and body started to reach their peak, as the System Notification itself was the ones reminding him to try to stop anything so reckless at that point. Like a bomb, slowly ticking on its tip to explode. Levi Furiman spontaneously putting up everything on his sleeves, slowly turning up his last resort on dealing everyone against it. Waiting up for the other three to attack simultaneously against him in one single go. /Dark, repulsive aura purging towards Levi./ /Enormous, blazing ball of magic spell falling with killing intent./ /Ground constantly dragging Levi's lower body down./ In a split of a second, every single magic spells and horrendous charges had been aiming directly at Levi as what he'd expect from their action. Simply felt petrified yet unyielding towards his own volition at the same time. By given a slight momentum of his movements, strongly focusing on the entire surroundings captivating in his very pleasant position. !s***h! /Air and space specifically cutting off in a short distance, consciously aiming at the approaching Dark, a massive aura that seemingly went fasten the more it approaches into him./ The black mass suddenly fell away after Levi slashes its entire existence mid-air. Slowly being dispersed unto the ground from where it started, leaving without a single trace of magic presence from within. Not knowing the fact that the Darkness human Summoning itself was the one being hit from Levi's aerial s***h unintentionally, causes the entire combination of their attacks to disrupt and revoked as the result. !Bang! !Bang! !Bang! /Ground crumbling as the sudden magnitude goes./ /Immense wavelength of intensity had been felt dramatically over time./ The next one he went focused on was on the ground, where he instinctively thought it could be someone who dragging him off partially. Knowing that he could manage on moving his knees from the depths if not a single thing would be a hindrance towards his action that had been made in the first place. By shooting randomly on his underneath, Levi boldly taking his guess to the actual location on where the enemy placing into. Also being wary about his feet getting hit into his magic handgun unwittingly. /Blood spurring out sub-sequential./ /Strong, pungent smell had been sprout nonchalantly./ All of a sudden, his guest finally went truce and predicted. He turned out to be regretted instantly after the stink of the blood of the Summoned human being had been made repulsive the moment he tried to smell it. "So... Strong... I can't breathe!" Levi instantly losing his composure and focus afterward, nearly held forgotten about the final attack which is located exactly on top of his head. His right arm constantly covering his nose and mouth due to the smell that seemingly went stronger and penetrable to breathe, that his lungs couldn't last on breathing those kinds of repulsive stink. While his left arm on the other, continually bursting its canon directly through the falling ball of magic spell. His skin had slowly burnt the deeper the blazing fireball falling into him. Moreover, his lower body couldn't seem to move due to the longevity of laying the ground that causes its numbness indefinitely. He couldn't run nor evade the approaching attack given by the Summoned human being with the Awakening race of Providence as what he resolved. Simply couldn't resist forcing his body to move reluctantly, knowing that it was already late for him to do things trying to save himself. "I'm done... I lost... I might gonna die on this..." His thoughts and mind already concluding, absurdly abdicating his entire convictions on living and letting himself off-guarded towards the inevitable magic spell. !!!??? !Jewish-Enochian Supreme Magic! !Chronosphere! /A bluish-dark colored orbital sphere had emerged chronologically./ /Time, space, momentum, everything that surrounds the spell had stopped nonchalantly./ In a span of a mere distance away from the ball of magic spell and Levi Furiman's stead, everything that moves around the sphere had been stopped instantly. The blazing hot of the spell didn't show any temperate nor humid momentarily, even the ground and reaction given by Levi towards the approaching magic spell had been seen comical to what the Unknown Being saw from its near. He then laughed and left overjoyed sarcastically throughout it. "Good work... You passed..." He made commended Levi's sincere action and astounding development in his entire personality at some point. Couldn't be held himself being teased at his face as the result. "Perhaps I should picture this one... Hahahahahaha! ... So hilarious..." For some reason, the Unknown Being hastily grabbing his mobile phone, audaciously taking pictures of Levi's absurd face before the Chronosphere Spell runs out. . . ***To be Continued***
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