Volume - 3 // Chapter - 85

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In the sense of being unconscious physically and without knowing from everything that happened entirely. Levi Furiman, whose being held lying on a bed for 2 days straight in a physical appearance. Still couldn't be made himself rested even in his form of being awake both mentally and spiritually, which has always something to do for him keeping alive and well. That the Unknown Being itself had been seen appearing constantly on his mind freely and willingly. For an obvious reason, it was all started with Lylia the Entity who has submissively cast one of the strongest spells at him 2 nights ago. Generally putting him at rest, that anyone who sees it shall bethink of him resting out and aloof. And so; The Unknown Being's obnoxious approached to him has already begun. In some unidentified landscape, with a soaring high of mountain ranges, lakes are blue and transparent, skies and spaces from above had been seen elegant and dazzling. Yet the surface from within is much horrendous and rumbled. As Levi Furiman constantly fighting on his life against the monsters and magic creatures, that the Unknown Being auspiciously creating. For the time being, he held fighting for at least 2 weeks as what he consciously thinking in his head. /Ground rumbling./ /Surface breaking./ /Monsters and Magic creatures screeching./ It was a march of Centipedes and Skeletons were the ones he fought redundantly for this time around. With his keen senses, already maximize through the power of his Eye of the Supreme Awakening. Levi prudently charging back and forth towards the approaching enemies within his reach from a limited distance. 200 meters on the front. 75 meters from both sides. 50 meters on his rear. 100 meters underneath. All of which happened subconsciously through his method of familiarizing his very skills and unique abilities. /Pant/ /Pant/ /Pant/ The Unknown being on the other hand, sharply noticing the ulterior capacity slowly reaching its limit whenever he heard Levi's heavy breathing. The louder he breathes, the more obvious he believes. "It's already been 2 days on the outside, yet this kid... Already reaching on his limit." The Unknown Being consciously observing Levi's utter behaviors in terms of fighting, slowly being adamant about stopping the schemes he made against him. And generally putting all the monsters and Magic creatures he summoned to their climax on reaching the strongest powerpoint. Through the eye of the Cosmic Race, along with the power of the Demi-being race releasing on his left eye. The Unknown Being tenaciously releasing its power towards the Magic Creatures and Monsters with tenacity on their strength and amplifies its movements, wanting to put an end to Levi's weekly training accordingly. /Monsters screeching with pleasure./ /Grounds trembling inadequately./ In a matter of seconds, after the Unknown Being chanting up his magic spells on its summoned creatures. All monsters and other magic creatures had been overpowered to the highest momentum, as Levi consciously being wary of their drastic changes not just in its magical presence but also in physical appearances as well. "Wait... Don't tell me... Are these 'things' finally putting their minds killing on me intentionally?" Levi felt terrified at first, instantly went trembling on his knees out of surprise as he bluntly believing to the enemies he currently facing had gone menacing, more horrifying than what he imagined. ~ At the same moment; At the same time during Levi being attacked by the Monsters and Magic creatures. Inside the clinic, where Levi's physical body lies on a bed. The thoughts and concern given by Helina Booluck had been sensed more frequently than the usual, knowing that the sudden unwanted happenings during Levi's slumber that she certainly didn't want to exist had finally occurred. His body went swelling in sweat, blood on his wounds had went appearing all of a sudden, fragrant aroma on his blood are frequently spreading through her nose, and some seizures on his senses had been seen surprisingly. Which happened every 8 hours as she absurdly believed. Her mind is in deep puzzling, couldn't help but keeping her senses awake and being observant over time, that her eyes slowly went darkened and face already implanted with wrinkles and dark spots due to stress. Knowing that all people living around the Church Building has it seen doing their everyday lives, not to mention the special day for them on dealing with a mission that the Church Pastor surprisingly agreeing. As the result, she held herself leaving behind, thinking the fact that the only one capable of treating Levi's wounds was none other than her. "Those blood didn't stop running." She began restless, as she evenly trying to cover his wounds very impatient and rattles out. Simply couldn't managing on doing herself alone, she aggressively wanting for help for the Supreme Awakening Possessor's disturbing condition out of her desperation. Generally summoning every single people having around throughout the Church without hesitating and in her state of aggression. At the very least; 12 Entities had come, all orphaned children and other neighbors are voluntarily coming, Yaka which is seemed irritated and aloof knowing that she's being called for a purpose but in a forceful manner. And lastly, Pastor Ozril is heading out differently in the direction where everyone is supposed to gather. Repulsively isolating himself in his room, causing Helina to left anguish and upset towards his stubborn behavior. That even for her still didn't know everything on his utmost intentions, and being held as secretive as what she know a lot about him very long time ago. . With a certain number of people being acquired inside the small, simple clinic room. Helina humbly asked for putting everyone to ease at first, as she gallantly noticed their enthusiast and willingness on helping Levi with all their heart. However, the place itself couldn't be managed on accommodating at least every single one of them, knowing the fact that the room itself was small, and slowly began wild as it goes crowded and uncontrolled towards their relentless action. As what she resolved, she solely asking for them on making at least 12 people out of 30 that arrive in solitude and regarded. More or less 6 Entity people, by selecting the strongest awakening essence emitter, Yaka which is essentially needed for high sensory observing, and 5 diligent neighbors who willingly accepting all kinds of odd jobs that Helina humbly ordering into them. "What kind of situation are we heading for, to summoned a lot of people with urge and desperate?" Yaka blatantly asked with ascertaining thoughts and suspicion of Helina's sudden action. Generally being cautious towards her orders and momentarily indiscrete whenever she tried on ordering at her. /Blood swelling excessively./ /Body suddenly went pale and slippery./ While Yaka having her succumb convictions towards Helina at the moment, her keen senses and sharp observations had been reacted indiscriminately all of a sudden. As she surprisingly felt an immense, frightening magic aura that constantly emitting coming from out of nowhere. The more pressure she felt from it pretty horrendous, the vile and hideous tingling she had sensed conclusively. "What... is that... aura I did felt just recently?" She began asking with a certain curiosity about her singularity. The fact that the only one having the strongest sensory detection was none other than Yaka, a part of the Demi-being race. She was the sole being amongst the others having inside the room who being wary about the entire happenings when regards to the flow of Awakening Sensory observation. Also, the main reason why Helina desperately calling out her appearance out of her deep slumber. Secondly, the reason for her being summoned is that she is the only Demi-being having along inside the Church Building and the nearest one to be called for a purpose. "Are you trying to call me for this one? You sly human being?" She aggressively questioning Helina's ulterior motives, repulsively didn't like everything that she had planned, not knowing to help out Levi Furiman in his serious condition. That seemingly imaginable for her selfish thoughts and blinded for truth amongst the others. But then, Helina seemed calm and focus on the situation that she was currently in. By raising both of her arms into the air, generally casting her wide range magic healing spell that aiming only on Levi Furiman with absolute tenacity and skin-shivering. !Superior Magic! !Healing Circle - Released! /Wide, circular platform spurring out from the surface./ /Constant figures of purple dark light had been seen dramatically./ /Magic essence and healing abilities had emerged in a singular direction./ The Entities, as well as Yaka, were simply shocked and astounded by the things Helina Booluck created tremendously. Utterly couldn't hold themselves on comparing to the said spell than what they had already. As their skin seemingly felt shivers, bodies slowly being trembled with frightening feelings on their senses, and eyes instantly widened the longer they stared at the magic spell that the Adventurer Knights medical head casting in. People outside the room began startled and shook on their own accord, as the first one noticing in their mind was the floor they normally stood. A lot of insignia and other purple-colored wavelengths spurring out to the ground, nonchalantly bursting forth through a specific direction locating at the clinic where everyone the spell directly generating. Children are started losing their minds after the sudden approached coming from the said spell. That causes the Entities who impatiently waiting outside to stepped right into and began redirecting their consciousness from being devoured to insanity away from it. With a certain amount of Awakening essence, prudently gathering in one single form from channeling, 3 Entities elusively casting the Awakening spell that allows them to transfer their entire senses into another dimension, while other entities being held on protecting the children and the people who are affected by Helina Booluck's spell simultaneously. In the sense of being grateful and indebted to the people who help them to rise from nothingness, the Entities had been seen repaying some good deeds and solitude towards them with the utmost respect and whole-hearted due to it. As the bursting light of the spell continues brightly. Helina Booluck, who suddenly felt dizzy and uneasy due to a certain overuse of her power in one single release. She blatantly asked Yaka and other Entity people to assist her in covering Levi's wounds with gentleness and patience, as she gallantly noticed the condition he had began slowly turning into a mess. The Entities, however, started to felt indefinite towards their response to Helina, relentlessly being agitated on their action given by her orders fairly submissive. That putting out into their minds asking back about the reasons and purpose for them having in, seemingly unreliable towards everything that they currently held. "Hey, what's the meaning of this? ... How do we end up healing this kid pretty rough and crucial?" One Entity aggressively asked with audacity on his words. Greatly misunderstood to the things they'd made, 2 other Entities generally doing their part as what Helina asked to them without complaining. By seeing their eyes already in the Awakening state, instantly began diligently as if they finally understood the situation they had entirely. Not to mention, the efforts were given by Yaka the Homo-goblin had been seen as dramatic and commendable for the whole time. Astoundingly working out with everything she got through the guidance given by Helina Booluck, without complaining and being hesitant to the orders she gave redundantly. "I can only give a quick answer and audacious conclusion about his condition." Helina silently replied to the Entities' flustered feelings, with a wild serious gesture on her face, solemnly doing all her best trying to achieve a certain goal that everyone else wanted to make as well. The Entities simply nodding and gulping to their heads like there is no other way for them to respond furthermore. "If I recall correctly after I sensed a massive Awakening Essence a few moments ago. I thought it was coming from a random place that strongly directing into this room... But then, after the spell that she cast right through Levi-san's bed, I can see that the Awakening essence spurring so horrendous aren't emitting from anywhere... But through the body of him himself." Yaka generally concluded her speculations towards Levi's sudden unusual condition. "In other words?" !Levi Furiman... Is consciously fighting in his life mindfully and spiritually! . . [You leveled up] [You leveled up] [You leveled up] [You leveled up] ~System Notification ~System Notification ~System Notification . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's status] Awakening Status: 77% / 100% Eye Status: 80% / 100% Activated: Right (Active) / Left (Injured) Stages: Supreme Race Possessed: Jewish-Enochian Magic Status: Unavailable Mana pool: Inapplicable Other Status: Body Status: Active Fatigue: 85% / 100% Mental Status: Stable Emotional Status: Normal Physical Status: Unstable Psychological Status: Normal Intellectual Status: Normal . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Left Eye Damage type: System Override / Temporary Blindness Time for self-recovery: 18 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes. . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's preferences] Level: 63 Experience: 87% / 100% Monicker: Unidentified. Rank: Unidentified. Class: Unidentified Job-Description: Unidentified Guild: Unidentified Affiliations: Unidentified . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Inventory] 1. Grangers Black Raven -- (Released) 2. Black Senbonzakura -- (Active) 3. Cross-bladed Dagger -- (Released) 4. Unidentified Jewelry (Necklace) -- (Released) 5. . A few minutes after the Monster and Magic creatures murderous rampage against Levi Furiman. He miraculously survived at the very least. Knowing the fact that he can somewhat manage on wielding the primary weapons that are usually unusable. Moreover, things and surroundings he seemingly mesmerized on his mind are likely familiar and nostalgic. "The Unknown Being's Dimensional spell" By that certainty that concluded on his head, Levi utterly believed he can wield those weapons and abilities pretty much easier compare to the physical world he hardly using. Furthermore, as he consciously putting his attention towards the System Notification, His expression suddenly went shocked, utterly surprised yet being expecting to what the possible outcome had been made. From what he remembered that time, from level 23 right after he faces the fight against the Entities, instantly turned up to 63. At least 40 levels he astoundingly soared pretty quickly. That his mind couldn't help but think about where it started. But then, amid his triumph and achievements he hardly celebrated for several minutes. The Unknown Being calmly nodded on his own, sitting at the top of a huge bolder with a grim smile on his face. By thinking that the Supreme Awakening Possessor had it grows exponentially at a higher pace. His mind suddenly went changed on setting up the difficulty of the Magic creatures and Monsters that Levi Furiman fought throughout the entire time. From the average lurking monsters to Barbaric menacing creatures. All of which, has to deal against it in a minimum period. . . ***To be Continued***
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