Volume - 1 // Chapter - 19

2134 Words
2 Days after the Dungeon Quest Incident. The news and report about the recent break that happened a few days ago had begun stagnant throughout the village. Since then, the Adventurers Administration quickly taking its action on investigating the gates and quest, which turning into a break over the past month. As what they resolve about it, the Administration had to take their halt on giving the quest, and raiding the dungeons throughout the vicinity of the said village. So far, they are few more dungeons, gates, as well as the quests are still available and ready to contract. Unfortunately, the Adventurers wanting to take the missions didn't have any choice but to take their patience and wait for the ongoing investigations occurring today, until the next few weeks. "What are we going to do? you guys know that it was the only way for us to earn money and to save as well for the next few days." "We understand for this inconvenience, though it is also for the sake of our lives who put ourselves in danger. But stopping the quest raid for at least a few weeks? don't screw with us! you guys didn't even sure when this kind of investigation you held will be finished." "We're broke enough to wait that kind of time! ... We must do something about this and helping each other on dealing with this!" As the one concerned Adventurer putting his goodwill suggestion towards his fellowmen, everybody seemingly agreed to his plan afterward. Ruckus and unwanted protest began atrociously rampant throughout the Adventurers building where they held. All that their thoughts are putting as one, knowing the fact that most of the people living around the village had to take the risk of dealing the quest and Adventuring as their livelihood work, also their daily income for everyday lives. In other words. No Dungeon quests, No money. Those were the only people that went upset and furious over the Administration. . At that moment; Sam Smeagel, along with Pista Rambutan and two other Investigators who having along a few days ago, went to the location of the incident where it happened. "This is it?.... The dungeon itself was already closed. How sad it is..." A heavy, grumpy gesture was made by the Department head as he felt regret on coming to the place where there's nothing to be found in it. "So, are you saying that this kind of dungeon was turning into a break? are you certain about what you saw, Pista?" A doubtful addition to his thoughts towards the team leader. Pista on the other hand, couldn't hold his tongue on answering his questions. Though he was certain of what he saw inside the dungeon. But thinking about the uncertain consequences of putting another person's life to be involved will be a huge problem to be tested. Surprisingly, in an unexpected interrogation made by the Department head towards them. That made their eyes widened and startled out for a certain reason. "According to the report, only 6 people went inside the dungeon in different time intervals of entering. From what I assumed for you guys to not getting caught, the Adventurers entered the dungeon 20 minutes earlier until you decided to step in, am I right?" Sam paused for his question. Pista generally answered his question with caution. "Another thing that I noticed was that after they separate for some valid reasons, why are you Pista taking in charge for observing a porter when the two attack Adventurers are the putting their lives at risk on dealing with the Orc monsters? whereas the chances and most possible way to the dungeon break to exist, was to fight against those monsters?" At that point, Pista Rambutan completely stunned didn't know where to start answering the questions that the Department head prepared. The other two Investigators felt the same way as he did, wanted to accept the punishments anytime he wants. However, Sam Smeagel noticed the expressions they made after they were put in a hot seated situation. As he saw their body language, already trembling and frightened reasonably, knowing the fact that he can easily read their feelings and expressions in a single glance of them. As he resolves, he left nothing but to assume that they know everything that's happened inside the dungeon, during the time they went in a few days ago. Instead, he asked Pista Rambutan to made a report once again, more briefly and intact. "Good thing you guys can survive against the dungeon break. Though it's only a low-ranking, don't be so full of yourselves next time. You know, A break is a break. There's nothing more about it than to keep ourselves safe and cautious for the upcoming raid." A mild, snappy deliverance showing his thoughts of relief towards his subordinates. Knowing that being alive is more important than risking your life in a meaningless way. As he finished dealing with the reports made by Pista Rambutan and others. The Investigators taking their leave as soon as the head department taking its orders to do so. Leaving only him and Pista Rambutan, standing tall right in front of the closed Dungeon, where the break just recently occurred. ... "If I'm not mistaken, that kind of Awakening eye you possessed was the Supreme stage.." A mild, panting voice was made by Gwaco before his death. Levi was surprised, thinking that his Eye of the Awakening didn't know at all, especially to the other races like Gwaco whom he met just recently. "Ho...how did you know that? I'd never tell anyone about my eye, even by the likes of my friends.." Levi asking back with doubts, thinking that Gwaco was bluffing like guessing the power of his enemies before the battle started. However; As he looked at the Dungeon boss' serious, merciful eyes. He knows that this being was serious about what he saw on him just now. He couldn't let himself worried about the situation of revealing his power, which ended up shutting the Dungeon boss down before it starts to spread out. As the result, ending the life of his enemy was the best possible way for him to resolve his secret. In the end, he left nothing but to accept the dungeon boss' agreement. But then, one thing that made Levi kept puzzling his mind at the moment. "How did you know that I do have the Eye of the Supreme Awakening?" Levi made a simple question that putting his mind on puzzling will end. Surprisingly; The dungeon boss didn't answer clearly, leaving only a hint that made his innocent mind began loose. "Because you guys are the ones saving our lives for a very long time ... I guess until now, hahahahahaha!" As expected; Levi didn't understand what he answered to him, not at all. But then, Gwaco hasn't done talking to Levi. Adding to what he said on him; He even left a certain warning that made him more aware and cautious since then. "As far as I know about the Eye of the Supreme Awakening, every dungeons and gate they'd entered. It turns out into a break... Please be remembered that!". A sharp, vigorous warning was given by Gwaco towards the young and wild Levi Furiman. "That's all I can say to you, feel free to kill me...I will see you in the afterlife, Levi Furiman..." He ended his talking with a soft smile on his face. ! s***h! . . Levi finally woke up after a slight nightmare that haunting inside his head. As he fell asleep on the bottom of a tree. *Yawn* "I did sleep? how unusual..." Levi felt tired after several hours of harvesting the apples in the backyard of the church. He immediately went back to the kitchen to checked out the ingredients that he collected for the past few hours. !Step! !Step! As soon as he opened the back door of the kitchen, a sudden unexpected happened that made him flustered and teased. ! Bang! /A sudden loud explosion happened inside the kitchen./ /Black smoke, rapidly rising outside./ Cassandra Smith was already frustrated and panicked as she was the one cooking around, alone and unattended. Burnt potatoes, meat was coated in salt, and fruits were thrown away for no reason, and a lot of raw ingredients had been wasted in a short period. Also, other cooking materials are everywhere around the kitchen. Long story short; Cassandra doesn't know how to cook. "I'm sorry... I'm very sorry..." Cassandra felt down to herself, started apologizing to the person who came to the kitchen. Unfortunately; It was Levi whom the one entering the kitchen, unprepared for the possible outcome of dealing with the disaster that happens inside. "Wait... what's going on here? did some monsters invading the kitchen?" Levi wondering with a teasing gesture. Knowing the fact that only Levi, Pastor Ozril, and Misa are the ones able to handle the kitchen. He already knew what's happening in just a single glance of his eye. Especially when Cassandra was around in the incident that occurs. "Well, at least I know who's the culprit.." Levi easily concluded his theory while keeping on smugging through Cassandra's face. Cassandra couldn't make an alibi to Levi, left nothing but to felt ashamed of what she had done to the ingredients that went wasted for nothing. Levi clearly understands it, didn't make himself scolded for Cassandra's mistake, and began helping out cleaning and replacing the ingredients before Pastor Ozril and Misa find out. "Thank you Levi-kun.." A soft, teary voice having a simple indebted to Levi. Levi gladly accepted it, while teasing Cassandra the whole time of their cleaning. As their cleaning commenced. Cassandra was the one replacing the ingredients that she used in cooking that failed. Levi was the one cleaning the hard way, Also the one putting a remedy to the seemingly useful waste ingredients. !Scrub! !Scrub! !Brush! !Brush! After a few minutes of cleaning the entire kitchen, Levi began asking Cassandra about using the kitchen once again. This time, It is his turn on cooking the meals for the afternoon feast. "What kind of food do you cook, Levi-kun?" Cassandra asked with a curious gesture. Levi suddenly realized it, quickly taking a look throughout his surroundings and checking the remaining ingredients that were still available to cook. He even checked the meat that was already coated with salt, thinking it might be useful to cook as well. "I decided..." Levi smirked like he wanted to experiment with those remained Ingredients. Cassandra on the other hand didn't understand anything about what Levi's doing all this time. Left nothing but to intrigue herself while watching him cooking inside the kitchen. !Chop!! Chop! /Vegetables slowly putting inside the pot./ /Meat slowly getting tender over time./ !Scrick! !Scrick! /Soup started to boil./ While Levi kept busying himself on cooking, A certain thing that Cassandra, who silently sitting at the table, had suddenly went remembered something that instantly puzzling her head. She asked Levi about it, with a slight discomfort she felt and having a second thoughts about continuing it. But then, she made it. "Levi-kun, thank you... very much ... for helping us on doing the raid... " She said it with a slight embarrassment. Levi completely heard it, yet he didn't bother with what she said to him. He only smiled and asked not to worry about what happened, causing Cassandra to felt guilty about what they did to Levi Furiman. Knowing the fact that leaving their members or other Adventurers inside the dungeon was a complete taboo and its punishments were completely inevitable. Especially to the situations made by them, whereas they left their porter in a middle of a dungeon break. But then, Levi finally responded to what she asked of him. After he noticed that Cassandra already spacing out and couldn't leave herself felt guilty and atoned for what she'd done after the dungeon incident. "Don't mind about it, what's done is already done... We're alive, breathing, and complete... That's the thing that made you relieved, until the time that your fate started negating." Levi trying to comfort Cassandra's uneasiness feeling towards him. Fortunately, she was relieved after what she heard from him. But then, there was another thing that still made her mind perplexed, since the time the dungeon break existed. "Levi-kun... mind if I asked you something personal?" She talked with caution, trying not to offend Levi's stead. "Hmm?... What is it?" He casually responds, while drinking tap water. "What... kind of Awakening Eye did you wield?" Cassandra carelessly asked, ended up with a grin blushing on her face. Levi on the other hand was suddenly shocked that he burst the tap water he already drinks. . . ***To be Continued***
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